
shānɡ wù huó dònɡ
  • Business activities;business affairs
  1. 智能Agent在电子商务活动中的应用

    Application of Intelligent Agent in Electronic Commerce

  2. 随着近几年internet技术的发展成熟以及广泛应用,一种全新的商务活动模式-电子商务得到了企业广泛的应用。

    Recently , with the rapid advancements in Internet technologies a new economic activity , E-Business , has been used widely in many enterprises .

  3. Internet技术的发展成熟及其广泛应用,产生了新的商务活动模式&电子商务,引起了商业模式的巨变。

    With the maturity and wide application of Internet technologies , a new business activity pattern named E-Business occurs , which brings revolutionary change for business activities .

  4. 本文探讨了信函、便条、商务活动请柬等统一格式要求文件编辑的一般方法,给出了用Word环境制作批量文档的简捷途径。

    This article discusses the methods of making little , notes and invitations gives a simple way to make masses of document based on the Word .

  5. 缺乏安全性会造成恶意的Agent在网络中的泛滥或受到恶意主机的侵害,使商务活动陷入混乱之中。

    The lack of security will cause the abuse of malice agent or attack of malice host in the network , also the disorder of the business activity .

  6. 同时,分布式人工智能中Agent技术的发展和逐步成熟为商务活动的自动化、智能化提供了可能。

    With the development and increasingly ripeness of Agent technology of Distributed Artificial Intelligence , the same time , it is possible to make business process automation and intelligence .

  7. 自我国加入WTO以来,国际商务活动日趋频繁,商务谈判已成为我国经济活动的一个主要内容。

    International business activities have become frequent and business negotiation has become the main content of economic activities in our country since our country joined WTO .

  8. 随着Internet的迅速发展和广泛运用,越来越多的商务活动得以在网上运行,大量经济信息在网上传递。

    With the rapid development and extensive application of Internet , more and more business activities are running on internet and a great deal of economic information is transferring on internet as well .

  9. 面向石化领域的B2B电子商务活动中涉及多家大型和特大型企业之间的分布式异构数据交换。

    In petrol chemistry-oriented E-commerce ( B2B ), there are so many data interchanges between distributed heterogeneous databases .

  10. 人们广泛地使用个人数字助理(PDA)、智能电话等移动手持设备随时随地进行商务活动。

    Personal Digital Assistants ( PDA ), mobile phones and so on , are being used popularly to do business wherever .

  11. 随着企业信息化的不断推进以及Internet的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业都建立了自己的内部管理系统,并且逐渐将内部网络系统接入互联网,通过网络开展商务活动。

    With the advancement of the information course of enterprises and the rapid growth of the Internet more and more enterprises has built their inner management networks and tend to bind them into the internet to do business .

  12. 本文对于B2C企业开展电子商务活动,维系与网络顾客的关系质量具有重要的指导意义。

    This study has important guiding significance for B2C corporate to develop e-commerce and maintain high relationship quality with network consumer .

  13. 企业应用集成(EnterpriseApplicationIntegration)通过各种软硬件技术将已有的和新建的业务系统集成起来,共同完成企业的各种商务活动,并能够灵活快速地适应企业的发展和市场的变化。

    EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) can integrate existing system and newly-built system with various software and hardware technology , thus these systems can complete all kinds of business activity and can adapt to the development of enterprise and the change of market .

  14. 对于时尚设计师MarieFranceVanDamme来说,度假是严肃的商务活动。

    For fashion designer Marie France Van Damme , the woman behind the eponymous line of luxury resort wear , going on vacation is serious business .

  15. IEBS的智能特性体现在两个方面:一是模拟人类行为的Agent作为商务活动的主体;

    The IEBS intelligent characteristic manifests in two aspects : One is agent that simulates the human behavior took as the main body of business activity ;

  16. 通过商务活动优化流通网络与分销渠道,实现供应链整体绩效最优,并以处理一份汽车订单为例说明EC交易过程。

    Optimization of aggregative benefit for SCM was realized with optimized currency network and distribution channel , taking an order form of car trade as an example , SCM and business process based on EC was introduced .

  17. 在这些电子商务活动中,特别是B2B电子商务平台的应用中,越来越多的提供了E-Market的功能,而在E-Market中,供需双方的信息匹配又是不可或缺的内容。

    Among those e-commerce activities , B2B e-commerce platform applications especially provide more and more e-market functions , of which providing information on suppliers and demanders is required .

  18. 物流配送路径优化,即车辆路径问题(Vehicleroutingproblem,VRP),是当今物流配送优化中关键的一环,也是电子商务活动不可缺少的内容,一直是近二十多年来的研究热点。

    Logistics Distribution Routing Optimization , i.e. Vehicle Routing Problem ( VRP ) is not only an important constituent of modern logistical system , but also an essential part of E-commerce . The research is a hot spot in the field of Logistical distribution in recent 20 years .

  19. 网上支付是电子商务活动的核心环节,也是开展电子商务的基础条件。

    Electronic payment is the core link and foundation of E-Commerce .

  20. 安全是电子商务活动中最主要的问题。

    Safety is the main problem in the internet business activities .

  21. 他在商务活动中惨遭挫折。

    He fell on a miserable setback in the commercial campaign .

  22. 现代商务活动正逐渐在该国展开。

    Modern business practices are gradually being introduced into the country .

  23. 考试内容:两篇与商务活动有关的短文。

    Test content : two short passages related to business activities .

  24. 企业外包采购是企业商务活动的一个重要环节。

    Outsourcing procurement is an important tool for enterprises business .

  25. 英文招投标文件是国际商务活动的基础和法律依据。

    Bidding documents are the basis and foundation of international business activities .

  26. 这些东西会终结你的所有商务活动!

    These things could spell the end of your business !

  27. 电子商务活动对企业绩效影响的实证研究&以中国IT上市公司为例的研究

    Empirical Research for the Effect of Electronic Commerce Initiatives on Firm Performance

  28. 即保证网络商务活动的顺利进行,又使现有的《示范法》具有广泛的适用性,且不失商法的价值。

    So the network business activity will progress smoothly .

  29. 在跨文化经济交际中,语言、文化、商务活动有着密切的联系。

    In cross-cultural economic communication language culture and business activities are closely related .

  30. 改变商务活动和企业的经营运作方式;

    Change the commerce activity and the way of enterprise 's management operation ;