
  • 网络Haishu district
  1. 海曙区慢性非传染性疾病患病信息监测系统还有待进一步完善。

    The information monitoring system of non-infectious chronic disease in Haishu district remains to be further strengthened .

  2. 海曙区房管处有关负责人介绍,这是该区试行小区物业前期管理责任制以来出现的新现象。

    Haishu District Building on the person in charge , this is the first pilot area property management accountability new phenomenon has emerged .

  3. 中心城区服务业发展策略研究&以宁波海曙区为例

    On the Strategy of Developing the Service Industry in the Urban Center

  4. 服务业作为当前海曙区经济发展的主导产业,体现了海曙区经济发展的总体水平和综合竞争力。

    As a leading industry of Haishu District , it reflects the general level and the comprehensive competitiveness edge of Haishu District 's economic development .

  5. 目的了解宁波市海曙区儿童乳牙龋病流行情况以指导今后的乳牙龋病防治工作。

    Objective To investigate the caries prevalence of deciduous among children in Haishu , Ningbo City in order to guide the prevention and cure of the caries of deciduous teeth .