
fēn xiǎng
  • share;have a share in;divide;split;partake of
分享 [fēn xiǎng]
  • [share;partake of] 与他人分着享受、使用、行使

  • 让他在这里分享我的胜利的喜悦

分享[fēn xiǎng]
  1. 孩子们喜欢同父母一起分享各种兴趣和乐事。

    Children like to share interests and enjoyments with their parents .

  2. 他们可以与他们选择的任何人交换或分享这份合约。

    They can transfer or share the contract with whosoever they choose .

  3. 约翰没有兄弟姐妹,所以不习惯和他人分享东西。

    John had no brothers or sisters and wasn 't used to sharing .

  4. 众所周知,刚学会走路的孩子不愿和别人分享玩具。

    Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys .

  5. 他喜欢与孩子们分享他对鸟类的热爱。

    He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children .

  6. 公司正向你提供分享其成功的机会。

    The company is offering you the chance to share in its success

  7. 父母之间都会分享自己孩子的一些趣事。

    The parents all shared interesting stories about their children

  8. 他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识。

    He will share his professional knowledge of haircare .

  9. 村里的部落很友善,他们会和你一起分享水源。

    The village tribe is friendly and they share their water supply with you

  10. 场地附近的居民也将会加入并分享自己的住处。

    Course residents are expected to muck in and be prepared to share rooms

  11. 他从不吝啬与人分享自己渊博的知识。

    He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge

  12. 各学校将协同分享最佳方案。

    Schools will work together to share best practice .

  13. 丹尼十分乐意地和所有感兴趣的人分享他的知识。

    Danny shared his knowledge freely with anyone interested

  14. 她尽力确保三个孩子从自己这里分享到同等的爱。

    She tried to ensure her affection was equally shared among all three children .

  15. 和别人分享这个秘密可以减轻自己的负担。

    In sharing this secret you lighten your burden

  16. 所有艺术家内心深处都有一些不愿和他人分享的东西。

    All artists have part of themselves that they can never share with anyone else .

  17. 她突然记起了很多事情,要与我分享。

    She had a sudden burst of recollection and had to share it with me .

  18. 按照军事惯例,胜者正在分享战利品。

    True to military tradition , the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war

  19. 影评家鲍勃·蒙德洛和大家分享他对电影《希望之城》的看法。

    Film critic Bob Mondello shares his thoughts on the movie ' City of Hope ' .

  20. 她不愿与任何外人分享父亲的爱,并把我们视为闯入者。

    She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers .

  21. 如果你站在舞台上,分享自己对世界的看法,人们会与你产生共鸣的。

    If you stand on stage and share your view of the world , people will connect with you .

  22. 我们大家一起分担费用、分享利润。

    We 'll split the cost and profits among all of us .

  23. 他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。

    He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage .

  24. 他们分享我们的胜利。

    They partook of our triumph .

  25. 人人都得平均分享。

    All must share alike .

  26. 把蛋糕切成六份,大家分享。

    Cut the cake in six and share it equally .

  27. 他们不隔心,有什么事都互相分享。

    They 're very close and share everything .

  28. 他们共同分享那笔钱。

    They shared the money between them .

  29. 把礼物放在屋子中间,这样每个人都能分享到。

    Put the presents in the middle of the room so that everyone can dip in .

  30. 这地方什么都贵,因此,两对夫妇分享一顿野餐。

    The territory was too expensive for any one purchaser , so the two couples parcelled out a picnic lunch .