- 网络fission neutron;PFN

Systematics of the ( n , p ) Reaction Cress Sections Averaged over  ̄( 235 ) U Thermal Fission Neutron Spectrum
A fission neutron detector system with frontward_extended lead slot collimator has been developed and tested .
The Relative Sensitivity of GM Counter to the Fission Neutrons
Efficiency calibration of neutron detectors with  ̄( 252 ) cf spontaneous fission neutrons
TOF spectrum measurement of ~ ( 252 ) Cf source fission neutron and gamma ray
Spectrum analysis of nuclear information system based on ~ ( 252 ) Cf fission neutron source
The application of n - γ discrimination in ~ ( 252 ) Cf spontaneous neutron TOF spectra measurement
Calculation of dose distribution for ~ ( 252 ) Cf fission neutron source in tissue equivalent phantoms using Monte Carlo method
Chemical process for the recovery of ~ ( 252 ) CF from a ~ ( 252 ) CF spontaneous fission neutron source
The absolute determination of cumulative yield of several nuclides from induced fission of ~ ( 235 ) u by neutrons of spontaneous fission of ~ ( 252 ) cf
The responses of splenic IL-2 production to fission neutron and gamma-ray irradiation were similar : bothD_ ( 37 ) values being about 2.5 Gy .
Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads
Heavy-ion 14 ~ C can not only be directly emitted by three radioactive series ( 238 ~ U , 235 ~ U and 232 ~ Th ), but can also be produced by neutrons of the spontaneous fission and α - decay interacting with matter .
The influence of configuration designs and magnetic field on n / γ discrimination for the slot-calibrated PIN fission chamber detector system was calculated by using MCNP code .
Objective : To study the time response of fission neutrons induced apoptosis in murine thymocytes with 60 Co γ - rays as the reference radiation and to investigate preliminarily its molecular mechanism .
Conclusions Following an accident , the original counting rate of 24 Na γ at the top of head and B m , value of an individual receiving neutron fluences and neutron dose from nuclear fission can be used to estimate neutrons within a few hours .
The dependency relation of fission neutron ( 252Cf ) - fission chain ( 235U system ) is the foundation for reactivity measurement of nuclear information systems in frequency domain and time domain .
Impact of Fuel Assemblies Burn-Up on Core Fission Neutron Source Parameter
Some theoretical investigation for the structure phenomenon of fission neutron spectra
Theoretical research of a new measurement method of pulse fission neutrons
A high sensitive fission neutron detector system with a lead slot collimator
The damage and repair of the intestinal epithelium in neutron - irradiated mice
Comparison of proliferation ability of bone marrow in fission neutron and y-ray irradiated mice
Energy spectrum measurement of Sub-mock fission neutron sources
Experimental study of the γ sensitivity of the slot-collimated PIN fission neutron detecting system
Measurement of thermal - neutron - induced ( 235 ) ~ u fission spectrum by threshold detectors
Development of Scintillator-photomultiplier Neutron Detector Plastic scintillation detectors are widely used in measurement of pulse fission neutron and r radiation .
So the impact of fuel assemblies burn-up on core fission neutron source parameters shall be considered in the neutron transportation calculation .
For the neutron transportation calculation , accurate fission neutron source is the prerequisite and fundament ensuring that the calculation results are reliable .
The protective effects of partial shielding on FISSION-NEUTRON irradiated dogs ⅲ . the influence of the thickness of the shielding materials and therapeutic procedure upon the protective effects