
guāng gùn
  • ruffian;hoodlum;bachelor;a clever person
光棍 [guāng gùn]
  • (1) [bachelor]∶俗称没有老婆的男人

  • 佛公佛母,辈辈相传,生长佛子,哄俺弟子,都做光棍。--《孤本元明杂剧.冯惟敏.僧尼共犯》

  • (2) [ruffian]∶地痞;无赖

  • 却信着这两个光棍,搬坏了俺一家儿也。--《元曲选.杀狗劝夫.楔子》

  • (3) [a clever person] 〈方〉∶聪明的人

  • 光棍不吃眼前亏

光棍[guāng gùn]
  1. “咱这个老光棍,要是再分给一个老婆,叫咱也受受女人的罪才更好呢!”(丁玲《太阳照在桑乾河上》)

    As a ruffian , I will be happier if I will be given a wife and endure hardships of a woman .

  2. 这个系列剧按照时间顺序记述了两个老光棍每天的奇遇。

    The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors .

  3. 由于不信任女人,他打了一辈子光棍儿。

    Distrusting women , he remained a bachelor all his life .

  4. 他是光棍一条。

    His hat covers his family .

  5. 光棍不吃眼前亏。

    A wise man doesn 't fight impossible odds .

  6. 他决心打一辈子光棍儿。

    He 's a confirmed bachelor .

  7. 他决定打一辈子光棍。

    He decided to bach it all his life .

  8. 光棍来宾都一字靠在墙上,有口无心地聊着天儿

    The stags line up against the wall , chat cursorily with one another .

  9. 魏国一个年龄很大却没有找到的老婆的光棍壮起胆子,娶了黄公的大女儿,一看是绝色美女,兴奋地对别人说:“我岳父不过是喜欢谦虚,她的小女儿肯定也很漂亮!”。

    An aged2 bachelor in the state of Wei , who had not gotten married mustered3 up his courage , and married Huang Gong 's elder daughter . Seeing she was a peerless beauty , he told others , " My father-in-law was just modest . His younger daughter must be beautiful , too ! "

  10. Universityculture大学传统光棍节最先在90年代的江苏南京各大高校兴起。

    Singles Day was first celebrated at various universities in Nanjing , capital city of Jiangsu Province during the 1990s .

  11. 作为其调查的一部分,SEC对阿里巴巴报告的未经审计的光棍节巨大销售额提出了问题。

    As part of its probe the SEC has asked about the large unaudited sales numbers Alibaba publishes for Singles Day .

  12. 马云发出此番呼吁一周之前,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)在“光棍节”(SinglesDay)当天24小时内销售了创历史新高的近143亿美元的商品。

    This appeal came after Alibaba 's largest ever " Singles Day " a week earlier , with almost US $ 14.3bn of merchandise sold in 24 hours .

  13. 阿里巴巴的高管们利用光棍节来阐述下一步计划,光棍节是该公司自9月首次公开发行(IPO)以来最大的活动。

    Alibaba executives used Singles " Day , the company 's biggest event since its initial public offering in September , to lay out its next steps .

  14. 每年11月11日的光棍节是阿里巴巴推出的在线购物打折日,相当于美国的“网购星期一”(CyberMonday)和“黑色星期五”(BlackFriday)。

    Single 's Day , a discount online shopping day promoted by Alibaba , is the equivalent of Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the US . It falls each year on November 11 .

  15. 11月11日的“光棍节”展现了AI的一部分威力,阿里巴巴在这个购物节之前的一个月利用AI制作了4亿个定制横幅广告。

    Some of that was in evidence on Singles Day , when Alibaba used AI to generate 400m customised banner advertisements in the month leading up to the shopping day .

  16. 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇(DanielZhang)表示,阿里巴巴会把向中国消费者推销其他国家产品作为11月11日“光棍节”购物节的内容之一。

    Daniel Zhang , chief executive , said that Alibaba would promote the sale of products from other countries to Chinese consumers as part of its Singles Day sales festival on November 11 .

  17. Xu称,在今年的双十一“光棍节”,宝洁在6分钟内就完成了1亿元人民币(合1600万美元)的销售额,而去年用了8小时才达到这一销售额。

    This year on Singles Day Ms Xu says that P & G made its first Rmb100m ( $ 16m ) in six minutes , compared with eight hours last year .

  18. 这家电子商务集团称,11月11日“光棍节”的筹备工作没有受到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对其会计实践的调查影响。

    The ecommerce group said preparations for Singles Day on November 11 had not been affected by an investi ¬ gation into its accounting practices by the US Securities and Exchange Commission .

