
  • 网络Linac;e-linac
  1. NSRL200MeV电子直线加速器的速调管真空保护装置

    The vacuum protector of klystron for the 200 MeV Electron LINAC at NSRL

  2. 为了实现质子治疗,必须有一套比常规电子直线加速器更复杂,规模更大的质子治疗设备与系统。

    In order to understand the proton therapy it is necessary to have a proton therapy equipment and system , which is more complicated than the conventional electron LINAC .

  3. 医用电子直线加速器机头散射X射线的分析

    The analysis calculation for the scattering from medical electron linac head structure

  4. 窄束X射线半价层测量法标定电子直线加速器的能量

    Calibration of the Energy of an Electron Linac by Measuring the Narrow-beam X-ray Half-value Layer

  5. 驻波电子直线加速器中的RF相位聚焦

    RF alternate phase focusing in standing wave electron Linacs

  6. 电子直线加速器外照射后NOS和SOD的变化研究

    Study of the changes of NOS and SOD after β radiation injury

  7. SD近交系大鼠经电子直线加速器照射后局部与全身自由基的变化

    The Changes of Free Radicals in SD mice after Linear Accelerator Radiation Injury

  8. 无损检测用15MeV电子直线加速器主束内光中子剂量的测量与MC模拟计算

    Measurement and Calculation of Photoneutrons Produced in the Electron Accelerator for Radiography Application

  9. BJ-10型医用电子直线加速器照射头X射线的防护设计

    X-ray radiation protection design for BJ-10 medical electron linear accelerator

  10. 高功率脉冲调制器是电子直线加速器(LINAC)的功率源,脉冲调制器在运行中会产生很强的电磁干扰。

    The high-power pulse modulator of LINAC will produce strong electromagnetic interference when it runs .

  11. 用测量的6MV医用电子直线加速器X射线能谱验证放疗剂量的初步研究

    Primary application investigation of dose verification using measured bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra of 6 MV medical linear accelerator

  12. 电子直线加速器照射对NIH3T3细胞的细胞周期及凋亡的影响

    Study of Cell Cycle and Apoptosis after Radiation with Electron Linear Accelerator Injury

  13. 基于IAEATRS-398的医用电子直线加速器剂量校准方法

    A method of dose calibration of medical electron linear accelerator based on IAEA TRS-398

  14. 介绍了一种用于射频电子直线加速器型FEL注入器的宽脉冲高功率速调管快速保护系统。

    A quick-response protective system for high power klystron with long pulse which is used in FEL injector based on RF linac is described .

  15. 6MV医用电子直线加速器轫致辐射谱研究

    Investigation of Bremsstrahlung Spectra of 6 MV Medical Linear Accelerator

  16. 用Farmer剂量仪测量了3种类型6台医用电子直线加速器在放射治疗室内的杂散辐射剂量。结果可见,X射线能量在6、8、18MV时,治疗室内杂散辐射剂量水平是不高的。

    X-ray stray radiation dose levels in the therapy rooms of 6 medical electron linear accelerators working at 6 , 8 and 18 MV , respectively , have been measured using FARMER 2570 / 1A dosemeter and FJ 347A X γ dosemeter .

  17. 为了选择一个合理而相对准确的计算电子直线加速器的感生放射性的方法,分析了的点源近似法、径迹长度法、吸收功率法、MonteCarlo模拟法的优缺点。

    The induced radioactivity in an electron linac was analyzed using the Monte Carlo method and three traditional methods , the source term , the track-length calculation method , and the absorbed power scaling method , to calculate the saturation activity .

  18. ESS-010-03电子直线加速器的结构及其几种性能指标测试方法

    Structure and measure methods of some performances of ESS-010-03 electron linac accelerator

  19. 20Mev医用电子直线加速器调制器

    A modulator for 20 MeV medical linac

  20. XCT、DSA、SPECT、PET、电子直线加速器等高新医用电离辐射设备的广泛应用和二手设备的转手使用,带来了医用电离辐射职业人员面临新的辐射防护问题;

    Medical high-tech ionizing radiation equipment , such as XCT , DSA , SPECT , PET and electronic linear accelerator , and transferred old devices have brought about new protection problems to medical ionizing radiation workers .

  21. Cy-10医用电子直线加速器的注入系统

    The Injection System of CY-10 Microwave Linear Accelerator for Radiation Therapy

  22. 医用驻波电子直线加速器中磁控管的谐振频率fM和加速管的固有频率fo之差Δf对加速器的主要物理指标,如射线能量,剂量率及其稳定性等起着直接的影响。

    The frequency difference , Δ f , between the resonant frequency , f_Moof magnetron and the proper frequency of accelerating tube influences directly the main physics indexes such as X-ray energy and dose rate of the medical standing wave linear electron accelerator .

  23. 西门子Mevatron医用电子直线加速器故障维修与分析

    Maintenance and analysis of SIEMENS medical electronic linear accelerator

  24. 30MeV电子直线加速器盘荷波导和耦合器的化学清洗抛光工艺研究

    A Study of Chemical Polishing Technique Applied to Disk Loaded Waveguide Tube and Coupler for 30 MeV Electron Linear Accelerator

  25. 本文描述了一种20MeV医用电子直线加速器剂量监察和控制系统。

    The dose monitor and control system for electron beam and X ray on a 20 MeV medical linear accelerator is described .

  26. 文章介绍了NDZ-20医用电子直线加速器的束流注入系统的结构和特性。

    The structure and characteristic of an injector system of a NDZ-20 medicalelectron linear accelerator are described .

  27. 20Mev行波反馈电子直线加速器改进方案&采用最佳藕合的反馈加速器

    A improvement scheme for 20 MeV traveling wave electron linac with RF feedback - a linac with feedback by means of optimal couple

  28. 本文介绍了ESS-010-03型电子直线加速器的主要结构、工作原理,并详细介绍了加速器几种性能指标的测试方法。

    The structure , working principle and measure methods of some performances of the ESS-010-03 Electron Linac were introduced in this paper .

  29. 在对南京大学20Mev电子直线加速器实验室设计中:1.采用了局部铅屏蔽室,使有用束外的初级x线减弱至10~(-4)左右。

    We adopt the partial shield lead cell , so that the primary X-ray outside the useful beam decreases to about 10 ~ ( - 4 ) .

  30. 该装置利用一台5MeV辐照用电子直线加速器作脉冲辐射源,电子束脉宽2μs,流强200mA。

    Using a 5 MeV scanning linac as the pulsed radiation source , the system could provide a 2 microsecond width and 200 mA single pulse . The non-interrupt beam monitor was used to monitor the beam current .