
  • 网络binding energy;bound energy;bond energy
  1. 束缚能的存在要减小峰值波长的改变量;

    The bound energy could reduce the changed wavelength ;

  2. 利用B样条技术计算类氢施主杂质量子环能级和束缚能的量子尺寸效应。

    The size-dependent effect of energy and binding energy of hydrogen-like donor impurity quantum ring are calculated with B-spline technique .

  3. 类氢施主杂质量子环能级和束缚能的B样条计算按可能引起污染的程度被定级设施

    Calculation of Energy and Binding Energy of Hydrogen-like Donor Impurity Quantum Ring with B-spline Technique

  4. ZnO薄膜的激子能量和束缚能的计算

    Calculation of exciton energies and binding energies in ZnO film

  5. 热退火同时还会使Au芯能级位置向高束缚能端移动。

    Annealing also makes the core levels of Au moved to the high-binding-energy side .

  6. Au纳米粒子的束缚能

    The Binding Energy of Au Nanoparticles

  7. 每原子平均束缚能Eb随尺度单调增长。

    The binding energy per atom increases monotonically with size .

  8. 对称GaAs/Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)As双量子阱中激子的束缚能

    Binding energies of excitons in symmetrical GaAs / Al_ ( 0.3 ) Ga_ ( 0.7 ) As double quantum wells

  9. 垂直磁场中GaAs-Ga(1-x)AlxAs量子阱内类氢杂质束缚能计算

    Binding Energy Calculation of Hydrogenic Impurities in GaAs-Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_xAs Quantum Well in Vertical Magnetic Field

  10. X射线光电子能谱法(XPS)对热处理样品表面分析发现Fe2p束缚能对应于单质Fe的峰,没有形成Fe的硅化物。

    X ray photoelectron spectra show that the iron 2p peak of binding energy corresponds to pure iron and suggest that no iron silicide is formed in the annealed sample .

  11. 浅施主杂质在对称GaAs/AlxGa(1-x)As双量子阱中的束缚能

    Binding Energy of Shallow-donor Impurities in Symmetrical GaAs / Al_xGa_ ( 1-x ) As Double Quantum Wells

  12. SO和LO声子对GaAs-Ga(1-x)AlxAs量子阱中激子束缚能的影响

    The effects of so and lo Phonons on the binding energy of the exciton in gaas-ga_ ( 1-x ) al_x as quantum well

  13. 由于ZnO是一种Ⅱ-Ⅵ族宽禁带化合物半导体材料而且具有较大的激子束缚能,所以在科学研究和技术应用领域很受关注。

    ZnO is an excellent ⅱ - ⅵ wide band gap compound semiconductor materials and has a large exciton binding energy , commonly used in the field of scientific research and technology .

  14. ZnO是第三代半导体材料,具有宽禁带、高激子束缚能、价格低廉和环境友好等特点,具有广阔的光电应用前景。

    ZnO , an outstanding material among the third generation of semiconductors , is widely used in optoelectronics devices because of its wide band-gap , large exciton binding energy and environmentally friendly nature .

  15. ZnO是宽禁带、高激子束缚能的新型半导体材料,具有优异的光电特性,因此被公认为重要的光电材料之一。

    ZnO with a wide band gap and a large excitation binding energy at room temperature , has excellent optoelectronic characteristics . It has been considered as one of the most important optoelectronic materials .

  16. 在考虑费米运动修正和核内核子束缚能作用的基础上,进一步引入Q~2式x重新标度机制,可以解释EMC效应的主要特性。

    With the Fermi motion correction including the nuclear binding effect , we show that the major features of the EMC effect can be explained by using the Q ~ 2 - or x-rescaling mechanism .

  17. 三元混晶中的Wannier激子的有效哈密顿量和束缚能

    Effective Hamiltonian and Binding Energies of Wannier Excitons in Ternary Mixed Crystals

  18. 实验证实了氧在硅单晶中存在二种不同的组态:在RT325℃范围内为Si2O组态,其束缚能为Eb~0.81.0eV;

    Experimental results show that there exist two kinds of oxygen configuration in sili-con : In the temperature range fran RT to 325 ℃, the oxygen atoms are kept as bonded Si_2Oconfiguration with a binding energy of E_b ~ 0.8-1.0 eV ;

  19. 在80K到300K温度范围内,观测到了PL光谱中来自量子阱的自由激子发光,通过发光强度与温度的变化关系,计算了激子束缚能。

    In PL spectra , an intense emission band coming from free excition luminescence of the quantum wells can be observed from 80 K to 300 K.