  19. 部分是由于刷单盛行,在纽约上市的阿里巴巴每年光棍节报出的令人印象深刻的数字都会招致严密关注——甚至包括美国证交会(SEC)的审查。

    Partly due to the prevalence of brushing , the impressive numbers that New York listed Alibaba reports every Singles Day have invited scrutiny , including from the US Securities and Exchange Commission .

  20. Creativecelebration新奇庆祝光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根油条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。

    For breakfast on Singles Day , singles often eat four youtiao ( deep-fried dough sticks ) representing the four " ones " in " 11.11 " and one baozi ( steamed stuffed buns ) representing the middle dot .

  21. 去年光棍节,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等电商的线上商品销售总额超过了100亿美元,而这个节日也成了中国最大的“假货节”。

    Singles Day , which last year saw more than $ 10bn in total merchandise sold online by the likes of Alibaba and JD.com , is also China 's biggest day for fake goods .

  22. 中国消费者创下光棍节网上购物的新纪录之际,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的一位高管昨日表示,该公司正努力转变金融服务和医疗等国家主导的行业。

    Alibaba is looking to transform state-dominated sectors of the Chinese economy , such as financial services and healthcare , a senior executive said yesterday , as Chinese consumers set a new record for online sales on Singles ' Day .

  23. 每年11月11日——人们会在“双十一”(11-11)庆祝单身生活,“光棍节”由此得名——大量中国消费者到阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等电商平台购买折价商品。

    Every November 11 - Singles Day is named after the " double elevens " ( 11-11 ) celebrating single life - Chinese consumers go online in droves to buy sale-priced merchandise on ecommerce sites such as Alibaba and JD.com .

  24. 中国消费者创下“光棍节”网上购物的新纪录之际,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的一位高管昨日表示,该公司正努力转变金融服务和医疗等国家主导的行业。

    Alibaba is looking to transform state-dominated sectors of the Chinese economy , such as financial services and healthcare , a senior executive said yesterday , as Chinese consumers set a new record for online sales on Singles " Day .

  25. 中国经济或许正在放缓,但在双十一“光棍节”这天,大批购物者却集体出手,开场90分钟就使阿里巴巴(Alibaba)平台上的交易额达到50亿美元,几乎是去年同期的两倍。

    China 's economy may be slowing but shoppers were out in droves for Singles Day , racking up $ 5bn of sales in the first 90 minutes on Alibaba , roughly double last year 's haul in the same period .

  26. “光棍节”最初是一种反情人节,后来却被阿里巴巴炒作成消费的象征。活动的规模大大超出了美国的超级星期一(CyberMonday)——去年前者的规模是后者的三倍。

    The festival , which began life as a kind of anti-Valentine 's Day until it was corralled by Alibaba as a totem to consumerism , is much bigger than the US 's Cyber Monday - last year , it was three times as big .

  27. 美国零售商好市多(Costco)表示,2014年决定通过阿里巴巴旗下天猫商城(Tmall)销售食品时,它被“光棍节”(Single’sDay)一天就卖出350万美元商品“惊呆了”。

    When Costco , a US retailer , decided in 2014 to sell food via Tmall , a subsidiary of Alibaba , it was " shocked and surprised " to ship $ 3.5m in merchandise on Single 's Day alone , the company said .

  28. 研究机构高德纳公司的分析师SandyShen指出,业界预估去年光棍节约有25%的在线购物遭到退货。她表示中国电商的商品交易总量虚高了同样份额。

    On Singles Day last year , about 25 % of merchandise purchased online was returned according to industry estimates , says Sandy Shen , an analyst at research firm Gartner Inc. That inflates GMV for Chinas e-commerce players by the same amount , she said .

  29. 今年,阿里巴巴表示会聘用会计师事务所普华永道(PwC)来审计光棍节的商品交易总额(GMV),确保该数据的统计中不含虚假订单。

    This year , Alibaba said it would hire accounting firm PwC to audit the Singles Day GMV ( Gross Merchandise Value ) to ensure it was free of fake orders .

  30. 该报称,由阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推广到海外的、销售规模达90亿美元的购物节日“光棍节”(由于发生在11月11日,在中国也被称为“双11”),可能是中国首个可出口的现代节日。

    It claims that " Single 's Day , " the $ 9bn shopping holiday popularised overseas by Alibaba and known in China as " Double 11 " ( as it occurs on November 11 ) , may be China 's first exportable modern holiday .