
  • 网络History;Historical evolution;evolution
  1. 第一部分简要介绍了WTO中电子商务的历史沿革。

    The first part mainly introduces the history of Electronic Commerce in WTO .

  2. 第一部分论述WTO公共道德例外条款的基本理论,包括公共道德例外条款的历史沿革、法律渊源及实质。

    The first section expounds the basic theory of public morals exception of WTO , including its history and legal sources and essence .

  3. 第一章介绍保障措施的历史沿革,WTO保障措施制度的规则;

    Chapter one , briefly introducing the source and development of safeguards , rules on existing WTO safeguards system ;

  4. 在数据仓库系统中,一个仓库数据项的精确的历史沿革,即该数据项从获取、转换、集成到现状这一完整过程的相关描述和信息,称为数据志(DataLineage)。

    The exact history of a given warehouse data item , including the complete description of its acquisition , transformation and integration is termed the data lineage .

  5. 第二部分全面阐述GMS水电能源合作的历史沿革,并指出次区域水电能源合作的特点。

    In the second part , history evolution of hydroelectric power cooperation in GMS is presented , with a comprehensive elaboration .

  6. 介绍了榆林市地理位置、行政区划、历史沿革以及进行研究榆林市PRED协调发展的意义;

    Geographical location , district history and the significance of coordinate PRED development in YuLin is introduced ;

  7. 本文从文献述评的角度,分析了TPL的历史沿革、TPL特性、TPL绩效和TPL的选择策略。

    Mainly from literature review aspect , the paper analyses TPL and its character , TPL evolution , TPL performance , and choosing strategy .

  8. 笔者从加拿大医疗保障制度的历史沿革入手,全面、深入的剖析了加拿大PHS的运作及其成功经验,并分析其存在的不足。

    From the history of Canada health care system , in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the operation of the Canadian PHS , introduces their successful experiences and the existence of insufficient .

  9. 本文首先介绍和回顾VAR的历史沿革和研究现状,针对我国证券市场的实际情况导出了问题,从而确定了本文的研究内容。

    This text introduces and lookback first the history origin and the present condition , aim at the actual circumstance of the stock market of our country to put forward question , and make sure the textual research contents .

  10. 该部分包含的主要内容有:讲述了ACD公司概况,历史沿革,所有权结构状况,分析了其总量与结构、行业状况、公司治理结构特征。

    The main contents include : about ACD company profiles , history , ownership structure condition ; analysis of volume and structure of its main business , industry conditions , the characteristics of corporate governance .

  11. 第二部分首先简要回顾中国GDP统计的历史沿革,然后着重分析NOE的内涵、中国NOE的产生原因和研究背景。

    In the second part , it gives a brief review of the historical evolution of Chinese GDP statistics , and then focuses on analyzing the connotation of the NOE , the causes of the Chinese NOE , and the relative research background .

  12. 中国孝文化的历史沿革及当代价值

    Historical Evolution of China 's Filial Piety Culture and Contemporary Value

  13. 第一部分为权利滥用理论的历史沿革。

    The first section is about the history of this theory .

  14. 疑案处理的历史沿革及理论分析

    On Historical Development and Theoretical Analysis of Treatment of Doubtful Case

  15. 其次,简述了我国取保候审制度的历史沿革。

    Secondly the author introduces the history of guarantor pending trial .

  16. 我国工程造价管理的历史沿革及发展策略

    Analysis of the History and Improvement Strategy of Project Cost Management

  17. 关于武汉科技大学历史沿革的研究

    Study of Historical Development of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

  18. 第一章惩罚性赔偿的历史沿革及其含义。

    First section : the history and meaning of punitive damage .

  19. 人参归经历史沿革探讨

    Probing into the Development of Ginseng 's Channel Tropism in History

  20. 我国危险化学品登记管理的历史沿革和现状

    Development and Current Situation of Our Registration Administration of Hazardous Chemicals

  21. 第二章介绍了我国立功制度的历史沿革,指出立功制度是我国独特的一项量刑制度。

    The history evolution of Meritorious Performance system in our country .

  22. 绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革

    Processing technique and historical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable

  23. 第二部分介绍了处分权的历史沿革。

    The second part introduces the history of the right of disposition .

  24. 金融发展理论的历史沿革及对中国改革的启示

    Evolutions of the Finance Development Theory and Lessons For China 's Reform

  25. 第二章回顾了企业战略定位的起源和历史沿革。

    Chapter two reviews the origin and historical evolution of strategic positioning .

  26. 抗震结构破坏准则的历史沿革和发展趋势

    TRENDS Evolution and development of failure criteria for earthquake-resistant structures

  27. 浅析广东省水文测站水准基面的历史沿革

    Analyzing History Evolution of the Level Datum of Hydrometric Station in Guangdong

  28. 中国宫廷音乐的历史沿革和文化特征探析

    On the Evolution and Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Court Music

  29. 澳门汇率制度的历史沿革及前瞻

    The History and Prospect of Macao 's Exchange Rate Regime

  30. 《安徽农业大学学报》历史沿革及其现状

    Historical evolution and its status quo of Journal of Anhui Agricultural University