
  • negativity;Negative Energy
  1. 宇宙负能量的存在及作用

    The Existence and Function of the Negative Energy of the Cosmos

  2. 狄拉克场中的负能量密度与量子不等式

    Negative Energy Densities and Quantum Inequalities in the Dirac Field

  3. 量子场论在允许负能量存在的同时,也对负能量作出了严格的限制,如Ford-Roman量子不等式。

    The laws of quantum field theory place serious constraints , such as Ford-Roman quantum inequalities , on negative energies at the same time they introduce them .

  4. 大多数人都至少有一个浑身散发负能量的“有毒”的朋友:

    Most of us have at least one friend we consider toxic :

  5. 这种量子不等式限制着负能量的大小和持续时间。

    The quantum inequality limits the magnitude and duration of negative energy .

  6. 负能量系统时空理论的逻辑一致性

    Logical Consistency of the Time-Space Theory of Negative Energy System

  7. 那么,如何才能躲开他们的负能量圈之外呢?

    So how do you stay out of their circle of negative energy ?

  8. 负能量问题&超光速研究的重要方向

    Negative Energy in Faster Than Light Investigation & An Important Direction to Researches

  9. 负能量如同要把房间里的空气抽干。

    Negativity sucks the air out of a room .

  10. 要向这些人指出他们持续的负能量不是一件好事。

    Point out to the person that their constant negativity isnt a good thing .

  11. 让所有的负能量消失。

    Let all the negative energy melt away .

  12. 负能量体系的相对论性量子方程

    Relativistic Quantum Equation of the Negative Energy System

  13. 与朋友尽释前嫌,你就能释放一些负能量了。

    Release some of this negative energy by clearing the air with a friend .

  14. 盐会把那些不适合他们的负能量都吸掉。

    The salt pulls out all the negative energies that no longer serve them .

  15. 所以球性多维超流体和时空具有同样的负能量密度。

    Which means a spherical multidimensional superfluid shows the same negative-energy density as space-time .

  16. 关于带负能量粒子问题

    On Some Problems of Negative Energy Particles

  17. 这个可以帮助他们把周围的负能量赶跑,但允许正能量进来。

    This repels the negative energy around them but allows the positive energy to enter .

  18. 在初始能量具有足够大的负能量情况下,解在有限时间发生爆破。

    The solution blows up in finite time under initial energy that is negative enough .

  19. 记日记可以帮助你集中精神消除负能量以及关注积极情绪。

    Journaling can help you focus on dispelling negative energy and focusing on upbeat emotions .

  20. 所有非负能量都是允许的。

    All nonnegative energies are allowed .

  21. 空气中弥漫着一种不详的负能量紧张氛围,它驱使我当时出去透气。

    The bad energy was in the air - the tension . It drove me out .

  22. 我们得到了负能量,通过将氯和钠结合在一起。

    We see that we get a negative energy by attaching the chloride to the sodium .

  23. 不要看负能量的文章。

    Avoid reading really negative articles .

  24. 宇宙正、负能量之和时刻保持为零。

    The combination of positive energy and negative energy is to be nil at all time .

  25. 为什么你有负能量的朋友

    Why You Have Loser Friends

  26. 你是个负能量的抱怨�

    You are a chronic complainer

  27. 如果你现在还不做决定,那些负能量朋友就会左右你。

    If you dont decide to do so now , your loser friends will decide for you .

  28. 光明经常旅行至主物质位面,与操弄负能量者或诈欺者作战。

    Lumi often travel to the Material Plane to battle wielders of negative energy or known deceivers .

  29. 这如瀑布般的行程,只有当极小值降到海平面以下、入负能量区域时才会停止。

    The cascade comes to a halt only where it drops below sea level - into negative energy .

  30. 为了空出时间给这些人,还是抛下负能量的朋友们吧。

    In order to make room for these people , you have to leave your loser friends behind .