
  • 【医】functional development
  1. 结论EEG对了解脑功能发育状况有一定帮助。

    Conclusions The EEG is helpful to understand the developmental status of brain functions .

  2. 方法30名法洛四联症病人分成两个组,A组病人肺动脉功能发育良好,B组病人肺动脉发育不良。

    Methods 30 TOF patients were divided into group A ( pulmonary valves function well ) and group B ( pulmonary valves exhibit a poor function ) .

  3. 目的探讨无热和微热功率的X波段脉冲微波孕期辐射致仔鼠脑功能发育障碍的神经电生理机制。

    Objective To discuss the neuroelectrophysiological mechanism of damage of brain function development in offsprings of pregnant rats treated with X-band of microwave pulse .

  4. 结论ROP患儿激光光凝治疗后,视网膜视锥细胞功能发育与正常早产儿无差异,视杆细胞功能发育落后于正常早产儿。

    Conclusions Compared to no-ROP preterm infant retina , laser-treated ROP retina has normal cone function development and delayed rod function development .

  5. 观察TCDD对心脏功能发育的影响:①利用激光共聚焦显微镜技术检测TCDD对不同染毒剂量组培养乳鼠心肌细胞内游离钙离子浓度的影响。

    The effects of different doses of TCDD on the concentrations of intracellular free calcium ions in the cultured myocardial cells of suckling rats were detected by laser scanning confocal microscopy .

  6. 为了探讨正常儿童的大运动功能发育进程。

    To investigate the gross motor function development in normal children .

  7. 加碘食盐对儿童智力和精神运动功能发育影响

    Influences of universal salt iodization on children 's intelligence and psychomotor development

  8. 正常脑功能发育受到重大损害;

    Significant deterioration of the development of normal brain function ;

  9. 利用基因敲除小鼠研究维生素D在免疫功能发育中的作用

    Effect of vitamin D on the development of immune system in knockout mice

  10. 运动疗法对痉挛性脑性瘫痪患儿运动功能发育的影响

    Effect of cinesiatrics on motor function development in children with spastic cerebral palsy

  11. 贵阳市云岩区城市功能发育与定位

    On city functional development and its fixed position of Yunyan district in Guiyang city

  12. 低风险早产儿3~4岁时的认知功能发育状况

    Cognitive development in low risk preterm infants at 3 - 4 years of life

  13. 不同胎龄新生儿肾功能发育状况

    Renal function maturation in different gestational age infants

  14. 年龄和视觉经验对大鼠视皮层突触功能发育的影响

    Effects of age and visual experience on the synaptic function development in rat visual cortex

  15. 融合功能发育不全是间歇性外斜视发病机制的主要因素。

    The unsoundness growth of fusion function was the major pathogenetic factor in intermittent exotropia .

  16. 儿童与青少年咀嚼肌功能发育的肌电图研究(二)

    EMG studies on function development of masticatory muscles through children to adolescents ( part II )

  17. 酪蛋白酶解产物对新生仔猪肝脏蛋白质代谢功能发育的影响

    Effect of casein hydrolysate on the functional development of proteometabolism in the liver of newborn piglets

  18. 1~6岁不同级别脑瘫患儿粗大运动功能发育的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Gross Motor Development in 1 ~ 6-year-old Children with Cerebral Palsy at Different Levels

  19. 结果表明小鼠乳腺发育不同时期细胞凋亡同结构和功能发育之间相互联系。

    The results showed that apoptosis was associated with structure and function change in development of mammary gland .

  20. 鞍山市空气污染与儿童肺功能发育关系的前瞻性研究

    A Prospective Study on Relationship between Air Pollution and Development of Children 's Lung Function in Anshan City

  21. 目的:探讨视觉剥夺对幼猫视功能发育的影响。

    Objective : To discuss the effects of visual deprivation on the development of the visual system in kittens .

  22. 生后早期声环境影响中枢听觉功能发育的细胞分子机制

    Effect of Early Acoustic Experience on the Development of Auditory Function in Central Auditory System and the Underlying Mechanism

  23. 两种菊科植物幼苗旱生结构、功能发育过程研究

    The Studies on the Process of the Xeromorphic Structure and Function Developing in Two Kinds of Sprout of Compositae

  24. 大鼠出生前接触苯妥英和褪黑素对仔代反射功能发育及自发运动的影响

    Effects of prenatal exposure to phenytoin and melatonin on the development of reflex function and locomotive activities of rat pups

  25. 结果表明,视觉注意习惯化测验对了解婴幼儿的脑功能发育有较好的应用前景。

    It is concluded that the test of visual attention habituation is valuable for the assessment of cerebral function in infants .

  26. 论北仑的经济地理、产业结构和城市功能发育主要特征

    On the chief features of the economic geography , industry structure , and the development of the urban functions of Beilun

  27. 结论(1)婴幼儿是人类周围运动神经传导功能发育的关键年龄期;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) It is the crucial time in infantile period for the maturation of the conduction function along the peripheral motor nerve system .

  28. [结论]山东省大学生肺功能发育不良,应采取以加强体育锻炼为主导的综合干预措施。

    [ Conclusions ] There exists hypogenesis of lung among the university students in Shandong Province . Therefore , comprehensive intervention measures dominant by physical exercises should be adopted .

  29. 目的:弱视是在视觉发育可塑性关键期内由于形觉剥夺和/或双眼视觉异常相互作用造成的单眼或双眼视功能发育障碍。

    Objective : Amblyopia is the monocular and binocular developmental disorder which due to the deprivation of form sense and / or the binocular abnormal interaction in the critically period of visual development .

  30. 结论充分发挥接触镜的光学矫正优势,可有效提高矫正视力,促进儿童双眼视觉功能发育,并有可能不同程度控制近视和散光发展。

    Conclusion Contact Lenses provided excellent optic corrections , and were effects to improve the visual acuity and children 's binocular visual function , also possible controled the progression of myopia and astigmatism .