- disutility

Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .
Under such circumstance , the Government faces negative utility .
Considering the two objects integration , this dissertation constructs the travel disutility function .
And more profit and higher incentive wage will lead to the manager 's working harder .
Introducing pollution with disutility to utility function in a stochastic economic growth rate and pollution level by using stochastic optimization method .
The study shows that the monotony relationship between agents ' endeavor negative utility and cost type determines the first-order contract arrangement .
Assume also that putting up the tree and taking it down bring disutility , although in my experience this is not necessarily the case .
The principal has to pay additional fairness rents ( FR ) to compensate the disutility of agents with fairness preferences , which results from unfair allocation of material payoff .
An example is provided to show the feasibility of the models . Fourthly , this paper studies the solid waste network design problem based on tradeoff between cost and negative utility .
If agents ' reservation utility is type-dependent , the difference of altering trend between action cost and reservation utility with regard to agent 's type influences the agents ' action levels and rents .
Different habit formations have different effects on consumers ' purchase decisions . " Double-entry " Mental Accounting theory discusses the interaction between the negative utility of payment and the positive utility of consumption .
A negative utility function is defined to measure the impact imposed by facility on dwelling zone . A multi-objective model is developed . Two objectives , minimization of the overall cost and minimization of negative utility are addressed .
The taxpayer enforces the negative effect which the professional imperfection of the tax revenue performance and direct , the soft rule of direct entrusts the square and the weakly power in the environment of tax revenue performance and direct etc.
Taking the factors above into consideration , the sample principal agent models are constructed which show that the optimal contracts are influenced not only by the impact of uncertain state on effort cost but also by the different beliefs in the uncertain state between the principal and agent .
Then , the paper emphasizes the final effect lie on the summation of the two effects of the shareholding motivation (" interest alignment " and " interest entrenchment ") .
The two hypotheses have not been test of all , there are dimensions of job embeddedness can negative predict about turnover intention , job embeddedness and turnover intention are influenced by demographics variables .