
fèn liang
  • weight;measure


fēn liàng
  • component product;component
分量 [fèn liàng]
  • (1) [weight]∶比喻价值、作用、对判断有影响的力量

  • 他们的意见总是很有分量

  • (2) [measure]∶重量;达到标准的数量

  • 这桶牛奶的分量是否足

分量[fēn liàng]
分量[fèn liang]
  1. 食物被掺了杂质以增加分量。

    The food had been adulterated to increase its weight

  2. 他这话说得很有分量。

    What he said should not be taken lightly . ; What he has said carries a lot of weight .

  3. 我想你需要一些有分量的意见。

    I think you need some heavy-duty advice .

  4. 这一图书奖项是世界上同类奖项中分量最重的。

    This book prize is the biggest of its kind in the world

  5. 把它放到食品加工器里搅拌是个好主意,因为这样能够使混合物的分量减轻。

    It is a good idea to blend it in a food processor as this lightens the mixture

  6. 每份饭菜分量都很足。

    The portions were generous .

  7. 美国禁毒署称被捕的4个人都是分量十足的大鱼。

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency .

  8. 他有没有掂掂我们的分量,知道我们并不愿冒生命危险?

    Has he taken the measure of us and concluded that we 're not willing to risk a life ?

  9. 体积大并不总是意味着分量重。

    Great bulk does not always mean great weight .

  10. 我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他。

    I believe she has some influence with the headmaster -- she might persuade him .

  11. 这本书的分量可不轻。

    This book is quite heavy .

  12. baβ是“平面张量”的协变分量,叫做该曲面的曲率张量。

    The quantities ba β are the covariant components of a plane tensor , called the curvature tensor of the surface .

  13. 他用手掂两块石头的分量。

    He balanced the two rocks in his hands .

  14. 这里存在着数目无穷的谐频分量。

    There is an infinite number of harmonic-frequency components .

  15. 这个南瓜的分量不下二十斤。

    This pumpkin weighs no less than twenty jin .

  16. 父亲一举手一投足比他的千叮咛万嘱咐更有分量。

    The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken .

  17. 作一组直角坐标轴,把各力都分解成正交分量。

    Construct a set of rectangular axes and resolve any inclined forces into rectangular components .

  18. 我肯定,那店老板给我称土豆时称足了分量。

    I 'm sure the shopkeeper gave me full measure when she weighed out the potatoes .

  19. 人们对那个人非常敬重,因此他讲的话就有分量。

    People have a great deal of respect for that man , therefore what he says carries weight .

  20. 非平行的边界的应力分量的三个值可以从板的平衡考虑来导得。

    Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate .

  21. 你可以控制自己食物的分量和成分。

    You can control what goes on and into the food you eat .

  22. 我们的话很有分量。

    Our words carry huge weight .

  23. 一天500或600卡的热量意味着每一餐分量都很小。

    The daily 500 or 600 calorie limit requires small portions .

  24. 他说话沉着,但每句话都有分量。

    He spoke calmly , but every sentence carried weight .

  25. 可以选择更丰盛的早饭,中等分量的午饭,并且不吃晚饭。

    This could mean eating a larger breakfast , a medium-sized lunch and no dinner at all .

  26. 他喘着粗气说:“我腰缠着千数铜钱,分量很重,所以游不动。”

    The man panted2 heavily and replied : " I 've got 1000 copper3 coins wrapped around my waist . They are very heavy , so I can 't swim fast . "

  27. H分量反映的才是颜色的种类,因此选用H分量进行瓷质抛光砖的颜色检测。

    So H weight is the basis of analyzing the color of ceramic tile .

  28. 分析了水果表皮的R分量、G分量及B分量之间的比率关系并成功地用于缺陷区域提取。

    R / B , R / G were used to segment the surface defects of fruits .

  29. 对于方差分量的线性函数c′σ2的最小范数二次无偏估计,需要求解非线性方程组,一般没有显式解,只能获得迭代解。

    Regarding the variance component linear function minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimates , it is needed to solve the nonlinear simultaneous equation .

  30. 提出了一种独立分量分析和BP神经网络相结合的人耳识别新方法(ICABP法)。

    A new ear recognition method combining independent component analysis ( ICA ) and BP neural network was proposed .