
  • 网络computer speaker
  1. 大卫:新的HR624型电脑音箱。

    David : The new HR624 computer speakers .

  2. 著名的扬声器厂商B&W发布了其新款电脑音箱MM-1。

    Loudspeaker company Bowers & Wilkins has announced its latest set of computer speakers , the MM-1 .

  3. 二者都可以通过Wi-Fi家庭网络无线连接,这样你就不用为了电脑和音箱布线而在墙上打洞。

    Both work wirelessly over a Wi-Fi home network so you don 't need to put holes into your walls to run computer and speaker wires .

  4. 我卖电脑和音箱。

    I sold computers and audio equipment .

  5. 公司已经着手为一家大型电脑公司生产音箱。那家公司的高管大卫正在和乔安娜伍德讨论包装事宜。

    H & t has begun producing speakers for a major computer company . david , an executive with that company , is discussing packaging with Joanna wood .

  6. 通过最简单的设置,Remote就能让你控制直接连接到电脑上的立体声音箱播放的音乐。

    In the simplest setup , Remote lets you control the music from stereo speakers connected directly to a PC.

  7. 比如说,我就看到过一台这样的电脑,它的音箱无法兼容MacOS。

    For instance , on one such machine I saw , the speaker port didn 't work with the Mac OS .