
  • 网络Cassini
  1. 在土星探测器的轨道设计和计算中,充分利用了有关天体的引力机动,有目的地使探测器飞过一系列行星来增加探测器的能量,从而大大降低了探测器的发射条件。

    In the design and computation of orbit of Saturnian explorer , the author fully utilizes the gravitational force of some celestial bodies , thus reducing greatly the launching conditions .

  2. 根据牛顿第二定律和万有引力定律,建立了空间探测器的运动微分方程,并以土星探测器为例,利用精确的数值积分方法对其轨道进行了设计和计算。

    This paper establishes the differential equations of motion of space explorer according to the Newton 's Laws of Motion and the universal gravitation , computes the flying orbit of Saturnian explorer , taking the Saturnian explorer as the computational example and using accurate numerical integration method .

  3. 现在正环绕土星的卡西尼无人探测器为这些现象给出了证据。

    Evidence for this has come from the robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn .