- packet switching network

Internet is an open packet switching network built on TCP / IP protocol . The lack of security considerations when it was designed have led to the current Internet security seriously inadequate .
The packet switching network ( PSN ) is a direction of network development of telecommunications .
IP voice communication is a technology that transmitting the data through the packet-switched network after data compression .
Providing QoS guarantee in packet-switching network has been a key issue these years .
After a detailed analysis of multi-media network on remote satellite tests , a virtual special multi-media network model using IP exchange nets was proposed .
To Employing The Packet Switch Network Establish Financial POS Network
The packet-switched networks are an important part of today 's global communication infrastructure . IP network with other network technology will become the new generation network .
323 protocol , Packet-based multimedia communications systems , was mapped out by ITU-T.
An investigation in the K & NET interconnection technique through the X. 25 PSPDN ( packet switching public data network ) is conducted .
SDL Protocol for Next Generation Packet Network
As a new technology of IP over Fiber , SDL ( Simple Data Link ) is particularly suitable for high speed transport links because of its low implementation complexity .
Under the support of H.323 protocol , this system has already been easy to realize long-range multimedia mutual communication based on IP packet exchanging network , meeting of system .
Comparing with circuit packet switching , the loss rate of burst in OBS networks is much higher because of absense of mature optical buffer components .
Application of 3G - 324M in High Speed Packet Switched Networks
The data bandwidth in Packet Transport Network ( PTN ) between two nodes has been up to1Gbit / s , and the support to traditional TDM services is indispensable .
Internet is a packet switched network which provided Best-effort service at the beginning . It supports the FTP protocol , E-mail , HTTP , etc. These traditional data services do not ask for higher performance of the network delay .
ISDN ( intergrated services digital nework ) is through network architecture . Connect to the user of internet , the packet terminator of packet switching net and the private branch of telephone net .
The data and multimedia communication networks in service in Hubei province includes PSPDN , DDN , CHINANET and the public multimedia network .
At present , the multi-media conference system including H.320 system based on switch circuit network and H.323 system based on packet based network has the disadvantage of low using rate of resource , complex of designing , difficult to extending .
The session initiation protocol ( SIP ) is the multi-media network control protocol , designed to provide basic call control and to establish , modify and terminate multimedia ( voice , data , video and so on ) sessions and so on , in a packet-switched network .
The traditional E-Model has not put packet loss and delay jitter and other problems from packet switching network into consideration , and is modified by researchers .
Through describing the form and topological structure of the national earthquake communication network system , this paper briefly introduces some key technological issues in project construction , mainly including application of Packet Switching Network ( X.25 ) and Router in network connections ;
Performance Analysis on Tactical Local Packet Switching Networks with Arbitrary Topology
The Performance Analysis for Global Flow Control of Multiclasses in Packet-Switching Networks
Active network & a programmable high performance packet switch network
Performance Analysis of a Two-Link Striping System in Packet-Switched Networks
The Public Packet Switching Network of Jiangxi and Its Applications in Service
Studies on Key Technologies to Enable Edge Nodes in Optical Packet-Switched Networks
The QOS of the Packet Switching Networks and Its Realizing
New 2 × 1 Node Receiver Architecture for Optical Packet Switched Networks