
  • 网络Electrolytic aluminum;aluminium;Electrolytic aluminium
  1. 阳极效应及其对电解铝生产的影响

    Anode Effect and the Effect of It on Electrolytic Aluminium Production

  2. 22万吨电解铝车间厂房屋面工程整改施工

    Improving Construction of the Roofing of a 220,000-ton Electrolytic Aluminium Workshop

  3. 电解铝工业ERP方案的研究

    Study on Tianyuan Aluminum Industry Group ERP / MRP ⅱ Scheme

  4. ERP环境下的电解铝生产远程监测系统开发

    Development of remote monitoring system for aluminium electrolysis production under ERP environment

  5. DCS在电解铝整流所的应用

    The Application of DCS in Alumina Smelter 's Rectifying Station

  6. 本文就我国电解铝行业在加入WTO后有关企业创新与产业结构调整等作一简要的讨论。

    In this paper , the adjustment of industrial structure and vitally important innovation in electrolytic aluminum enterprises are mainly discussed in brief .

  7. 我国电解铝产业SCP分析

    Analysis of the electrolytic aluminum industry in China with SCP

  8. 随着中国加入WTO,全球市场一体化的形成,电解铝企业面临的竞争日趋白热化。

    As China enters into the WTO and the forming of the globalized market , the competitions among the aluminum electrolysis enterprises are becoming more and more fierce .

  9. 基于现有的电解铝生产在线监测系统,开发了一个与ERP系统集成的电解铝生产远程监测系统,文中分析了系统的整体规划和各子系统的功能。

    Based on existent on-line production monitoring system of aluminium electrolysis , a remote monitoring system integrated with ERP system for aluminium electrolysis production is developed .

  10. 结合MRPII和ERP管理思想,提出电解铝生产企业的生产管理信息系统模型。

    The information model of production management for aluminum electrolysis enterprises is presented with the ideas in MRPII and ERP .

  11. 研究了电解铝液直接铸轧生产PS版铝板基的主要缺陷,并分析了缺陷产生的原因。

    The main defects of aluminum substrate for PS plate produced by direct cast-rolling of electrolysis aluminum liquid were discussed , and the reason for the defects was analyzed .

  12. 以美国最大的电解铝生产商&美国铝业(Alcoa)为例。

    Take Alcoa ( AA ) for instance .

  13. 电解铝行业是高能耗高污染的行业,提高电解烟气中HF的净化效率成为减少目前电解铝工艺环境污染的关键。

    Smelting aluminum is a high power consumption and high pollution industry , improving efficiency of decontaminate pot fume HF is becoming linchpin of decrease pollution of smelting aluminum .

  14. 本文所开发的系统既可以作为独立系统运行,又可以与电解铝企业所实施的ERP系统进行有机集成,进一步提高电解铝企业的管理信息化水平。

    The system developed in this paper can be run as an independent system , furthermore it can be integrated with the existed ERP system of aluminum electrolysis plant to promote the management informationization level .

  15. 采用额定容量5t工频有芯感应熔铝炉,用电解铝液直接熔炼铸造铝合金,可提高劳动生产率、减少环境污染;

    The 5 ton cored induction furnace can be used for melting and casting aluminum alloy directly . The productivity can be increased and the environmental pollution can be reduced .

  16. 结果电解铝工人骨密度有不同程度的降低,从轻到重依次是股骨大转子、股骨颈、股骨三角区、腰椎L2、腰椎L3、腰椎L4。

    Results The skeleton density of the electrolysis aluminium workers was reducted , and from gently degree to heavily degree , it involved femur rotor , femur neck , femur triangle area , L2 , L3 and L4 .

  17. 随着当前电解铝行业的蓬勃发展,德国Eirich连续混捏机在铝用炭阳极生产领域的应用愈来愈广泛。

    With the development of electrolysis alumium industry , the mixer from Eirich in Germany is widely applied into the production of carbon anode for alumium electrolysis .

  18. 浅议电解铝企业的生存与发展

    Discuss the Existence and Development of the Electrolytic Aluminium Enterprise Lightly

  19. 铝厂电解铝工人骨密度的调查

    The investigation of the skeleton density of the electrolysis aluminium workers

  20. 沼液对农药的增效作用对电解铝液净化作用的探讨

    Discussion of Purification Effect of Electrolyte Liquid-Al on Electrolyte Aluminum Techniques

  21. 模糊神经网络预测模型及其在电解铝生产中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Neural Network Prediction Model in Aluminum Electrolysis Production

  22. 电解铝炭素阳极用氧化铝溶胶抗氧化复合涂层

    Alumina sol multi-layer anti-oxidation coating for carbon anode in aluminum electrolysis

  23. 电解铝硅合金耐蚀性研究

    Study of Corrosion Resistance on the Electrolytic Al - Si Alloys

  24. 电解铝企业作业成本控制研究

    Study on Application of Activity-Based Cost Control in Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprises

  25. 干法氟化铝在电解铝生产中的应用研究

    Applied study of drying alumimium fluoride for aluminium electrolytic production

  26. 电解铝液生产铸轧板的冶金质量控制

    Metallurgical quality control of electrolysis aluminium liquid producing cast-rolling stock

  27. 电解铝材料发展趋势的研究与探讨

    The Research and Exploration of the Development of Materials of Electrolytic Aluminium

  28. 浅谈草本花卉在电解铝污染区的应用

    Talking on Herbaceous Flower of Application in Electrolytic Aluminium Industry Polluted Area

  29. 无水氟化铝对电解铝生产的有利因素分析

    Advantage analysis of anhydrous aluminium fluoride application in primary aluminium smelting production

  30. 电解铝液生产铝材坯料的工艺技术

    Process and Technique of Producing Aluminium Products Stocks with Electrolytic Aluminium Melt