
shānɡ yè jī mì
  • confidential;business secret;trade secret
  1. 对于商业机密的信息,须做适当的考虑。

    Proper account should be taken of confidential business information .

  2. 壳牌拒绝对此置评,该公司表示此事是“商业机密”。

    Shell declined to comment , saying the matter was " commercially confidential " .

  3. 这一聚合物的性质目前是个商业机密。

    The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret .

  4. 福布斯的咨询律师卡伊·法尔肯贝里说她还没听说过法律免责声明派上用场的时候,尽管它们可能在一方试图保持信息机密的商业机密案中被当作是具有说服力的证据。

    Forbes ' in-house legal counsel , Kai Falkenberg , says she knows of no cases that have relied on legal disclaimers , though she says they might serve as persuasive17 evidence in a trade secrets case where a party was attempting to keep information confidential18 .

  5. 所有的技术信息,包括提供给批发商的图表和料单都是X的秘密财产,并可构成商业机密。

    All technical information , including schematics and bill of materials provided to DISTRIBUTOR are the confidential property of X and may constitute X trade secrets .

  6. 电力传动系统的PLC控制程序作为商业机密,其安全性受到很大挑战,各种破解手段对行业的经济利益造成极大的伤害。

    The control procedures of electrical transmission system , as business secret , are facing the great security challenges . A variety of means of decryption caused a great deal of harm .

  7. 监察组织PubicCitizen,此次调查的作者已经在“商业机密”支出上提出了合适的搜索信息功能。

    The watchdog group Public Citizen , whose researchers co-authored the study , have filed suit seeking information on " trade secret " payments .

  8. 出于商业机密的考虑,目前各个搜索引擎使用的Crawler系统的技术内幕一般都不公开。

    At present , because of commercial confidentiality considerations , the various search engines ' techology of Crawler are generally not open .

  9. 2006年,一名前IBM员工就曾将一份机密级IBM备忘录,发给了他在惠普公司(HP)的新上司。备忘录中包括IBM的商业机密&商业计划和技术。

    In2006 , a former IBM ( IBM ) employee sent his then new bosses at HP ( HPQ ) a confidential IBM memorandum containing trade secret business plans and technology .

  10. 惠普公司被迫解雇了该员工,并将此事通报给了IBM和联邦调查局,而且还得协助美国政府进行长达数年的联邦调查,并最终起诉该名偷窃IBM商业机密的员工。

    HP was forced to fire the new employee , report the incident to IBM and federal agents , and cooperate with a multi-year federal investigation and prosecution of the pilfering employee .

  11. 香港上市的中国汽车公司长城汽车(greatwallmotor),正在中国起诉菲亚特(fiat)窃取商业机密,此举明显是对意大利法院裁定长城汽车抄袭菲亚特一款车型的回应。

    Great Wall Motor , a Hong Kong-listed Chinese car company , is suing Fiat in China for industrial espionage in an apparent response to an Italian court ruling that great wall copied a Fiat car model .

  12. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)在指控中国电信设备集团华为(Huawei)涉嫌窃取商业机密的诉讼中,已将一名据称的间谍列为共同被告。

    Motorola has named an alleged spy as a co-defendant in a lawsuit against Chinese telecoms group Huawei over the alleged theft of trade secrets .

  13. 美国一些议员指责这两家公司涉嫌从思科(cisco)、摩托罗拉(motorola)等美国公司窃取商业机密,并涉嫌对美国关键基础设施安全造成威胁。

    Both companies have been criticised by US lawmakers for allegedly stealing trade secrets from US companies including Cisco and Motorola , and for posing security threats to critical US infrastructure .

  14. 力拓负责对华铁矿石谈判的高管胡士泰(SternHu)及三名同事定于今日在上海出庭受审,被控罪名是侵犯商业机密与受贿。

    Stern Hu , Rio 's executive in charge of iron ore negotiations with China , and three associates are due to face a Shanghai court on Monday on charges they stole commercial secrets and took bribes .

  15. 事实上,目前没有证据表明NSA曾试图窃取中国的商业机密。

    Washington will still try to make that case . Indeed , there is no evidence that the NSA has sought to steal Chinese commercial secrets .

