
  • 网络functional value;function value
  1. 顾客VIP服务的人员功能价值感知对VIP服务使用意愿存在正向影响作用。

    VIP service people functional value perception has a positive effect on VIP use willingness .

  2. 本质上,PI从价值层面强化了品牌与消费者之间的联系;消费理论认为,任何产品和品牌的价值包含三个方面:功能价值,理性价值,情感价值。

    Essentially PI strengthens the connection between consumer and company from perspective of value . Three typical values could be brought : Functional value , Rational value , Emotional value .

  3. SPECT肝脏模拟切除术后残留肝的功能价值

    Functional Evaluation of Residual Liver after Simulated Hepatectomy by SPECT

  4. 运用数据库和GIS编程语言,将估算模型与基础GIS系统数据库连接并实现可视化界面,完成了对宁波天童森林生态系统服务功能价值及补偿量的计算。

    Estimation model and basic GIS database were connected and visible interface was developed by using the database and GIS programming language . The ecosystem service functions value and the amount of compensation fee were calculated in Tiantong .

  5. 检验结果如下:VIP服务价值感知测评量表包含功能价值、社会价值、情感价值三个大维度得到验证。

    Test results are as follows : VIP service value perception evaluation scale includes functional value , social value , and emotional value , which are verified .

  6. VIP服务价值感知测评的功能价值可以拆分为服务设施功能、服务人员功能、服务产品功能和服务价格功能四个具体维度得到验证。

    The functional value can be divided into service facilities functions , service people functions , services , service product function and service price function , which are verified .

  7. 由于湿地生态系统服务具有公共物品的特征和外部经济性,可以利用条件估值法(CVM)将生态系统服务功能价值转化为最大支付意愿(WTP),并最终确定生态系统服务功能价值。

    The wetland ecosystem services have public goods characteristic and bring the external economy , so we can use contingent valuation method ( CVM ) turn the value of ecosystem services into the willingness to pay ( WTP ) to assess its functional value .

  8. 介绍按苏北典型气候,分别应用混凝土多排孔砌块和KP1粘土多孔砖建筑的试点节能住宅,并从经济技术和功能价值方面进行综合对比,得出最优设计方案。

    S Introducing energy saving demonstrating constructions using hollow concrete blocks and KP 1 perforated bricks and considering climate in the northern part of Jiangsu province , comparing in the aspects of economic technologies and value of function , to obtain optimizing design solution .

  9. 对生态系统服务功能价值评估中相关问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems in the Value Assessment of Ecosystem Service Function

  10. 北京郊区农田生态系统服务功能价值的评估研究

    Studies on Service Value Evaluation of Agricultural Ecosystem in Beijing Region

  11. 郑州市郊区生态服务功能价值变化研究

    Study on the Change of Ecosystem Service Function Value in Zhengzhou Suburban

  12. 广州市城市湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Evaluation of the Urban Wetlands Ecosystem Service Function in Guangzhou

  13. 组织多普勒超声心动图评估心梗后左室收缩功能价值的探讨

    Study on assessment of global left ventricular function in patients with myocardial infarction

  14. 榆林市土地生态系统服务功能价值测评

    Evaluation of Land Ecosystem Service Values in Yulin District

  15. 苏州太湖国家旅游度假区人工湿地生态服务功能价值评估研究

    Evaluation of Artificial Wetland Eco-system Service in Suzhou Taihu Lake National Tourism Resort

  16. 生态脆弱区植被的生态服务功能价值化研究

    Valuation of Vegetation Ecological Services in Vulnerable Ecological Region

  17. 论包装的功能价值与商品附加值

    A Study of the Function Value of Packaging and Additional Value of Merchandize

  18. 蚕桑生态系统服务功能价值的初步评估

    Preliminary Evaluation on Sericultural Ecosystem Services and Their Value

  19. 长春市水环境生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Service Function value Assessment of Ecological system of Water Environment of Changchun Shi

  20. 还对森林生态功能价值的替代计量进行了评价。

    The paper also evaluated the substituted calculation of forest ecological function value .

  21. 无锡市自然生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services in Wuxi City

  22. 武术的功能价值具有结构的复杂性、多样性和层次性的特征。

    The function-value system of Wushu has the features of complexity , variety and multi-levelness .

  23. 功能价值是价值体系的中间层,是文化意蕴层与属性价值层的连接体。

    Function value is the connection of cultural implication of value and the function value .

  24. 论地方高校国防教育立体模式的功能价值

    On Functional Value of Three-dimension National Defence Education Mode in Local Institutions of Higher Learning

  25. 结果研究区生态系统服务功能价值呈下凹曲线变化趋势。

    Results The trend of evolution of the value of ecosystem services was a sunken curve .

  26. 森林的生态功能价值与生态效益价值是两个完全不同的概念。

    Forest ecological function value and forest ecological benefit value are completely different two , concepts .

  27. 中心静脉压评价左心室功能价值的探讨

    An investigation in the value on assessment of left ventricular function using the central venous pressure

  28. 顾客满意的获得多来自于产品功利层面的功能价值与价格价值。

    Customer satisfaction with access to multi-level , from the utilitarian function of product value and price values .

  29. 辽宁东部山区森林涵养水源的生态服务功能价值估算

    Evaluation of Values of eco-service function of water source regulation by forests in mountainous areas in eastern Liaoning

  30. 多普勒组织成像探测二尖瓣环e/a比率评价左室舒张功能价值的探讨

    The Value of e / a Ratio of Mitral Annulus in Doppler Tissue Imaging for Assessing Ventricular Diastolic Function