
  • 网络Economic Review
  1. 这笔交易使得道琼斯巩固了对香港另一家刊物《远东经济评论》(fareasterneconomicreview)的控股权。

    The transaction allowed the company to consolidate control of another Hong Kong-based publication , the Far Eastern Economic Review .

  2. 在此之前,他是北京商务通讯员南中国morning邮政两年,首席中国经济评论的编辑。

    Prior to this he was Beijing business correspondent for the South China Morning Post for two years , and chief editor of the China economic review .

  3. 一百年前的1911年3月,《美国经济评论》(americaneconomicreview)登出了第一篇文章,内容是关于美国西部被太阳晒到起泡的沙漠的灌溉的。

    One hundred years ago , in March 1911 , the American economic review ( AER ) published its first article-on irrigation in the " sun-blistered " deserts of the western United States .

  4. (译自《远东经济评论》1982年2月12日号)

    ( from Far Eastern Economic Review , February 12 , 1982 )

  5. 这项研究已刊登在《美国经济评论》上。

    That study appears in the American Economic Review .

  6. 且呈现出经济评论大放异彩、评论门槛降低等特点。

    Economic Review , and appeared Games , comments , etc. the threshold are lower .

  7. 《中国经济评论》:是否还有其他的计算房价增长的方法?

    《 China Economic Review 》: Are there any other alternatives to price growth calculation ?

  8. 刘易斯,二元经济学模型,载《美国经济评论》1954年,第36期第46-51页。

    Lewis W A.A model of Dualistic Economics , The American Economic Review , 1954,36:46-51 .

  9. 近年来《远东经济评论》一直在困境中挣扎,原因在于广告收入不断下降,订户数量减少。

    Feerhas been struggling in recent years due to falling advertising revenues and lower subscriber numbers .

  10. 南部非洲经济评论季刊

    Quarterly Economic Review of Southern Africa

  11. 国家研究所经济评论

    National Institute Economic Review

  12. 90年代中期,刘国玺曾被远东经济评论认定为毒枭。

    Liu Guoxi was named as a drug kingpin in the Far Eastern Economic Review during the mid90 's.

  13. 然而,他们的声明主要是一种经济评论,并未给出他们可能采取任何行动的暗示。

    Their statement was , however , mostly an economic commentary and gave little indication of any action they might take .

  14. 迄今为止,经济评论总是集中在全球化的出现上,而很少注意到地方化的力量。

    So far , economic commentary has focused on the onset of globalization with much less attention paid to the forces of localization .

  15. 本世纪科技跃进最大的十年〉,《美国经济评论》93期(2003年9月号)。

    Field , Alexander J. " The Most Technologically Progressive Decade of the Century . " American Economic Review 93 ( September 2003 ) .

  16. 《中国经济评论》:除了由于中国不同地域房价差异巨大外,还有其他数据收集上的困难么?

    《 China Economic Review 》: Apart from the size of the mainland property market , what are the other problems with collecting correct data ?

  17. 基斯进入记者圈是那种很老套的方式,先在地方报纸做,然后进入伦敦报业街,但是他最远到了香港,供职于《远东经济评论》。

    Keith came into journalism the old-fashioned way , through provincial papers and Fleet Street , but got as far as Hong Kong , where he worked for the Far Eastern Economic Review .

  18. 本文主要研究经济新闻评论的决策参考功能,研究方法为归纳法和实证法。

    The thesis major researched the decision-making reference function of economic news comment , with the induction and demonstration method .

  19. 有些人就有关经济方面评论后,争论说北京的申奥可以团结全国人民的精神,加速发展经济。

    Commented on its meaning in relation to the economy , arguing that Beijing 's bid can rally the whole nation 's spirit to develop economy more rapidly .

  20. 你应该持怀疑态度,就像你怀疑一个经济学家对经济的评论怀疑一个气象员的天气播报,等类似的行为一样。

    you should treat it with the same skepticism that you might treat the comments of an economist about the economy or a weatherman about the weather , or something like that .

  21. 计划都会保持不变.“有些人就有关经济方面评论后,争论说北京的申奥可以团结全国人民的精神,加速发展经济.

    the plan will remain the same . " Some commented on its meaning in relation to the economy , arguing that Beijing 's bid can rally the whole nation 's spirit to develop economy more rapidly .

  22. 选题进一步落实三贴近原则,新闻性增强,趋向多元化,经济新闻评论由失语走向活跃;重点评论优势凸显,短评轻骑兵角色强化,时评由沉寂走向兴盛。

    Topics further implement the " three close " principle , news of the increased diversification and economic comments from aphasia to active key advantage comment highlights , short commentary , " Light Cavalry " strengthen the role , Commentary from quiet to thrive .

  23. 但是,在官方对经济结构的评论中,似乎有一种新的紧迫感。

    But there seems to be a new note of urgency in official commentary on the structure of the economy .

  24. 澳大利亚和中国的央行官员针对本国经济的乐观评论,支持了人们对亚太地区的积极看法。

    Upbeat comments from central bank officials in Australia and China about their countries ' economies underpinned the positive view of the region .

  25. 就像其他从事美国经济与财政评论的同行一样,我已经对无意义的胡说产生了相当的忍耐力。

    Like anyone who writes regularly about what passes for economic and fiscal debate in American politics , I 've developed a strong tolerance for nonsense .

  26. 首先讨论的是理论的发展和对特殊的或多变领域机理的模拟,然后再针对连续模拟方法应用到工厂选址、道路选择、人行道的规划、政策和社会经济分析进行评论。

    We first discuss the theoretical development and models with specific or arbitrary region configurations , and then review the applications of the continuum modeling approach to the determination of facility location , route choice , pedestrian flow , and policy and socio-economical analysis .

  27. 他对经济改革作出了评论。

    He made comments on the economic reform .

  28. 第三部分为对阿马蒂亚·森经济伦理思想的评论。

    Part Three is the commentaries of Amartya Sen 's economic ethics thought .

  29. 论思维方式对英语经济新闻和经济评论写作方式的影响

    The Impact of Thought Patterns on Writing Styles

  30. 最近关于中国经济的报道和评论,关注的问题都是增长放缓及面前的挑战。

    Most of the reporting and commentary recently on the Chinese economy has been about its slowing growth and challenges .