
fù hào
  • minus sign;negative sign;negative indication
负号 [fù hào]
  • [minus sign;negative sign] 符号-,数学中用作减号(如8-6=2)或用来标记一个负量(如-10)

负号[fù hào]
  1. 他似乎把负号误作正号了。

    He seems to have mistaken a minus for a plus .

  2. 有时候你们看p轨道时会看到,一个写成正号一个写成负号。

    Sometimes you see this written when you see p orbitals , one is written as plus , one is written in minus .

  3. 你们会看到如果我们把s轨道和p轨道的上叶结合,它们是相长干涉,因为它们负号是相同的。

    You can see if we combine the s with the top lobe of the p , they 're going to constructively interfere because they have the same sign .

  4. 显示所有的文章,但是类别ID前面有个'-'(负号)负号的类被除外。

    Show all posts except those from a category by prefixing its ID with a ' - ' ( minus ) sign .

  5. 我把x放那里,因为,这是个一维问题,它只是朝着x方向-,负号是告诉你。

    So we have that du / dx equals minus F , and I put the x there because-it 's a one-dimensional problem & it is only in the x direction .

  6. 如果想得到C3的话,只要取个负号。

    And , if I want to do it along C3 instead , then I just take the negative .

  7. 我们要用A平衡来代替A0加,这有一个负号。

    B0 And we 're going to replace A0 plus B0 in terms of A equilibrium . There 's a minus sign here .

  8. 我们可以先用一下,然后加个负号,但是我要说明,ndS正好是这个的相反数。

    Well , we could use it and then subtract , but I was just going to say that ndS is actually the opposite of this .

  9. 他似乎把正号误作负号了。

    He seems to have mistake a plus for a minus .

  10. 我感觉在某个地方仍然有负号的问题。

    I think there 's still a minus sign problem somewhere .

  11. 首先,把负号拿出来。

    Well , first , I 'll take the minus sign out .

  12. 接受内嵌负号,但截断额外的数据。

    Embedded minus signs are accepted but any additional data is truncated .

  13. 像负号这样的一元运算符就留给读者练习。

    A unary operator such as Minus is left as an exercise .

  14. 我必须给它,一个负号。

    I therefore have to give it a minus sign .

  15. 我感觉我在什么地方漏了一个负号。

    And I feel like I 've got a minus sign missing somewhere .

  16. 所以在这里可能会有个负号。

    And I probably have a negative sign somewhere .

  17. 首先他忘了加上指数前的负号

    Well , for starters , he forgot the negative sign on the exponent

  18. 当对下面做微分的时候,这里的负号就消失了。

    The minus sign here disappears when you take the derivative on the bottom .

  19. 出现负号的原因与33-2节所讲的相同。

    The reason for the minus sign is the same as in Section 33-2 .

  20. 我交换了分子和分母,因为这里有个负号。

    And I 've reversed the fraction here because of the negative sign here .

  21. 依照当前模式放置,负号也被接受了。

    Minus signs are also accepted when placed in accordance with the current pattern .

  22. 内部边界曲线是顺时针的,或者加一个负号。

    The inner boundary either goes clockwise , or you put a minus sign .

  23. 有这个负号的原因是,我们得到一个电子后增加了一个单位负电荷。

    We have the minus because we 're adding a negative charge from the electron .

  24. 也就是,物理学家的势能和,数学家势能相差一个负号。

    So , that means that physicists'potentials are the opposite of a mathematician 's potential .

  25. 这个负号表示这个力总是和速度的方向相反。

    The negative sign describes the fact that this is always opposite to the velocity .

  26. 负号的意思是能量由谐振子传递到它的环境。

    The negative sign means that energy is transferred from the oscillator to its environment .

  27. 当我们在做算术的时候,我们要特别小心负号。

    When we are dealing with arithmetic , we should be very careful about minus .

  28. 这里就会有,一个负号,结果完全一样。

    You would have found a minus sign here , and that 's exactly the same .

  29. 这个负号,提醒你们这物体,是远离你们的。

    And the minus , then , reminds you that the object is receding from you .

  30. 请注意任何前导地正号或者负号实际上都不认为是常量的一部分;

    Note that any leading plus or minus sign is not actually considered part of the constant ;