
  • 网络distribution pattern;spatial pattern
  1. 浙江天童灌丛群落中优势种群的年龄结构和分布格局

    Studies on the Age Structure and Spatial Pattern of Dominant Populations from Tiantong Shrub Community in Zhejiang Province

  2. DCCA分析表明,海拔高度、地貌类型、群落盖度、土壤总碳含量、土壤总氮含量、乔木胸面积等因子对植物群落和物种分布格局影响明显。

    Altitude , physiognomy , canopy of community , overall contents of soil C and N , and chest area of arbor influenced the plant community and its spatial pattern distinctly .

  3. 中国农田土壤N2O排放通量分布格局研究

    The distribution pattern of N_2O emission from agricultural soil in China

  4. 桂西北土地石漠化时空格局演化GIS分析基于空间信息的北区工业分布格局演化研究

    Study on the Spatial-temporal Pattern Evolution of Rocky Desertification in Northwest Guangxi Province Based on GIS Technology

  5. 本文提出改进校正的方法。(10)空间分布格局的三种MonteCarlo检验方法中,基于最大胸径的MonteCarlo检验法较好。

    ( 10 ) Among three kinds of Monte Carlo test methods for spatial pattern , the one based on largest DBH is the best .

  6. 全P和Olsen-P之间及在2个土层之间均具有较相似的空间分布格局。

    The kriging contour maps showed that both total P and Olsen-P in the two soil depths had similar spatial distribution patterns .

  7. 基于RS与GIS的乔木层物种多样性分布格局&以辽东山区水源涵养林为例

    Distribution pattern of tree layer species diversity based on RS and GIS : A case study of water conservation forests in montane regions of eastern Liaoning Province of China

  8. 对研究区的土壤氮素和pH值进行克里格插值与绘图,结果表明研究区土壤的pH与硝态氮的空间分布格局极为相似,说明它们之间空间相关性较强。

    Through the Kriging and mapping about the soil nitrogen and the pH value in the study area , the results indicated that distribution patterns of soil pH and nitrate were very similar .

  9. 研究结果表明:SOM、STN、SpH、SWC和HC的分布格局均具有明显的空间异质性和空间自相关性,它们的空间格局与榆树的空间分布有明显的相关性。

    The results showed that spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence were apparent in SOM , STN , SpH , SWC and HC .

  10. 研究冻融土壤的水盐分布格局表明土壤饱和含水量线呈现>形分布结构,总盐分含量和碱化度(ESP)的等值线呈∧形分布结构。

    The distribution pattern was studied scientifically . It reveal that the structure of contour of saturated soil water presents like > and that of total salt amount and ESP looks like ∧ .

  11. 恙螨种间关系与种群的空间分布格局分别用协调系数(V)和聚块指数(m/m)判定。

    The patch index ( m / m ) and the coefficient of association ( V ) were adopted to judge the spatial distribution patterns and interspecies interaction of the dominant chigger mite species among different individuals of the rats ( E.miletus ) .

  12. 用扩散系数、丛生指数、Cassie指数及聚块指数等指标评价种群空间分布格局。

    Dispersion coefficient , clumping index , cassie index and patchiness index were used to analyze the spatial patterns of Chigger Mites .

  13. 可见,不同的施肥处理并没有改变TOC和POC的深度分布格局,只是改变了它们在耕层土壤的含量以及POC的分配比例。

    Thus , the different fertilization practices tended to ( affect ) not the depth distribution of TOC and POC but the content and proportion of POC in topsoil .

  14. 吸虱空间分布格局用分布型指数中的扩散系数、Cassie指数、丛生指数及聚块指数测定。

    Disperse coefficient , Cassie index , clumping index and patch index were adopted to measure the spatial distribution pattern of sucking lice .

  15. 此外,GHI对植被分布格局,特别是斑块结构有更好的显示效果。

    Moreover , GHI image could illustrate vegetation pattern , especially patch structure , better than other indices .

