- 网络French Research;french studies

Thumbnail images of the firm 's staff on the website also matched those on the site of French research company Central Test , although many of the names had been changed .
Financial partners allow Echosens to open new medical perspectives and to impose new technology at an international scale , therefore developing French research .
A 2015 French study published in the Journal of Sleep Research sought to find whether or not everyone dreams .
MedWire News : Coronary artery disease ( CAD ) can be effectively ruled out in patients with suspected disease using multislice computed tomography ( MSCT ) coronary angiography , say French researchers .
Certain patients with multifocal motor neuropathy with or without apparent conduction block respond to IV immunoglobulin ( IVIg ) therapy , according to French researchers .
A French study , published in 2008 in the journal International Immunopharmacology , found a ginger extract softened an inflammatory reaction in mouse lungs after the mice were exposed to allergens that irritated their lungs .
The mechanism is somewhat hazy - though oneFrench researcher , Olivier Walusinski , proposes that yawning helps to pumpcerebrospinal fluid around the brain , which could trigger a shift in neuralactivity .
French researchers may be on the verge of unlocking the secrets of obesity .
French researchers have collected data from more than 21000 artificial inseminations involving 12200 infertile couples .
The collaboration between DICP and French laboratories has been remarkable and has generated many scientific results .
Sex between men accounted for34 percent , researchers in Sweden and France said in the study .
" Discuss about the evolution of Quebec Law System ", France studies , 2 issues , 1996 .
A French research team recently unearthed a 30000-year-old giant virus from the Siberian permafrost - and it 's still infectious .
Customers of bars that play loud music drink more quickly and in fewer gulps , French researchers said on Friday .
Research by the French Institute of Andean Studies suggests the Incas flourished after they began using llama dung for fertilizer .
In a second study , French researchers reported on exercise and dementia in women with heart risks like obesity or diabetes .
French researchers say it is similar to people buying larger cars , houses or flat-screen TVs to try to advance their social standing .
A new study reveals that dragline silk , the stuff spiders use to rappel , has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting .
According to the USA Today , the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday to Luc Montagnier and Francoise Barre-Sinoussi of France for discovering the AIDS virus .
French researchers , but of course , monitored the concentration of ethanol and carbon dioxide in each type of glass for 15 minutes after champagne was poured .
WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day helped protect older women against some age-related memory decline , French researchers said on Monday .
French researchers are in the pre-production phases of an Ebola test that would give results in 15 minutes , compared to about 24 hours it takes the current tests .
LONDON ( Reuters ) - Menopausal women who take hormone-replacement therapy pills more than double their risk of developing a potentially fatal blood clot , French researchers said on Friday .
It 's probably no secret to bar owners , but a French study shows that turning up the volume on the music can speed up the drinking at the bar .
An analysis of wine prices by two French researchers shows that prices are driven by the label on the bottle , which gives the year and the origin of the wine .
In the second study , French researchers found the healthy diet to be associated with slower mental decline , but they didn 't discover a strong link with a reduction in dementia .
Middle-aged adults who smoke tended to perform poorly on tests of memory and reasoning compared to nonsmokers , adding to the list of reasons not to smoke , French researchers said on Monday .
The world 's population will rise to 9.7 billion in 2050 from the current level of 7.1 billion and India will overtake China as the world 's most populous nation , a French study said on Wednesday .
Paul Reiter is professor of medical entomology at the Institut Pasteur in France .
Dusko Ehrlich , a microbiologist at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research ( INRA ), thinks that the team did not look at enough twins , or sequence their bacterial genes at enough depth .