
diàn bào jī
  • Telegraph machine;telegraph transmitter/receiver
电报机 [diàn bào jī]
  • [telegraph] 用以发送和接收电报的设备

  1. 老板说:"对不起,你一直坐在这里,电报机一直在用莫尔斯电码发送下列信息:如果你明白这条信息,请马上进来,这份工作是你的了。"

    The boss said , " I 'm sorry , but all the time you 've been sitting here , the telegraph has been sending out the following message in Morse code : ‘ If you understand this message , then come right in.The job is yours . ' "

  2. 斯科特请安德鲁管理新电报机,还请他在自己的办公室作一名助理。

    Scottasked Andrew to operate the new telegraph and to be his assistant inthe office .

  3. 他制作了一个电报机并很快学会了发电报和收电报。

    He built a telegraph machine and quickly learned to send and receive telegraph messages .

  4. 水面舰艇电报机。

    The surface ship engine telegraph .

  5. 通过电报机传递的信息。

    A message transmitted by telegraph .

  6. 因此,我将美国人民创新精神的代表作,电报机等放在总统办公室。

    It 's why I keep models of American inventions like the telegraph in the Oval Office .

  7. 当爱迪生在努力地构思新点子时,那些商人将改良的电报机和股票机投入生产。

    The business produced improved telegraphic and stock ticker equipment while Edison was hard at work on new ideas .

  8. 当爱迪生正在努力设法改善电报机及电话机时,却发现可以利用锡箔包裹的滚筒来记录声音。

    While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone , Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cylinders .

  9. 电报机与电话机等设备,通过产生调制电脉冲或以系统化方式变化的脉冲,来传递信息。

    Devices such as the telegraph and telephone relay messages by creating modulated electrical impulses , or impulses that change in a systematic way .

  10. 无线电电传打字电报机用有线、无线电、电报、电话、传真或其它方法发送信号、报文或其它形式的消息。

    The dispatching of a signal , message , or other form of intelligence by wire , radio , telegraphy , telephony , facsimile , or other means .

  11. 打字电报机实际上是一种在电报电路上传送打印信息的机器。1920年代电传打字机普遍用于商业。

    A teleprinter is really a machine which sends a typewriter message over a telegraph circuit . Teletypewriters ( or teleprinters ) became common for commercial use in the 1920s .

  12. 电报机在很大程度上已被其他电信形式所取代,如传真机和电子邮件,但在世界有些地方,电报机仍然用来发送信息。

    Telegraphs have been largely replaced by other forms of telecommunications , such as fax machines and electronic mail ( e-mail ), but they are still used in some parts of the world to send messages .

  13. 虽然19世纪中期开始引进了自动印刷的电报机,但仍然离不开人工发送这一步,最终在20世纪30年代,这一环节也实现了自动化。

    By the 1850s , a system that automatically printed telegrams was introduced , but humans were still required to help send the message in the first place . In the 1930s , that part of the process became automated , too .

  14. 后来电报被电传机取代,后者又被传真机所取代。

    Then the telegram was replaced by the telex machine , which was followed by the facsimile .

  15. 自动转发的过境电报印字电报机自动换接

    Transit telegram with automatic retransmission