
guāng qū
  • CD drive;DVD-ROM;DVD-RW;COMBO;CD-ROM disk drive
  1. 伺服系统控制技术是CD光驱的核心关键技术之一。

    The servo system control is a key technology of the CD unit .

  2. 基于ADAMS车用CD光驱的振动隔离研究

    Study of CD-ROM Used in an Automobile Based on ADAMS Software

  3. 光驱CPU就像是人类的大脑。

    CD-ROM CPU is like human brain .

  4. 你就从来不用光驱吗?要是哪天真想放张CD怎么办?理论上说,它还是有用的。

    Isn 't that important when you 'd like to actually put CDs in there at some point ?

  5. 你要生产dvd光驱里面的零件。

    So you want to produce components used in DVD-ROM drives .

  6. HDDVD光驱没有黑色的。

    The HD DVD drive will not be released in black .

  7. DVD光驱聚焦伺服系统中的重复控制器

    Repetitive Controller in Focus Servo System of a DVD Drive

  8. 内置无线联网功能,可是没有用于CD或DVD的光驱。

    They have built-in wireless networking , but lack an optical drive for CDs or DVDs .

  9. 采用以微处理器为中心的系统控制可实现CD光驱的诸多功能。

    Many functions of CD unit can be implemented with the system control , which its central processor is MPU .

  10. 有些光驱只能读DVD,有些还能刻录空盘。

    Some drives can just read DVDs and some can record onto blank ones .

  11. 设计并实现了一个基于商用光驱和PC机的CD光盘的高频信号参数测试系统。

    A test system of the High frequency signal parameters of CD based on a commercial CD driver and computer is designed and implemented .

  12. 推荐使用范围:用于有防静电要求的电子产品包装,如各类PC板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等。

    Applicable to pack electronic products which are sensitive to static , such as PC board , IC integrated circuit , CD driver , HD etc.

  13. 如果你想烧录自己的视频的话,你需要一个可写的DVD光驱。

    If you want to burn your own videos , you 'll want a writable DVD drive .

  14. 从STEAM激活或者购买就意味著用户不需要在激活之后玩游戏时一直把DVD光盘放在光驱里了。

    Activating or buying through STEAM means that you do not need to have the DVD in drive when you play following activation .

  15. 虽然苹果公司提供了价格99美元的外置USB接口的DVD刻录机,但是任何USB接口DVD光驱都应该可以。

    A matching external USB DVD burner is available from Apple for $ 99 , but any USB DVD drive should work .

  16. 通过这种途径的玩家在玩游戏时必须一直把DVD光盘放进光驱里。

    Players using this route will be required to have the DVD in the drive at all times whilst playing .

  17. 您可能听说过LiveCD;它们是可以在安装之前进行尝试的、出色而完整的Linux系统,从CD光驱就能够完成对它们的引导。

    You have probably heard of LiveCDs ; they 're wonderful try-before-you-install complete Linux systems that boot off your CD drive .

  18. 应用ADAMS软件建立CD光驱虚拟样机模型。

    By applying the ADAMS software , a virtual prototype model of CD-ROM is developed . The isolation system is optimized when the excitation is half sine acceleration .

  19. 虽然你不能通过远端光驱播放DVD影碟或CD音乐,可是能拷贝文件、安装程序。

    You won 't be able to stream DVD movies or music CDs via remote disc , but it 's fine for getting files and installing apps .

  20. 细菌视紫红质(bR)是一种独特的光敏蛋白,具有光致变色和光驱质子泵功能。

    Bacteriorhodopsin ( bR ) is a photosensitive protein , which acts as a photochromic material as well as a light-driven proton pump .

  21. 应用PXE网刻技术进行机房改造赚光驱

    Reformation of Computer Room Using PXE Net Ghost Technique to Save CD-ROM Drive

  22. 我们不认为大多数用户会怀念光驱,他说,MacBookAir的设计宗旨就是一款无线机器。

    We don 't think most users are going to miss the optical drive , he said . The MacBook Air was built to be a wireless machine .

  23. 介绍了N2光驱中压盘簧片的高速级进冲模的结构设计及特殊的加工工艺方法。

    This paper mainly introduced structure design method of high-speed stamping die for the spring presser in N2 CD-room and special process method .

  24. 第一个选择是一个基于防拷贝系统的DVD光盘,这需要你在玩游戏时把DVD光盘一直放在光驱里。

    The first is a DVD based copy protection system that requires you to have the DVD in the drive at all times whilst playing .

  25. 本文研究了WDM式驱动模型和类过滤驱动的开发,设计并实现了基于类过滤驱动的光驱只读控制模块。

    This paper studies the development of WDM driving module and class filter driver , and design and realize CD-ROM read-only control module based on class filter driver .

  26. OVF标准建议,使用虚拟光驱中所包含的一个XML配置文件(默认名称为ovf-env.xml)将运行时参数传递到ActivationEngine。

    The OVF standard recommends that the runtime parameters are passed to the Activation Engine using an XML configuration file ( default name is ovf-env . xml ) contained in a virtual CD drive .

  27. 为了适应装有可启动光盘的电脑,一些BIOS还允许将光驱指定为启动驱动器。

    In order to adapt to a bootable CD-ROM with the computer , some BIOS will also allow the drive designated as the boot drive .

  28. 当一些公司开始提供蓝光光驱或者HDDVD作为计算机的一个可选件时,苹果还是保持原地踏步,只提供再普通不过的DVD格式支持。

    While some companies have begun to include Blu-ray Disc or HD DVD drives as options in their computers , Apple has stayed on the sidelines , preferring the ubiquitous DVD format .

  29. 工业界不仅看到了当前技术(如cd-rom光驱)的使用在增加,而且也看到多媒体机器工作方式在增加。

    The industry not only has seen an increase in the use of current technologies such as CD-ROM drives , but also in the way multimedia machines work .

  30. 由于STEAM不能在Mac上使用,所以Mac版本的盒装拷贝用户只有一种方法来安装,这就是需要在游戏时把DVD光盘一直放在光驱中。

    As STEAM is not available for the Mac , Mac boxed copy users will just have the one method of installing , which will require the DVD to remain in the drive whilst playing the game .