
fù xiào yòng
  • disutility
负效用[fù xiào yòng]
  1. 股票需求主要受资金供给的影响,与经济增长的关联度不高,对实际利率和和名义利率不敏感,M0和居民储蓄存款分别对股票需求有显著的正效用和负效用。

    Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .

  2. 在这样一种博弈环境下,政府调控市场获得的是负效用。

    Under such circumstance , the Government faces negative utility .

  3. 综合考虑应急情况下的出行时间和出行时间可靠性这两个目标,建立了满足线性关系的出行负效用函数。

    Considering the two objects integration , this dissertation constructs the travel disutility function .

  4. 对模型求解发现,在经理分享利润情况下,如果经理努力边际负效用高会导致较高的经理的激励工资,当经理分享利润比例较高和激励工资增幅较大时,能够激励经理更加努力工作。

    And more profit and higher incentive wage will lead to the manager 's working harder .

  5. 在一个具有随机污染消除技术的随机增长模型中,把带来负效用的污染引入效用函数.利用随机最优化的方法,确定了均衡状态下的最优经济增长率和最优污染水平。

    Introducing pollution with disutility to utility function in a stochastic economic growth rate and pollution level by using stochastic optimization method .

  6. 研究表明,代理人努力负效用与成本类型的单调关系,决定了最优契约安排。

    The study shows that the monotony relationship between agents ' endeavor negative utility and cost type determines the first-order contract arrangement .

  7. 同时假定,把树装饰起来和拆掉都会带来负效用(尽管就我的经验来看,情况未必会这样)。

    Assume also that putting up the tree and taking it down bring disutility , although in my experience this is not necessarily the case .

  8. 具有公平偏好的代理人面临不公平的物质收益分配会产生公平负效用,这要求委托人支付额外的公平租金。

    The principal has to pay additional fairness rents ( FR ) to compensate the disutility of agents with fairness preferences , which results from unfair allocation of material payoff .

  9. 第四,研究了基于成本/负效用权衡的废弃物网络优化设计问题。

    An example is provided to show the feasibility of the models . Fourthly , this paper studies the solid waste network design problem based on tradeoff between cost and negative utility .

  10. 如果代理人的保留效用是类型依存的,努力负效用与保留效用随类型变化趋势之间的差异,而影响到代理人的努力水平和租金。

    If agents ' reservation utility is type-dependent , the difference of altering trend between action cost and reservation utility with regard to agent 's type influences the agents ' action levels and rents .

  11. 双通道心理账户,,理论探讨了支付的负效用和消费的正效用的相互作用。

    Different habit formations have different effects on consumers ' purchase decisions . " Double-entry " Mental Accounting theory discusses the interaction between the negative utility of payment and the positive utility of consumption .

  12. 通过定义一个负效用函数来衡量设施对于居民区产生的影响,建立了最小化总成本和负效用的两层物流网络的多目标优化模型。

    A negative utility function is defined to measure the impact imposed by facility on dwelling zone . A multi-objective model is developed . Two objectives , minimization of the overall cost and minimization of negative utility are addressed .

  13. 纳税人执法监督存在着执法的专业性缺失、监督委托方的软规则和执法环境的弱产权等负效用。

    The taxpayer enforces the negative effect which the professional imperfection of the tax revenue performance and direct , the soft rule of direct entrusts the square and the weakly power in the environment of tax revenue performance and direct etc.

  14. 模型的结果表明不仅委托代理双方对自然状态分布认识的不同而且自然状态对代理人的努力负效用的影响程度都对最优激励合同产生影响。

    Taking the factors above into consideration , the sample principal agent models are constructed which show that the optimal contracts are influenced not only by the impact of uncertain state on effort cost but also by the different beliefs in the uncertain state between the principal and agent .

  15. 随后,本文重点强调了股权激励所带来的利益趋同和利益侵占的正、负两方面效用,提出了股权激励综合效用取决于正、负两方面效用叠加结果的观点。

    Then , the paper emphasizes the final effect lie on the summation of the two effects of the shareholding motivation (" interest alignment " and " interest entrenchment ") .

  16. 工作嵌入各维度对离职倾向有负向预测效用,人口统计变量对工作嵌入、离职倾向存在差异,这两个研究假设只得到了部分验证。

    The two hypotheses have not been test of all , there are dimensions of job embeddedness can negative predict about turnover intention , job embeddedness and turnover intention are influenced by demographics variables .