
Fèi chénɡ
  • Philadelphia
  1. 她在费城行医。

    She 's practicing medicine in Philadelphia .

  2. 班克是一名38岁的单身汉,在费城长大。

    Bank is a 38-year-old singleton who grew up in Philadelphia .

  3. 一份由联邦储备银行的费城分部汇编的报告说经济不景气。

    A report compiled by the Fed 's Philadelphia branch described the economy as weak .

  4. 在费城起草的这份文件使具有独立主权的各州组成的邦联变成了国家政府。

    The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government .

  5. 只有在费城那次我们曾试着做那样的事。

    The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia

  6. 在一项实验中,将近200名研究对象登上了参观费城的双层巴士。

    In one experiment , nearly 200 participants boarded a double-decker bus for a tour of Philadelphia .

  7. 他问本杰明的父母是否可以带他去费城看看。

    He asked Benjamin 's parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit .

  8. 在费城这个比达拉斯还小的大都市地区,艺术对经济的贡献将近300万美元,创造了4.4万个工作岗位,其中80%的岗位来自艺术行业之外,包括会计师、营销人员、建筑工人、酒店经理、印刷工和其他类型的艺术工作者。

    In Philadelphia , a metro area smaller than Dallas , the arts have an economic impact of almost $ 3 million and support 44,000 jobs , 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry , including accountants , marketers , construction workers , hotel managers , printers , and other kinds of art workers .

  9. 它于20世纪50年代第一次在费城使用。

    It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s .

  10. 1.FANCHAIRS风扇�18世纪80年代,美国费城的乐器匠人约翰·克莱姆发明了一种巧妙的纳凉装置。

    Philadelphia-based musical instrument maker1 John Cram2 invented a clever cooling device in the 1780s .

  11. 费城也许是名门和族裔之乡

    Philadelphia may be known as home of the establishment and ethnics .

  12. 在费城的奥弗布鲁克盲人学校,我发明了一种很受人欢迎的棒球游戏,我们称它为地面球。

    At Philadelphia ' s Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball . We called it ground ball .

  13. 八月份,边疆航空的一名乘客在从费城飞往迈阿密的途中因对乘务员动手动脚而被绑在座位上。

    A Frontier Airlines passenger was taped to his seat after he allegedly groped and assaulted flight attendants during a Miami-bound flight from Philadelphia in August .

  14. 但是无论如何,查克已经年满18岁他因为袭击案被送到成人监狱位于费城东北部的州立公路旁他因为无力支付保释金被关在那---他根本就付不起当时审判日被一拖再拖几乎占了他高中最后的一整年

    But anyway , since Chuck was 18 , this agg . assault case sent him to adult county jail on State Road in northeast Philadelphia , where he sat , unable to pay the bail23 -- he couldn 't afford it -- while the trial dates dragged on and on and on through almost his entire senior year .

  15. 总部设在费城的FirstRoundCapital在这方面更进了一步。

    Philadelphia-based first round capital has taken this to the next level .

  16. 格莱克·维尼克(GregVernick),VernickFood&Drink,费城

    Greg Vernick , Vernick Food & Drink , Philadelphia

  17. 上星期二当选总统BarackObama在费城会见各州州长。

    Last Tuesday President-elect Obama met with the nation 's governors in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  18. 美国第一所药剂学院&费城药剂学院(ThePhiladelphiaCollegeofPharmacy)成立于1821年。

    The first North American pharmacy school , the Philadelphia College of pharmacy , was founded in 1821 .

  19. 费城人才及职业管理咨询公司RightManagement的一项调查显示,有大概60%的员工表示,他们打算等到经济形势改善后辞掉当前的工作。

    Some 60 % of workers say they intend to leave their jobs when the economy improves , according to a survey by Right Management , a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia .

  20. 梅尔文·J与克莱尔·勒凡楼,宾夕法尼亚大学,费城,宾夕法尼亚州,美国

    Melvin J. Claire Levine hall , University of pennsylvania , philadelphia , pennsylvania , usa , 2000

  21. 位于宾夕法尼亚州费城城郊的RelapseRecords因其风格的多样性,以及对非主流音乐的倾情投入而闻名世界。

    Based in the suburbs of Philadelphia , PA , Relapse Records is world-renowned for its diversity and dedication to decidedly left-of-center music .

  22. 我电话联系了费城莫奈尔化学感应中心(MonellChemicalSensesCenter)的感官心理学家马西娅・佩尔莎(MarciaPelchat)。

    I called the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia and put the question to sensory psychologist Marcia Pelchat .

  23. MJ喜欢喧嚣的费城街头,不过有时候会被奇怪的警报声吓到。

    MJ loved the buzz of the streets of Philadelphia and only got scared of the odd siren .

  24. RYAN:“我希望费城老鹰能够进入美国橄榄球超级联赛,希望世界和平。”

    RYAN : " For the New Year , I want the Eagles to go to the Superbowl and world peace . "

  25. Joe在纽约和费城有13家分店,它的卡布奇诺是不分层的,最上面也没有看得见泡泡的奶泡。

    Joe , a cafe with 13 locations in New York and Philadelphia , serves a cappuccino that is not layered , with no bubbly foam on top .

  26. 费城在GottaGoGuide网站上发布了这些设施的地点,另外还有一个应用程序RefugeRestrooms展示全国范围内这些设施的地点。

    Philadelphia has an online Gotta Go Guide showing the location of such facilities , and there 's an app , Refuge Restrooms , that does the same nationwide .

  27. 这笔交易并没有包括富国中心(WellsFargoCenter,费城76人队和费城飞人队共同主场)的所有权,该球场仍然属于Comcast-Spectator公司所有。

    The deal does not include the Wells Fargo Center or the Philadelphia Flyers , which will still be owned by Comcast-Spectator .

  28. MLS的赛季还在进行中,所以费城联合状态正佳。

    The MLS will be halfway through the season so Philadelphia Union will be very fit at the time .

  29. 他32岁的儿子迈克尔(Michael)说,我为他做的事情感到非常骄傲,这些行为很英勇。迈克尔在费城担任零售经理。

    ' I couldn 't be more proud of the work he 's done . It 's heroic , ' said his son , Michael , 32 , a retail manager in Philadelphia .

  30. 历史上前三只以50胜7负甚至更好战绩开始的球队(1995-96和1996-97赛季的公牛、还有1982-83赛季的费城76人)最终都赢下了NBA总冠军。

    The three previous teams to start 50-7 or better ( the 1995-96 and 1996-97 Bulls , along with the 1982-83 Philadelphia 76ers ) all won the NBA title .