
  • 网络load resistance;Load resistor;R L
  1. 文章总结和概括了RS-485总线网络通信接口软硬件设计的若干重要方面,涉及负载电阻配置、噪声干扰消除、传输控制、多设备寻址、RS-232到RS-485转换器和软件流量控制等内容。

    This paper summarizes several aspects of the hardware and software design for RS-485 networks communication interface , involving load resistor configuration , noise elimination , transmission control , addressing multiple devices and RS-232 to RS-485 converter and data flow control , etc.

  2. 用途:涂料绕线电阻广泛用于变频器制动,起重机械以及负载电阻之用。

    Purpose : Cement-coated wire wound resistor is used in transducer trig derrick and as load resistor widely .

  3. 实验结果表明,负载电阻对四边形PSD的总光电流没有影响,但对光斑定位有影响。

    The results show that the total photocurrents are not affected but positioning error .

  4. 分析结果表明,谐振DC环节最佳参数仅仅决定于负载电阻和输出频率。

    The analysis and test result have proved that the optimal parameters of the Resonant DC are only determined by the load resistance and the output frequency .

  5. 通过实验研究了负载电阻对四边形PSD的影响规律。

    The influences of load resistance on tetra-lateral position sensitive detectors ( PSDs ) are studied by experiment .

  6. 对TTL与非门输入负载电阻特性的讨论

    Discussion on the Input Load Resistance Characteristic of the TTL Nand Gate

  7. 增加RS-485节点数量的另一种方法,就是用低负载电阻型的接收器。

    Another method of increasing the number of RS-485 nodes is to use low load type RS-485 receivers .

  8. 最小负载电阻和最高输入电压所对应的CCM和DCM的临界电感,即为整个工作范围内使输出纹波电压极大值最低的最小电感。

    It is also concluded that the minimum inductance to guarantee the lowest ORV is the critical inductance of CCM and DCM under the highest input voltage with the heaviest load .

  9. 实验表明,采用该技术的电路结构简单、实现容易、占用面积小,能够使片上LDO在负载电阻、负载电容大范围变化的情况下保持稳定,特别适用于片上电源管理系统。

    It is demonstrated by experiments that this scheme is an easy-achieving , structure-reducing and area-saving one and it is capable of maintaining system stability within a wide range of load change , which makes it rather useful in the application of on-chip power management system .

  10. 在弱磁场下,其相对灵敏度达105.17%/T,在低负载电阻(500Ω)下,其绝对灵敏度达3.78V/T。

    The responce of the device to the magnetic field is linear . Under the circumstance of weak magnetic field , the relative sensitivity achieved by the device is 105.7 % / T , the absolute sensitivity for low load resistance ( below 500 ohms ) is 3.78V/T .

  11. 准确测量整流滤波电路负载电阻的方法

    An Accurate Method for Measuring the Load Resistance of Rectifier-Filter Circuits

  12. 简要分析了影响中性点二极管作用的因素,包括负载电阻、发电机转速、磁极对数、定子绕组电感等。

    The factors influencing the range of alternator neutral point diodes are analyzed .

  13. 一种准确测量负载电阻值的方法

    Method for Measuring the Value of Load Resistance

  14. 后向通道采用光隔离技术实现微机对负载电阻箱的开关控制。

    The backward channel using photoelectricity technology can control the load resistance by computer .

  15. 有效负载电阻&评估DC/DC转换器效率的新方案

    Effective Load Resistance : A New Method to Evaluate DC / DC Converters Efficiency

  16. 感性负载电阻的快速测量

    Fast Measuring of Inductive Load Resistance

  17. 求解出不同激励频率下,基于最大能量回收的最优负载电阻。

    Solve the optimal load resistance based on the maximum energy recovery under different excitation frequency .

  18. 负载电阻及其对称性对光位敏器线性及精度的影响

    Influence of Load Resistance and Its Symmetric Relation on the Linearity and Precision of Position Sensitive Detectors

  19. 为了监测输出电压,将一个伏特计与负载电阻并联在一起。

    To monitor the output voltage , a voltmeter is connected in parallel with the load resistance .

  20. 它对负载电阻精度引起的误差计算,给出了可靠的理论依据。

    The common formula makes error estimate simpler , which is produced by precision of load resistance value .

  21. 此外还研究了负载电阻对薄膜探测器响应时间的影响,发现负载电阻越小,则响应越快。

    Furthermore , it was also found that the smaller the load resistance , the faster the response .

  22. 如果利用隔离继电器将负载电阻切换至每个电池,则能避免这一误差。

    This error is eliminated if isolated relays are used to switch the load resistors to each cell .

  23. 讨论了负载电阻噪声对负反馈放大电路噪声性能的影响。

    The effect of a load resistor noise on the noise property of a negative feedback amplifier is also discussed .

  24. 随着电池温度的增加,光伏系统中的最大能量转换效率和最佳的负载电阻也将随之改变。

    With the increment of operation temperature , the maximal energy conversion efficiency and optimal loaded resistor will be changed .

  25. 认为输出供电时间随负载电阻的增大而延长,引爆燃冲能随负载电阻的增加而降低。

    The time of power supply prolongs with the increase of load resistance , while the impact energy of ignition decreases .

  26. 分析了皮电流波形随外皮接地状态的变化,芯电压随负载电阻的变化;

    The change of shield layer current wave with grounding state of external shield and core voltage with loading resistance was analyzed .

  27. 但是,当输入电压或者负载电阻变化时,系统的运行状态会发生根本性的变化。

    However , when the input voltage or a load resistance changes , will make fundamental changes in the operation of the system .

  28. 湖北天堂抽水蓄能电站发电机中性点采用带二次负载电阻配电变压器的接地方式。

    The generator neutral point of Hubei Tiantang Pump-storage Power Station adopts the earthing scheme through distribution voltage transformer with secondary load resistance .

  29. 研究了最大功率点跟踪方法。在不同的负载电阻和光照强度条件下,对标准太阳能电池进行了模拟光照射试验。

    It also researched the maximum power tracing method and finished the simulative lighting test experiment under different load resistor and different lighting intensity .

  30. 二极管单相半波整流电容滤波电路中,由于负载电阻上有脉动的输出电压,所以给负载电阻的测量带来很大的误差。

    In the diode single-phase half-wave rectification capacitor filter circuit , the output voltage on the load resistance leads to errors in the measurement .