  16. 利用卧龙自然保护区1987年和1997年两个时段的卫星遥感影像进行植被制图,并与DEM模型数据进行叠图分析,研究不同植被类型在各种地形梯度上的分布格局及变化特点。

    Two temporal satellite images were used for vegetation mapping of Wolong nature reserve . Through overlay analysis of the vegetation maps and DEM data , the authors studied the distribution pattern variation of different vegetation types along the topographic gradients .

  17. 运用扩散系数、聚集指数、平均拥挤度、聚块性指数和负二相参数等指标比较分析了中华真地鳖Eupolyphagasinensiswalker在饲养池内的空间分布格局。

    The spatial distribution pattern of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker in rearing pool were studied by comparison of Variance-Menu Ratio with indices of aggressive intensity ( dispersal index , clumping index , mean crowding , patch index and intensity index ) .

  18. 利用多源遥感数据和3S技术平台,采用监督分类法对天山北坡山体垂直带内草地资源进行分类并获取资源分布格局图,探讨多源遥感数据在草地资源类型分类中的应用程度和发展前景。

    Taken the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains as the research area , the multi-source remote sensing data were applied to investigate and classify in rangeland resources types based on supervised classification method ( MLC ) combined with " 3S " technical platform .

  19. 主要优势种的DCA排序图与样方的DCA排序图有很大的相似性,优势种的分布格局在很大程度上决定着植物群丛的分布格局。

    The ordination diagram of the dominant species by DCA was similar to the one of the quadrats by DCA to a large extent and the distribution of the dominant species determined the distribution of the associations in a large measure .

  20. 利用Kringe插值与GIS相结合的方法,直观地表征了研究区土壤重金属的空间分布格局,不同元素的空间分布呈斑块状、条带状、散点状分布。

    The spatial distributions of soil heavy metal in the region were directly described using the method of associating Kringe interpolation and GIS , ie. , the distributions of different elements were patchiness , stripped and scattered . 3 .

  21. 4种间关系分析反映了3个相对集中的种组,DCCA排序表明它们分布格局的主要分异因子是海拔、坡位和坡度。

    3 species groups relatively concentrated are shown in the analysis of relationship between the rare species . Altitude , position and slope are the chief factors controlling their spatial pattern showed in DCCA ordination .

  22. 檫树种群的高度结构呈现双峰型的分布格局,且14~22m高度级的株数较多;

    Therefore the population age structure belongs to the senescent type , while the height structure of Sassafras tzumu population takes on a two peak type , and there are many trees of 14 ~ 22 metre height class .

  23. 在地境&牧草界面,围绕生产力形成及其分布格局这一关键生态过程,建立草地健康评价的CVOR综合指数和测算模型,并应用于阿拉善草地的健康评价。

    For the site-herbage interface , the CVOR index was created based on formation of herbage productivity and its species distribution pattern , and was used to measure the health of Alashan grassland .

  24. 深圳市文化设施时空分布格局研究

    Study on the Spatio-temporal Distribution Patterns of Cultural Facilities in Shenzhen

  25. 最后对形成这种分布格局的可能原因及沉积物中桡足类卵库对其浮游种群潜在补充作用进行了讨论。

    Finally the possible reasons of the distribution pattern are discussed .

  26. 间伐后,林木空间分布格局仍然为平均分布。

    But , it remained of the spatial pattern after thinning .

  27. 火力楠等3种阔叶树幼苗的养分分布格局

    Distribution Patterns of Nutrients in Seedlings of Three Broad-leaved Tree Species

  28. 恶性外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰在云南的分布格局

    Distributive pattern of malignant invasive species , Eupatorium adenophorum in Yunnan

  29. 油松天然林群落结构及种群空间分布格局

    Community Structure and Population Spatial Pattern of Pinus tabulaeformis Natural Forests

  30. 红锥种群结构和空间分布格局的研究

    A study on structure and spatial distribution pattern of Castanopsis hystrix population