  20. 氧化锌(ZnO),一种新型Ⅱ&Ⅵ族半导体材料,具有禁带宽、激子束缚能高和近紫外光发射强等优点,在半导体器件等方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Zinc oxide ( ZnO ) is a new kind of ⅱ - ⅵ semiconductor materials with advantage of wide band gap , high exciton binding energy and strong emission of near ultraviolet area , thus it is widely applied for semiconductor devices .

  21. 利用变分方法计算了GaAs/Al2Ga(1-x)As量子阱中激子的束缚能,分析了电场、势阱宽度对激子束缚能的影响。

    We have calculated the binding energy of excitons in GaAs / Al_xGa_ ( 1-x ) As quantum wells with a variational method and discussed effects of an electric field and the well width on the exciton binding energy .

  22. 结果表明,核束缚能在小x区域对反应截面中湮灭项和康普顿散射项及K因子的影响明显,并且能量越低这种影响越显著,随着x2增大影响逐渐消失。

    The outcome indicates that the effect of nuclear binding energy on the annihilate term and the Compton term is marked in little x region and the effect will become more obvious with decrease of the energy and come to disappear with increase of the x.

  23. 氧化锌属于的宽带隙(3.37eV)半导体,常温下激子束缚能为60meV。

    ZnO is a wide band gap ( 3.37eV ) semiconductor with large exciton energy ( 60meV ) at room temperature .

  24. 用紧束缚能带计算方法(EHT)研究了标题多元合金的能带及电子结构。

    The electronic and energy - band structures of the title alloys have been studied by using the tight-binding method within the extended Huckel approximation ( EHT ) .

  25. 因此该模型能较好的描述量子环中两电子体系电子态和FIR吸收谱的物理特性。其次,还研究了磁场下量子环中激子的束缚能和PL谱。

    Consequently , this model is suitable to describe the physical property of electronic states and FIR spectroscopy of two electrons in quantum rings . Secondly , we also research binding energies and PL spectroscopy of excitons in quantum rings in a magnetic field .

  26. 采用扩展的H櫣ckel近似下的紧束缚能带方法计算了部分化合物的能带结构,表明正是这些簇间或离子间的相互作用提供了簇间电荷转移的可能。

    Their band structures are calculated by using tight-bind method within the extended H ü ckle scheme . The results show that it is the intercluster or interionic interaction that produces the possibility of the charge transfer between the clusters .

  27. ZnO最大的优势在于它的激子束缚能很大,约为60meV,是GaN激子束缚能的两倍多,可以在室温或更高温度下实现激子受激发光。

    The most significant advantage of ZnO lies in its extremely large exciton binding energy , about 60 meV , over double than that of GaN , which allows stimulated excitonic emission at room temperature or even higher temperature .

  28. ZnO是一种具有纤锌矿结构的直接宽带隙半导体材料,在室温下激子束缚能高达60meV,是一种非常理想的半导体材料。

    ZnO is a direct wide band gap semiconductor with WZ crystal structure . Due to the low growth temperature and high exciton binding energy ( 60meV ) at room temperature , it is an ideal semiconductor material .

  29. 用变分法讨论了异质界面上中性施主D0的能量随垂直于界面的磁场的变化情况,计算得到此结构中D0中心的基态能量和束缚能。

    Neutral donor on the heterointerface in magnetic fields were studied . Using a variational method , the ground energies and the binding energies of D ~ 0 center was calculated .

  30. II-VI族半导体具有大的禁带宽度、较大的激子束缚能和强的室温激子效应,一向被认为是制备室温激子非线性器件和短波长发光器件的重要侯选材料之一。

    II-VI semiconductors , possessing broad band gap , large exciton binding energy at room temperature , is rationally expected to be promising candidates for nonlinear devices and short wavelength laser .