
fù dì xíng
  • negative relief
负地形[fù dì xíng]
  1. 红粘上相对集中地分布在地表岩溶地貌的负地形上,多发育于地形舒缓的剥蚀夷平台地及波状起伏的岩溶盆地。

    Red clay is always concentrating distribution at negative relief of karst landform , such as flat denudation-leveling terrace and undulate karstic basin .

  2. 该方案根据现实可得DEM数据的精度,指出DEM中“数字负地形”来自真实的地形和伪地形;

    According to current DEM resolution , depressions and flat areas in a DEM are mainly from real landform features and spurious features .

  3. 岩溶负地形的分类与浸没时间的初步分析

    Analysis on classification of karst negative landforms and immersion waterlogging time

  4. 斑岩体靠沟谷部位(负地形)等。

    The porphyry body close to a valley ( negative landform ), etc.

  5. 存在明显的负地形。

    And 3 there exists a obviously concave landform .

  6. 自然地貌主要选取水系负地形和地貌形态指标来量化。

    About natural geomorphology , I mainly choose indexes of river system and ground shape .

  7. 谱模式中负地形的处理与东亚副热带气候的模拟

    Disposal of Negative Orography in a Spectral Model and Modeling of Subtropical Climate in East Asia

  8. 这与低分辨率谱模式中存在负地形有关。

    This is found to result from the existence of negative orography in this low-resolution model .

  9. 黔中一带早石炭世准溶原面上,发育大量岩溶负地形,诸如溶盆、溶洼等。

    In Early Carboniferous karst peneplain of Central Guizhou there were a lot of karst negative forms , for example karst basin , karst depression .

  10. 本文通过理论分析指出,在负地形的格点上,出现了虚假的感热热源,导致其上空温度偏暖,高度偏高。

    It is shown that , over the grid-points where orography height is negative , there exists false sensible heat source that leads to warmer temperature and higher geopotential height .

  11. 利用“三态值”算法识别正、负和平缓地形。

    Identifying the positive , negative and gentle terrains by using the " three-state-value " algorithm .