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gōng jī
  • merits and achievements;contribution;feats;achievement;merit
功绩 [gōng jì]
  • [merits and achievements] 功业与劳绩

  • 哥伦布的功绩

  • 名声若日月,功绩如天地。--《荀子.王霸》

功绩[gōng jī]
  1. 如果我们和尼采处在相同的时空中,我们将会发现,他的思想主张并不全错,他的优点和功绩不容置疑。

    If we grew with Nietzsche under the same circumstances of time and place , we would find some of his thoughts are correct , and his merits and achievements can never be negated .

  2. 改革开放方向和道路是完全正确的,成效和功绩不容否定,停顿和倒退没有出路。

    The path of reforms and opening-up are entirely correct , and their merits and achievements can never be negated . To stop or reverse reforms and opening-up would only lead to a blind alley .

  3. 他把前任经理的大部分功绩都毁掉了。

    He undid most of the good work of the previous manager .

  4. 烈士的功绩永远不会泯没。

    The exploits of the revolutionary martyrs will never be forgotten .

  5. 他全靠他的功绩才达到今天的地位。

    He reached his present senior position through sheer merit .

  6. 罗伯特E皮埃里因其北极探险者的功绩而赢得了世界声誉。

    Robert E.Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer .

  7. n.优点,价值;功绩;功过每个孩子都会依其工作的业绩而被评分。

    merit Each child will get a mark according to the merit of his work .

  8. 那么我们应该把功绩归于沃纳·V·布朗或对航天科学有过重大贡献的某个其他科学家或工程师吗?

    Then we should be attributed to Warner V Brown achievements or space science have had a significant contribution to some other scientist or engineer ?

  9. 他们的全垒打功绩或赛扬奖(CyYoung)荣誉不再是被标记上星号,而是直接从记录中抹去。

    Their home-run titles or Cy Young awards would not be listed with asterisks ; they would simply be wiped away .

  10. 用户能加入不同群组,参与到其它用户或每日功绩(DailyFeats)、24小时健身(24HourFitness)、更健康一代联盟(AllianceforaHealthierGeneration)等健康组织发起的个人或团体竞赛中。

    Users can join teams , participate in individual or group challenges created by other users or health organizations like dailyfeats , 24 hour fitness or alliance for a healthier generation .

  11. 应该说,这一战略选择有着巨大的历史功绩:GDP的快速增长带来的是我国经济总量和财政收入的快速增加、综合国力的明显增强和人民生活水平的显著提高。

    To a great extent , this strategic choice has tremendous historical contribution . The rapid growth of GDP stimulated rapid growth of total supply and demand and revenue , strengthened the overall strength of the country and heightened the living standard .

  12. 韩国东西大学(dongseouniversity)朝鲜意识形态专家布赖恩迈尔斯(brianmyers)表示,官方表述中至关重要的部分,将是对这位“年轻将军”军事功绩的描写。

    Brian Myers , an expert in North Korean ideology at Dongseo University , said the crucial aspect to the story would be the military credentials of " the young general " .

  13. CIA的电脑被用来吹捧前首长WilliamColby的功绩,同时也编辑了显示伊拉克战争中伤亡数字的图形。

    CIA computers were used to beef up the accomplishments of former chief William Colby , as well as editing a graphic on casualties to indicate the numbers presented were only estimates .

  14. 松阴的崇拜者罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森(robertlouisstevenson)记道:“他视驱除这些无所不能的外国人为己任,而帮助把这些外国人介绍到日本却是他的主要功绩之一。”

    As Robert Louis Stevenson , an admirer , notes : " he had it upon him to keep out these all-powerful foreigners , whom it is one of his chief merits to have helped introduce . "

  15. 虽然让公司稳定下来的功绩归于梅耶尔,在她上任之前,公司业绩在快速下滑,但是,在她掌管的三年中,雅虎并没有推出任何突破性产品,而在与如Facebook和谷歌等对手的广告收入竞争上落得越来越远。

    Although Ms. Mayer is credited with stabilizing the company , which was in rapid decline , Yahoo has introduced no breakthrough products during her three years at the helm and has fallen further and further behind competitors like Facebook and Google in the battle for advertising dollars .

  16. 随着人们继续称颂Borlaug的功绩,一个对于解决世界的饥饿问题至关重要的国际网络组织即将对其运行方式进行深远的改革。

    As the tributes to Borlaug continue , one networking organisation that should be pivotal to addressing world hunger is poised to make far-reaching changes to the way it works .

  17. DeepMind的功绩之所以尤其引人瞩目,不仅仅是因为技术终于占了上风,而且还因为它基本上是凭借自我训练战胜了对手。

    DeepMind 's feat was especially remarkable not just because the technology ultimately prevailed , but because the system largely trained itself to do so .

  18. 红帮的历史功绩是多方面的,主要有以下4个方面:在中国历史大转型时期,创立了中国历史上第一个服装流派;

    The historical achievements of Hong Band are of many ways .

  19. 经济发展是政治认同的功绩性资源?

    Is economic development the feat based resource of political identification ?

  20. 布什在重塑美国教育政策中的历史功绩

    The Historical Contributions of Bush 's Reshaping Education Policy in USA

  21. 在朝鲜建国初期,可谓功绩显赫。

    Early days in Korea can be described as distinguished merit .

  22. 这尊塑像使人永远缅怀邱吉尔的伟大功绩。

    The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill 's greatness .

  23. adj.谦虚的,谦逊的那英雄对他伟大的功绩毫不夸耀。

    modest The hero was very modest about his great deeds .

  24. 非凡的成就、功绩、事业、表演等

    A brilliant achievement , exploit , career , performance , etc

  25. 他们企图贬低你在那次功绩中的重要作用。

    vt. They tried to humble your importance in that achievement .

  26. 换句话说,一个崇尚“功绩主义”的社会是什么样的呢?

    In other words -- what is a meritocratic society ?

  27. 阿拉伯人因为耐力而建立的功绩可以写几本书。

    The arabian 's feats of endurance would fill volumes .

  28. 那英雄对他伟大的功绩,毫不炫耀。

    The hero was very modest about his great deeds .

  29. 他的划时代的功绩在于提出了这个任务。

    Its epoch-making merit was that it propounded the problem .

  30. 刀剑因为在战争中的伟大功绩得名。

    Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war .