
jīnɡ yínɡ huó dònɡ
  • operating activities
  1. 以健康、安全、环保为目标的NOSA管理体系覆盖了企业和员工在生产经营活动全过程中的安全管理规范。

    The NOSA management system contains the safety management standard of the production and operating activities process of enterprise and staffs . It takes health , safety and environmental as the goal .

  2. 顾客是所有企业经营活动的终极元素,顾客服务已成为企业竞争力的重要部分。

    Customers are ultimate elements in operating activities of all enterprises .

  3. 政府无意干扰被告的合法经营活动。

    The government will not seek to disrupt the legitimate business activities of the defendant .

  4. 允许开办临时占道市场,免收占道费,但必须有序开展经营活动。

    There will be no charge for running a business in a designated roadside area , but they must operate in an orderly manner , the office said .

  5. 在经济全球化和中国加入WTO的竞争环境下,中国的企业应该立足国内,放眼世界,积极开展国际化经营活动,参与到世界经济循环中,提高国际竞争力。

    With China joining WTO , Chinese enterprises shall root themselves in domestic market and participate in world economy circulation actively by implementing international operation strategies under economy globalization to boost their global competition strengths .

  6. 我国加入WTO以后,企业之间的竞争更加激烈,客户资源已成为企业经营活动中极为重要的资源。因此以客户为中心的经营管理理念便应运而生。

    The customer resources become extremely important to marketing activities after China 's entry into the WTO , thus came the concept of customer-oriented marketing , which centers on raising satisfaction of the customers and fostering loyal customers .

  7. ncr将在全球经营活动中遵循这些原则,遵守当地的适用法律。

    NCR will follow these principles , consistent with applicable local laws , in all its operations globally .

  8. 中国加入WTO,标志着中国市场经济开始进入了经济全球化大潮之中,作为市场主体在竞争中只有通过信息来获取所需要的资源来从事生产经营活动。

    And the access of China into WTO symbolizes that China 's market economy begins to enter the tide of economic globalization . Therefore , the market subjects should acquire the needed resources by getting information in competition to launch their business activities .

  9. 客户是所有企业经营活动的终极元素,客户关系管理(CRM)是以客户为中心的现代管理理念和IT技术结合的产物,能够提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Customers are the ultimate elements of all business ; Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) combined modern management principle and the advanced IT technique , which can increase the core competitive capability of the business enterprise .

  10. 财务管理模块作为ERP系统的中枢,通过与企业的生产模块、销售模块、采购模块、库存模块、人力模块的集成,实时采集企业信息,对企业的经营活动进行有效的事前预算与事中控制。

    As the center of ERP system , financial management module integrates the production module , sales module , purchasing module , inventory module and human modules together , collects enterprise information on time , so the pre-budget and matter of control in business activities are effective .

  11. 销售人员在企业的经营活动中起着至关重要的作用。

    Salesmen play a vital role in the business activities of enterprises .

  12. 间接法编列经营活动现金净流量的教学思考

    Reflections on the Teaching of Currency Flow in Business Activity

  13. 资金是企业进行生产经营活动的必要条件。

    Capital is a necessary condition of enterprises manufacturing & managing activities .

  14. 电力企业档案与多种经营活动

    On the Archives of Electric Power Enterprises and Their Multiform Operating Activities

  15. 电子商务改变了企业的市场环境,而企业的经营活动只有不断适应环境的变化才有生命力。

    E - business has greatly changed the market environment .

  16. 军队医院管理者经营活动应明晰的四个关系

    Four Concepts Distinguished by Military Hospital Governor in Operational Activities

  17. 医疗和防保功能在村级卫生机构经营活动的地位分析

    An analysis on position of curative and preventive function in village health stations

  18. 在大型综合超市经营活动中,选址评估居于非常重要的地位。

    The location is very important in the operation of General Merchandise Stores .

  19. 利润有两个构成部分&应计利润和经营活动现金流量。

    Profit is consisted of two parts : accruals and operating cash flows .

  20. 浅论企业文化在企业经营活动中的作用

    On the Function of corporation culture in the management

  21. 所谓商业物业是指从事经营活动的固定场所。

    Here , commercial properties refer to the fixed place for running business activities .

  22. 关键成功因素涵盖现在与未来经营活动。

    KSFs encompass current and future business operations .

  23. 通常把市场营销看成是一种经营活动。

    Usually the marketing as a business activities .

  24. 滥用行政权力,限制经营者正当经营活动的;

    Misusing its administrative powers and restricting the proper business activities of any operator ;

  25. 诚信伦理渗透于中国古代商人的经营活动中,具体表现为诚实不欺,遵守承诺的商业道德。

    The ethics of honesty prevailed in the ancient Chinese merchants ' business activities .

  26. 第四条在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。

    ARticle 4 . Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations .

  27. 组织是企业活动的载体,是企业一切经营活动的根本。

    Organization is the enterprises carrier and the foundation of all the business activities .

  28. 企业经营活动分析报告是企业的核心信息。

    The report of the management analyzing is the core information of the modern enterprise .

  29. 森林经营活动主要包括采伐和修建道路。

    Forest management occurred within forest landscape mainly consist of timber harvest and road construction .

  30. 浅析企业经营活动的基础管理

    Analysis of Bases Management of Enterprise Business