
fēn zhū fán zhí
  • division propagation
  1. 分株繁殖是凤梨科植物繁殖的重要手段。

    Division propagation is the important propagation method of Bromeliceae .

  2. 非洲菊多采用无性繁殖的方式加以尘产,传统的无性繁殖的方式主要是采用分株繁殖。

    Accordingly gerbera is always yielded by asexual reproduction , and the traditional method is plant division propagation .

  3. 枣苗繁殖常用的方法有分株繁殖和嫁接繁殖。

    Suckering and grafting are two conventional techniques in propagating jujube .

  4. 百合的快繁主要有小鳞茎分株繁殖、鳞片扦插及组织培养。

    The main quick reproduce way of Lilium are .

  5. 采用种子繁殖、扦插繁殖和分株繁殖试验对白花败酱的繁育技术进行研究。

    The propagation techniques of seeding , cutting and tillering were studied on Patrinia villosa .

  6. 盆栽红掌快速分株繁殖试验

    Potted Anthurium Fasting Dispart Propagate Test

  7. 由于兰科植物繁殖都是靠传统形式的分株繁殖,周期长、繁殖率低,不能满足国内外市场的需求。

    As the traditional reproduction of orchid needs long period , and the reproductive rate is low . It can not satisfy market demand .

  8. 传统栽培靠分株繁殖,繁殖周期长,且繁殖率低,难以满足规模化生产的需要。

    Traditional cultivation depends on minute reproduction , but the reproduction cycle is long and reproduction rate is low , which can not meet the needs of large scale production .

  9. 蝴蝶兰是单茎性气生兰,很难进行分株繁殖;又因其种子小,胚发育不完全,无胚乳,常规播种难以萌发。

    However , it is difficult to propagate phalaenopsis by dividing shoot cluster because of its simple stem and aerial root . And it cannot germinate by the tiny seeds which have no endosperm .

  10. 红王子锦带(Weigelafloridacv.‘Red-prince’)是我国近年来从美国引进的一个重要园林观赏树种,目前主要通过扦插、分株方法繁殖。

    Weigela florida cv . ' red-prince ' is an important garden ornamental species introduced from America recently . At the present time it is propagated by cutting and separate plantlets .

  11. 蝴蝶兰试管分株快速繁殖研究

    Rapid propagation in vitro by division of Phalaenopsis

  12. 但是,非洲菊分株增殖速度较慢,其年扩繁系数仅为5&6倍。常规的种子繁殖和分株繁殖均增殖率低,难以满足旺盛的市场需求。

    However , the propagation rate is so small in Gerbera by plant division propagation that the annual propagation rate is only 5 ~ 6 . The seed propagation and plant division propagation cannot meet the consumer demands .