
  • 网络economism
  1. 这只是我自身教条的经济论。

    That is just my dogmatic economism talking .

  2. 市场经营新主体&民营经济论略

    On new market management main body & the cultivation of privately-owned enterprise

  3. 文化经济论的时代意义

    On the Epochal Significance of the Theory of Cultural Economy

  4. 坚持和发展马克思的流通经济论

    To Uphold and Develop the Circulation Theory of Karl Marx

  5. 循环经济论循环经济理念下水资源定价研究

    The study on water resource value definition base on circular economy theory

  6. 公共经济论与国家分配论的比较及思考

    A Comparison Between the Theory of Public Finance and That of Government Distribution

  7. 优化农业产业结构。现代公有制经济论

    Improve the composition of agricultural use . The Discussing of Modern Common Property System

  8. 儒家德性经济论

    On the Moral Economy of Confucianists

  9. 试论两宋时期陕西的战时农业经济论两宋时期的历史教育

    Agricultural Economy of War Time in Shaanxi in Period of the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties

  10. 生态经济论

    Theory of Ecological Economy

  11. 流域经济论

    On Drainage Area Economy

  12. 在对论题的阐述时,引入了能力经济论的相关理论,将企业财务资源同企业财务能力及企业核心能力有机结合起来,从更深层次论述了企业购并中财务资源整合的管理行为。

    Use theory of capability economics to combine financial resource with financial capability and core-capability , demonstrate the financial resource reconfiguration more deeply .

  13. 从区位经济论的角度探究沿江体育带体育产业的发展模式

    Research on the Development Model of Sports Industry in the " Sports Belt around the Yangtze River " from the Angle of Zone Economics

  14. 统计数据通常是自由经济论者的最爱,但这并不会让政府置身度外,反而政府对此是要承担责任的。

    Far from letting governments loose , statistics are often an economic liberal 's best friend , a way to hold Leviathan to account .

  15. 本文从和谐经济论与和谐管理论的视角,对企业集群系统进行剖析。

    This paper analyzes enterprises cluster system based on harmony economy theory and harmony management theory , so as to explore its harmony development capabilities .

  16. 第四章进入对战略性贸易政策的另一理论,即利润创造论或外部经济论的分析。首先论述了高科技产业的外部性,接着分析政府对高科技产业实施战略性贸易政策的问题。

    The fourth chapter proceeds the discussion at the subject of the exterior economy , which is another reason for assertion the strategic trade policy .

  17. 上世纪50年代,英国经济学家亚瑟·刘易斯提出了可供发展中国家参考的“二元经济论”,即将现代工业与传统农业相融合。

    British economist Arthur Lewis proposed a dual economy model for a developing country in the1950s , comprising a modern industrial sector and a traditional agricultural sector .

  18. 本文利用经济学规律和航运投资管理的知识,结合实际船舶投资工作,利用实际案例结合经济论的分析实践,对从事航运投资管理的决策者以及相关方面的人士具有一定的参考价值。

    The paper is an outcome of the theory and practice , which will provide useful reference for the decision-makers engaged in shipping investment and so on .

  19. 笔者认为,不能就港口经济论港口经济,而应把港口经济融入城市经济、区域经济的大环境,从青岛市城市经济战略布局、适应区域经济发展需要的高度来寻求解决方略。

    We should put port economy into the city and region economy , and seek solutions from Qingdao city economy strategy arrangement and the needs of region economy .

  20. 传统的具有代表性的产业集群理论包括马歇尔的外部经济论、韦伯的集聚经济论、克鲁格曼的规模报酬理论、波特的钻石模型理论等。

    The traditional and representative industrial cluster theories include Marshall 's External Economy Theory , Krugman 's Scale Reward Theory , and Porter 's Diamond Model Theory , etc.

  21. 本文将公共经济论与国家分配论作一个系统的比较与分析,从而得出笔者关于在社会主义市场经济体制下公共经济的几点思考。

    This paper compares these two theories completely and presents a number of the authors'considerations of how to put into practice the Public Finance theory under the socialist market economic system .

  22. 根据信息经济论,建立政府信息管理制度的关键是化解公开性与保密性、分散性与整体性、公益性与商业性之间的矛盾。

    According to information economy theory , the key of constructing the controlling system of government information are the contradictions between openness and secrecy , dispersiveness and wholeness , commonweal and commerciality .

  23. 增加农民收入的规模经济论与乡镇企业论的确有成功的典范,但是,对我国更多的农村地区来讲,不具有普遍意义。

    The ways to increase peasants'income , scale economy and town enterprise development are surely ways of successing in practice , but are of no common significance for the rural areas in China .

  24. 第二部分,主要对激励、薪酬的内涵进行了探讨,总结了以往著名的激励、薪酬理论,并探讨了薪酬激励的理论基础(共享经济论、代理理论和二元经济论)。

    The second part , mainly to the compensation , the incentive connotation has carried on the discussion , summarized formerly the famous compensation , the incentive theory , and has carried on the analysis to the compensation incentive function .

  25. 在规制理论中分析了规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论和规制经济论;还分析了马克思的微观规制理论和可竞争市场理论。

    As to the regulation theories , the analysis is about the public interest regulation theory , the regulation capture theory and the theory on regulatory economy , as well as the micro regulation theory and contestable market theory of Karl Marx .

  26. 在分析当前室内装饰行业发展和管理中存在问题的基础上,根据循环经济论、可持续发展理论、系统工程学的原理,创建了住宅装饰装修工程优化控制系统技术体系。

    It analyses the existing problems of development and management in the field of indoor decoration and formulates the technical system about the optimum control system for construction of indoor decoration of housings on the basis of recycle economical theory and sustainable theory and the principle of systematical engineer .

  27. 实际上,比尔德夫妇,在1940年代就已修正了他们的经济决定论的观点,而比之他们以前更多地看好思想与理想的力量。

    Indeed , the beards modified their economic determinism in the1940s and gave greater play to the force of ideas and ideals than they had before .

  28. 本文利用经济控制论原理,以GDP为参数,得出了相关结论和建议。

    A relative conclusion is drawn in this essay by the economic control theory based on GDP .

  29. 第六章:结合前文所用DEA方法、经济控制论思想以及灰色理论对宁夏区域社会经济发展的分析,对宁夏区域系统协调发展提出一系列对策分析。

    Chapter Five : Analyze and predict social and economic situation in Ningxia with application of Gray Theory .

  30. 本文是关于微分包含、Aubin的生存理论及其对一般经济均衡论的应用的综述。

    This is an expose on the differential inclusions , Aubin 's Viability Theory and their application on the theory of general economic equilibrium .