
  1. 在闪锌矿结构的GaN中,载流子在Γ能谷中反射能够引起负微分电阻效应。

    Inflection of carriers in the Γ valley , prior to the usual intervalley scattering , can cause the well-known negative differential resistance ( NDR ) in zinc-blende ( Zb ) GaN .

  2. 基于ATK的一维分子链负微分电阻效应计算

    Negative difference resistance in one-dimensional molecular wires based on ATK

  3. 更有趣的是,当且仅当OPV分子被两个氨基共同取代后,器件会出现负微分电阻效应。研究了双分子器件的电子输运性质。

    More interesting , negative differential resistance is only observed when the molecule modulated by two amino at the same time . Then , we investigate the transport properties of a bimolecular device .

  4. 在这些异质结构中发现的负微分电阻效应已经在微观毫米波振荡器以及超快逻辑单元等一系列快器件中得到了应用。

    The negative differential resistance ( NDR ) observed in these heterostructures has already been applied in the development of fast devices such as micro-millimeter-wave oscillators and ultra fast logic elements .

  5. 研究发现碳原子链石墨烯纳米带结的电子输运特性与结中碳原子链的位置取向有关,并且在这种结中发现了负微分电阻效应。

    It is found that the electronic transport properties of the atomic carbon chain graphene junctions are closely related to the contact geometry of carbon chain and the negative differential resistance ( NDR ) phenomena is discovered in such junctions .

  6. 制作了简单的矩阵显示屏,并在自行设计的测试系统中研究了发光特性,观察到了负微分电阻效应、亮度的非均匀性、交叉效应和显示屏的光串扰现象。

    A simple matrix display panel is made and measured using hand-made luminous characteristics test system . Negative differential resistance , luminance uniformity , electrical and the optical crosstalk are observed and studied independently with device models to describe the experimental results .