
  • 网络Splinter;splintered
  1. 那些产生了虚假提升的人们裂成碎片,将他们自己的光明或者黑暗思想形态送到别的其它地方,因此所需来转化的思想形态,就只是无法在他们自己能量场中找到来处理。

    Those having false ascension splinter sending their light or dark thought-form elsewhere ; and so the thought-form required for transmutation is simply unavailable in their field to work with .

  2. 这支由考古学家、法医人类学家组成的团队在一座17世纪修道院深深的地下安静地操作,以免打扰到隐居于此静静生活的12名修女。在发现这个裂成碎片的棺材前,他们还至少发现了15具遗骨。

    Deep in the sub-soil of a17th-Century convent 's grounds , operating quietly so as not to disturb the 12cloistered nuns who live there in silence , the team of archaeologists andforensic anthropologists had uncovered the remains of at least 15 people - before theycame across the splintered coffin .

  3. 但在第一个回合中,宝剑就裂成碎片了。

    But it shivered into pieces on its very first trial ;

  4. 在那折断的桅杆上,有一张裂成碎片的帆还在飘着。

    Above the splintered mast a sail rent to tatters was waving ;

  5. 要是出了一点差错,你身体里每块骨头都会裂成碎片。

    Do it wrong , you 'll shatter every bone in your body .

  6. (使某物)裂成碎片

    ( cause sth to ) break into splinters

  7. 那镜子也就裂成碎片。

    The mirror broke into many pieces .

  8. 从内部裂成碎片。

    All your insides fall to pieces .

  9. 卫星在进入地球大气层时会裂成碎片并燃烧。

    The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth 's atmosphere .

  10. 他的脾脏裂成碎片了。

    His spleenis ripped to shreds .

  11. 玻璃破了,裂成碎片。

    The glass broke and splintered .

  12. 杯子的速度恰好够一头撞到天花板上,然后裂成碎片……

    The glass has just enough speed to bang against the ceiling , breaking into fragments ...

  13. 如果一个很大的物体——比如说月亮——处于这种潮汐力作用下,那么它一般会裂成碎片并形成一个光环。

    A large orbiting object under these kinds of tidal forces-say , a moon-will generally break apart into rings .

  14. 我们知道,如果电影所播放的是一个玻璃杯从桌子上摔下来,然后裂成碎片,那么,电影是在向前运作的。

    We know a film is moving forward if it shows a glass falling off a table and breaking into many pieces .

  15. 我的生活裂成碎片,让我认不出自己,在警察局任人指认的话,恐怕连我也指认不出自己。

    My life had gone to bits and I was so unrecognizable to myself that I probably couldn 't have picked me out of a police lineup .

  16. 如果你把瓶子掉到地上,它就会裂成小碎片。

    The bottle will shatter if you drop it .

  17. 大部分木材腐烂透了,一拖就全裂成了碎片。

    Most of the wood was so rotten that when they pulled it broke up .

  18. 门裂成了碎片,好像有人要把它捣毁。

    The door was all splintered , as if someone had tried to break it down .

  19. 尖叫声回荡在深夜的林里,罗伊斯的长剑裂成千千碎片,如同一阵针雨四散甩落。

    A scream echoed through the forest night , and the longsword shivered into a hundred brittle pieces , the shards scattering like a rain of needles .

  20. .当他告诉我他要离开的时候,我感觉自己就像花瓶裂成了碎片,跌落在茶色瓷砖地板上。

    When Mike told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just . There were pieces of me all over the tidy , tan tiles .

  21. 当他告诉我他要离开的时候,我感觉自己就像花瓶裂成了碎片,跌落在茶色瓷砖地板上。

    When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed . There were pieces of me all over the tidy , tan tiles .

  22. 这是个塞满了高浓缩世界的宇宙,满眼疯疯癫癫的地形,高耸入云的山峰,还有让人心跳停止的峡谷;好多月亮裂成了碎片,化成海马,化成突立尖利的裂缝,化成静静起伏的大洋和深不见底,急速旋转的景象。

    It was a universe of densely enfolded worlds , of wild topographies , towering mountain peaks , heart stopping ravines , of moons shattering off into sea horses , hurtful blurting crevices , silently heaving oceans and bottomless hurtling hooping funts .

  23. 它裂成诗歌的碎片散洒在你的脚边。

    It broke up into scraps of songs and lay scattered at your feet .

  24. 用这种新的铬钢做成的枪,第一次开大后它就裂成了许多碎片。

    A gun barrel was made of this new " chromium steel ", but the first shot fired through it broke it into a dozen pieces .

  25. 在这个空洞的、没有边际的雪厅中央有一个结冰的湖——它裂成了一千块碎片;

    In the middle of the empty , endless hall of snow , was a frozen lake ;