
yì shì chénɡ xù
  • Proceedings;agenda
  1. 我们plan一会议,就要确定会议的长短,议事程序等细节

    When we plan a meeting , we decide in detail on its length , on the agenda , etc

  2. 参议院以52票对48票的结果,结束了所谓的使用借助冗长发言等方式阻碍议事程序规则(filibuster)反对总统提名的做法,推翻了参议院允许少数党阻扰白宫提名的传统。

    By a vote of 52 to 48 , the Senate ended the use of so-called filibusters against presidential nominees , overturning traditions in the chamber that allowed the minority party to block White House nominees .

  3. 村民自治议事程序规则立法新探

    New Probes into the Legislation of Discussion Procedural Regulation of Villagers ' self-government

  4. 他向委员会提出新的议事程序。

    He suggested a new procedure to the committee .

  5. 18.在任何事项的讨论中,一代表可提出关于议事程序的问题。

    18 . During discussion of any matter a delegation may raise a point of order .

  6. 男:还能学习其他技能吗?比如议事程序或主持仪式。

    M : Can you also learn other skills , such as parliamentary procedures or being master of ceremonies ?

  7. “委员会”是一个协商会议,一个由代表组成,按议事程序讨论议题并做出决策的有序组织。

    A committee is a deliberative assembly , an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure for making decisions .

  8. 对于一部观众很难跟上情节主线(哪怕你了解美国参议院的议事程序)的外国电视剧来说,这样的收视成绩相当不错。

    For a foreign show with plotlines that are difficult to follow even if you know U.S. Senate procedures , that 's impressive .

  9. 董事会应建立议事程序,允许董事会通过电子方式召开会议或者通过非会议方式对某一事项进行投票。

    The Board of Directors shall establish procedures whereby the Board can hold an electronic meeting or vote on a matter without holding a meeting .

  10. 各院可制定其议事程序规则,处罚扰乱秩序的议员,并可经2/3议员的同意开除议员。

    Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings , punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour , and , with the Concurrence of two thirds , expel a Member .

  11. 即使管理委员会出现成员空缺,管理委员会仍可行事,而其议事程序亦不因成员的选举或资格有欠妥之处而作废。

    The Commission may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership and its proceedings shall not be invalidated by reason of a defect in the election or qualification of a member .

  12. 如因意外遗漏而没有向任何会员发出大会通知书或供应选票,并不使该次大会的议事程序或在大会上通过的任何决议失效。

    Accidental omission to give notice of a general meeting or to supply a ballot paper to any member shall not invalidate the proceedings or any resolution passed at such meeting .

  13. 作为第二轨道组织,东亚思想库网络的议事和决策程序在一定程度上反映了共同体建构的东亚模式:互相尊重、舒适程度、协商一致。

    NEAT serves as a Tract Two Process , and its meeting and decision-making procedures have , to some extent , reflected East Asian ways of community building , including an emphasis on respect , comfort level and consensus .

  14. 在公司实践中,由于公司股权结构、控制权结构乃至股东会或董事会议事方式与表决程序设计的诸多原因,公司陷入僵局的现象并不罕见。

    In corporate practice , due to a number of reasons , such as the structure of equity , control power and even the shareholders ' meeting or board meeting and the design of voting procedure , the phenomenon which company stalled is not rare .

  15. 这个四个发展阶段贯穿的核心问题是决策方式的变化和议事范围的变化,同时检察委员会的议事程序也不断走向完善。

    The four stages of development through the core problem is decision-making way change and the range of variation , while the procuratorial committee procedure has continued to improve .