  16. 力拓(RioTinto)前驻华铁矿石销售负责人胡士泰(SternHu)昨日获刑10年,此前上海一家法院判定他犯有受贿和窃取商业机密罪。

    Rio Tinto yesterday saw Stern Hu , its former top iron ore salesman in China , sentenced to 10 years in jail after a Shanghai court found him guilty of bribery and stealing commercial secrets .

  17. 胡士泰(SternHu)和另外三名力拓(RioTinto)雇员将从下周一开始在上海出庭受审。他们是在9个月前被拘留的,后来被控在中国窃取商业机密和受贿。

    The trial of Stern Hu and three other Rio Tinto employees – detained nine months ago and later charged with stealing commercial secrets and taking bribes in China – will begin on Monday in Shanghai .

  18. 在执法方面,联邦调查局(FBI)将包括导致商业机密盗窃的网络侵入活动在内的网络犯罪,列为排名第三的重要任务,仅次于恐怖主义和反间谍工作。

    And in terms of law enforcement , the F.B.I. lists   digital crime , including intrusions that result in trade secret theft , as its third priority , just behind terrorism and counterintelligence .

  19. amsc对华锐风电提起的另两宗法律诉讼,涉及据称的版权侵犯和据称的窃取商业机密。

    The other two legal cases initiated by AMSC against Sinovel cover alleged copyright violation and alleged trade secrets theft .

  20. 去年,联邦检察官首次通过联邦陪审团判定两名美国人和一家公司经济间谍罪名成立,涉及的行为是将杜邦公司(DuPont)的商业机密出售给了中国的一家国有企业。

    Last year , federal prosecutors achieved the first-ever federal jury conviction on economic espionage charges , against two Americans and a corporation accused of selling DuPont trade secrets to a state-owned company in China .

  21. 起诉书称,被窃取的商业机密帮助天津大学建立了一家先进的FBAR制造厂,获得了向商业和军方机构提供FBAR器件的合同。

    The stolen trade secrets helped the university establish a state of the art FBAR fabrication facility and to obtain contracts for providing FBARs to commercial and military entities , according to the indictment .

  22. 摩托罗拉在诉讼中指称,潘少伟是lemko与华为之间的主要联系人,向这家中国公司转移了商业机密。

    Motorola has alleged in the lawsuit that he was the main interface between lemko and Huawei and transferred trade secrets to the Chinese company .

  23. 这家美国公司当时指控,员工中包括多名摩托罗拉前雇员的初创公司lemko与华为合谋窃取商业机密。

    The US company accused lemko , a start-up whose staff included several former Motorola employees , and Huawei of conspiring to steal trade secrets .

  24. 福布斯的咨询律师KaiFalkenberg说她知道在任何情况下都不要指望法律免责声明,尽管它们可能在一方试图保持信息机密的商业机密案中被当作是具有说服力的证据。

    Forbes in-house legal counsel , Kai Falkenberg , says she knows of no cases that have relied on legal disclaimers , though she says they might serve as persuasive evidence in a trade secrets case where a party was attempting to keep information confidential .

  25. 摩托罗拉在诉状中指控,12名前雇员在2002年仍受雇于摩托罗拉时就建立了与其竞争的lemko公司,并在此后五年间窃取商业机密,其中一些机密据称转让给了华为。

    In the lawsuit , the company accuses a dozen former employees of setting up lemko , a rival company , in 2002 while they were still employed by Motorola , and stealing trade secrets over the next five years , some of which they allegedly transferred to Huawei .

  26. 日程表上的一些项目饮食商业机密情报。

    Some items on the agenda involve commercially sensitive information .

  27. 最后一点,初创公司必须制作相应的商业机密文件,并严格保守这些秘密。

    Finally , startup companies must document and protect their trade secrets .

  28. 先正达公司称,这其中包括商业机密。

    Syngenta says it has trade secrets to protect .

  29. 可口可乐的配方是一个商业机密。

    The ingredients of Coca-Cola are a trade secret .

  30. 她因泄露商业机密被解雇。

    She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets .