
  • 网络electron transition;electronic transition;MLCT
  1. Ti3+中的d-d电子跃迁是紫色翡翠呈色的主要原因。

    D-d electron transition in Ti 3 + is considered to be the main cause of purple jadite coloration .

  2. 对B2+离子和H原子的碰撞过程引入了一种新的近似方法-心核近似;以碰撞参数为变量给出了电子跃迁振幅,并得出了波恩近似的结果。

    In this paper , core approximation is introduced into collisions of B2 + ions with H atoms , then electron transition amplituds is obtained by quoting impact parameter b and its first born transition amplitude is given .

  3. 光折变材料Cu∶KNSBN的晶格振动和d-d电子跃迁

    Lattice Vibrations and d d Electron Transitions of Photorefractive Material Cu ∶ KNSBN

  4. 而在UV-Vis光谱中,吸附H2O2将导致一个新的电子跃迁带在425nm处形成。

    Furthermore , in the UV-Vis spectra , the H2O2 treatment results in the formation of electronic transition band at 425 nm .

  5. 在InxGa(1-x)N样品的低温Raman谱中还观察到单电子跃迁产生的Raman散射信号。

    At low temperature , the peak induced by electronic transition was observed in Raman spectra of In_xGa_ 1-x N.

  6. Kerr介质中三能级原子与双模场相互作用的电子跃迁转移

    The transfer of electron leap when interacting between two-mode cavity field and three level atom in Kerr medium

  7. 用HMO法解释电子跃迁中的溶剂效应

    Computation of Solvent Effect in Electronic Transition with Huckel Molecular Orbital Method

  8. 由饱和吸收光谱观测到碘分子B←X电子跃迁11-5带R(127)和6-3带p(33)全部超精细结构分量。

    The full hyperfine components of R ( 127 ) line in 11-5 band and P ( 33 ) line in 6-3 band of B ← X electronic transition of molecular iodine were observed by saturated absorp-tion spectroscopy .

  9. X射线荧光层析技术是利用内壳层电子跃迁所发出荧光辐射,来测定样品中的元素含量,获取样品内部的结构信息。

    The X-ray fluorescence tomography method is capable of virtually estimating the concentration of elements and obtaining the inner structure of materials by measuring the intensity of fluorescence which is emitted by the inner shell electron .

  10. 计算结果表明:三种化合物分子内部HOMO到LU-MO电子跃迁,哒嗪的电子是由杂原子N向C原子转移,而吡嗪和嘧啶电子转移方向刚好相反;

    The results show that the transition between HOMO and LUMO in the three compounds is the electronic transformation from hetero-atoms N to C in pyridazine while from C to N in pyrazine and pyrimidine .

  11. 用纳秒脉冲激光作为激发光源,在激发谱中观测到了Tb3+的4f-4f电子跃迁与OH,OD键伸缩振动的耦合边带。

    With a ns pulsed dye laser , cooperative vibronic bands of Tb 3 + and OH , OD are measured in excitation spectra .

  12. Fe3+的dd电子跃迁是蛇纹石猫眼致色的主要因素。

    The dd electrons transition of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) is the major cause for the coloration of serpentine cat 's eyes from Sichuan province .

  13. 对δ→δ~电子跃迁光谱的近似估算同样表明,在这些过渡金属双核卤化物中,金属(n&1)f轨道对四重键的形成起了重要作用。

    In addition , calculations on the 6 - , 6 , electronic spectra also showed that the ( n - 1 ) f orbitals played an important role in the bond formation in these transition-metal dinuclear halides quadruply bonded .

  14. 首次利用MCD研究了聚(4-乙烯基吡啶)&CO~(3+)配合物的电子跃迁及电荷转移跃迁。

    In the present report , we study the electron transitions and charge transfer transitions of PVP-Co ~ ( 3 + ) complex by MCD method .

  15. UV-Vis谱图中,400~500nm处表征氧化态银物种的电子跃迁信号的强度越强,对应催化剂的反应活性越高;

    In UV-Vis spectra , the stronger the electron transition signal at 400 ~ 500nm which characterized oxidized silver ions , the higher the reaction activities ;

  16. 说明C60的结构对温度有较强的依赖关系。这种依赖关系与ππ电子跃迁类型密切相关。

    The result reflects that the structure of C 60 depends strongly on its temperature , and the dependent relationship is closely related to the type of π π electron transition .

