
  • 网络historical time;History Time
  1. 有两种使用AsAtDate过滤器的方式:作为维度属性查询的历史时间上下文,参见第2.5节,或作为应用到度量查询项目的时间过滤器,其中查询主题的后缀为(AsAtDate)。

    There are two ways in which the As At Date filter is used : as an historical time context for dimension attribute queries , see section 2.5 or as a time filter applied to measure query items where the query subject has the suffix ( As At Date ) .

  2. 略论历史时间及其教学

    On Historical Time and it 's Teaching

  3. 提出一种基于简单网络管理协议(SNMP)的分层式网络监控印证系统(SHNMCS),该系统能实时快速地监控和保存网络结点状态,并能够对历史时间段网络结点状态进行优化查询。

    A hierarchical network monitoring and confirming system based on SNMP was proposed . The status of the network node could be monitored and saved in real time .

  4. 张爱玲的接受历史时间长,跨度大。

    Zhang ailing ' reception history has long time and big span .

  5. 浅谈历史时间观念在历史教学中的重要性

    A Tentative Discussion on the Importance about History Eras in History Teaching

  6. 观察中国劳动力迁移的区域选择在1990-2007年这个历史时间段上的变化过程。

    Observation time of the regional labor migration in China is historical period 1990 ‐ 2007 .

  7. 缺点是由于生产历史时间较短,目前市场这种探测器的性能稳定性较差。

    It 's shortcoming is poor performance and stability , due to the short research history .

  8. 民族国家的历史时间&简析当代泰国的节日体系

    The Holiday System in Thailand

  9. 在各个历史时间以不同的程度和面貌发挥着它在绘画中的重要造型作用。

    In each historical time in different degree and playing it in painting face the important modelling effect .

  10. 杜夫海纳认为审美存在的时间性主要指人的历史时间。

    M · Dufrenne think that the temporality of aesthetic being chiefly means the temporality of human history .

  11. 哲学是时代的声音。时代不是编年史意义上的物理时间,而是一种历史时间。

    Philosophy is the voice of era that is not chronological time , but a kind of history consciousness .

  12. 于是,个人时间被要求融入到整体的社会历史时间之中。

    As a result , individual time is required to be strictly integrated into the social time of history .

  13. 唯其如此,她们对1968一代人的后叙才构成了个人的生命时间对历史时间的钩沉。

    So their narrations to this generation of " 1968 " constitute a memory of life time of individual to historical time .

  14. 我们是在历史时间线上某一个位置,不同时间点上的历史是不同的。

    We see ourselves in a place , in a timeline of history , and the history is different in those different times .

  15. 罗宾逊强调历史时间和非均衡方法,和她的剑桥同事们构建了包含价值理论、分配理论和增长理论的理论体系,拓展了凯恩斯经济学,但却忽视了货币经济的概念。

    Robinson emphasized historical time and disequilibrium method , and constructed an alternative theory system , however ignoring Keynes ' concept of monetary economy .

  16. 本文通过对当代泰国节日体系的形成过程和表现形式的分析,展现了一个现代民族国家的连续的历史时间观。

    Through analyses on the formation of holiday system in modern Thailand , this paper tries to show a concept of continuatively historical time .

  17. 作为辐射巡测仪,它可以按照预先设定的地址编码和剂量历史时间,自动连续测量和记录辐射剂量。

    As a survey meter , it automatically measures and records the radiation dose by means of per-set address coding and historical dose accumulation time .

  18. 具体来说,其一,历史时间的疏忽与消解揭橥出小说作者对取经哲理意义的探求;

    Firstly , the deliberate negligence of historical time reveals the author 's attempt to bestow philosophical significance on the quest for the Buddhist Holy Scripture .

  19. 现代性首先被认为是一种独特的线性的历史时间意识,长久以来的历史决定论是社会理论传统的主导维度。

    The modernity first is taken as a particular linear history time consciousness , history determinism is the central dimensionality of social theory in a long time .

  20. 通过讲述各种历史时间观念的表达方式和正确计算历史时间的方法,使学生能够脉络清楚、线索分明地掌握所学历史知识,记住重要的历史年代。

    Emphasizing the method of expressing history eras and correctly calculating history eras can make student grasp history knowledge clearly , and remember the important history eras .

  21. 劳动价值和边际效用在历史时间中的共同递减趋势&论劳动价值论与边际效用价值论的综合统一

    On Value of Labour and Marginal Utility : Both Suffering Decreasing Over The Long Run in History ? A Synthesis of Value of Labour and Marginal Utility

  22. 任何事件都发生在某个特定的历史时间,因此在对事件编码时,就附着上了时间信息作为其时间标记。

    Any event happens at a certain time , so the information of this time is attached to the code of the event as its temporal marker .

  23. 二十世纪前期社会主义运动的低潮,使本雅明痛感历史时间观念在革命意识中的重要性。

    The low political situation in Socialist movement in the early 20th century made Benjamin be aware of the importance of history and time in the revolutionary consciousness .

  24. 所以,中国现代社会结构的实现、专业技术人才比例的提高,还需要很长的历史时间。

    Now the social pattern is still like the " pyramid " , so it will take a long time for present China to realize its rational structure .

  25. 它强调一种人文与自然的结合,是侧重于地域景观空间载体、历史时间维度、文化价值取向等多种范畴的概念。

    It emphasizes a humanistic and natural combination , is focused on regional landscape spatial carrier of history , time dimension , cultural values and other category concept .

  26. 但是,抱着相似的初衷,这个对英雄和这一系列历史时间的歌颂影片同样赢得了这辈生于和平年代的人的喜爱。

    For similar reasons , a eulogy for elites and a pile of historical events don 't appear relevant to this generation , born in the era of peace .

  27. 本文涉及的人物来自不同的国家,且历史时间长,人物众多,是一篇纲要式的文章。

    The images that this text involved came from the different nations , and history time is long , the person is numerous , this is an outline article .

  28. 历史时间代表着都市废墟,是一种无聊虚幻的重复,而当下时间是弥赛亚的救赎瞬间,与真理相关。

    The historical time represents urban ruins and it is a tedious and illusionary repetition . While the current time is the salvation instant of the Messiah related to the truth .

  29. 这种源于西方的历史时间观念认为:历史是整体的、连续的、进步的、发展的,在历史的尽头,站立着时间的目的。

    This view , originally from the West , believes that history is integrated , continuous , progressive and evolutive , with the purpose of time standing at the end of history .

  30. 本文就按历史时间顺序把这些研究成果划分为不同发展阶段的经济增长理论。

    In this paper , we will classify the theorist of economic growth according to the chronology so as to divide the results of their research into different theory of economic growth .