  17. 实验结果表明,在靶面的邻近区(d0.4mm),等离子体辐射为较强的连续谱,并迭加有Y、Ba原子和Y~+、Ba~+离子基态电子跃迁的自吸收线。

    In the vicinity region of the target surface ( d0.35mm ), a wide continuum spectrum with salf-absorption lines due to the electronic transition from the ground states of Y , Ba and Y + , Ba + was observed .

  18. 结果发现,该物质是配体发光配合物,其发光源于mqp配体内π→π的电子跃迁。

    It is found that the luminescence originates from the π→π electronic transition among the ligand of mqp .

  19. 红宝石、蓝宝石、翡翠的呈色是过渡金属离子(如铬、铁、钛等)d-d电子跃迁和电荷转移跃迁等因素共同作用的结果。

    The colorations of ruby , sapphire , and emerald result from the d-d electron transition and charge transfer transition of transition metal ions such as chromium , iron , titanium etc.

  20. 实验表明,在11~20nm波段水靶激光等离子体光源存在多条线谱,均由水中氧离子电子跃迁产生。

    The experimental result demonstrates that the water target LPP source has EUV emission at 11 ~ 20 nm wavelength , which are all generated from electronic transitions in oxygen ions .

  21. 蛇纹石玉的柠檬黄色主要是蛇纹石晶格中的Fe3+离子引起的,Fe3+离子的d-d电子跃迁是柠檬黄色的蛇纹石玉致色的主要因素。

    The color lemon-yellow is from Fe ~ ( 3 + ) ion on the serpentine crystal lattice and the d-d electrons transition of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) is the major cause for the coloration of lemon-yellow serpentine jade .

  22. 对一系列低价态双核原子簇化合物的UV-Vis光谱进行了定性研究,尤其是λ>300nm处,发现过渡金属的d-d电子跃迁行为,并对个别化合物进行初步量子化学处理。

    The UV-Vis spectrum investigation was made on a series of the low valence dinuclear complexes , especially for λ > 300nm , it is for d-d electron transition character . At the same time , the preliminary quantum-chemical calculation was performed on the individual complex .

  23. 通过对前线轨道组成进行自然布居分析,揭示了硫靛染料的发光均源自分子中HOMO-LUMO(π→π)电子跃迁。

    In addition , the frontier molecular orbital composition was analysed by natural population analysis ( NPA ), which indicated that the emission of thioindigo originated from the electronic HOMO-LUMO ( π→π ) transitions .

  24. 用此装置记录了c2h2分子的泛频激发谱和a1au←x1∑+g电子跃迁谱,并测量了光声强度随气体压力及激光能量的变化关系。

    Photoacoustic spectra of C 2H 2 overtone excitation and A 1A u ← X 1 Σ + g electronic transition were obtained using the instrument and the dependence of PA signal intensity on the sample pressure and the laser energy was measured .

  25. 采用时间分辨荧光光谱系统测量了几种稀土TP3+配合物的7F6-5D4电子跃迁的激发光谱,同时测量了与该跃迁及配合物中配位基团相关的电子振动光谱。

    Excitation spectra of7F6 → 5D4 electronic transition of several Tb3 + complexes were studied with time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy . The related vibronic spectra were studied as well .

  26. 可见光化学激光研究Ⅰ.电子跃迁氟化碘化学激光探索

    Studies of visible chemical lasers I. Electronic transition IF chemical laser

  27. 稀土配合物电子跃迁光谱

    Progress in the Electron Transition Spectra of Rare Earth Complexes

  28. 另外,还计算了锂原子的一电子跃迁、二电子跃迁和三电子跃迁的辐射跃迁率。

    The radiative transition rates of lithium are also calculated .

  29. 视觉光化学过程中的构象电子跃迁

    The Transition of Conformation - Electron in Visual Photochemical Processes

  30. 核运动对电子跃迁几率的影响

    The Effect of Nuclear Motions on Electronic Transition Propability