
fǎ lǜ tǐ xì
  • legal system;jurisprudence;bodies of law
  1. (九)构建突发环境事件应急机制法律体系。

    Ninth , construction the jurisprudence of paroxysmal environment event .

  2. 对建立注册安全工程师执业资格制度法律体系的探讨

    Study on the establishment of jurisprudence for the certified safety engineers system

  3. 如果人们可以收买警察,法律体系就会变得一文不值。

    If people can bribe police officers , it makes a complete nonsense of the legal system .

  4. 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。

    Our legal system inherited laws from the English system .

  5. 有必要对这套法律体系进行全面修正。

    The legal system needs to be overhauled .

  6. 这个问题被错综复杂的法律体系所困扰。

    The issue is surrounded by legal complexities .

  7. 我们的法律体系的原则之一是人们要对他们可以预见的行为后果负责。

    One of the principles of our legal system is that people are accountable for the foreseeable consequences of their actions .

  8. 庄载民称,按照现行的法律体系,动物被当成物品来对待。

    Under the current legal system , animals are treated as objects , Jae-Min said .

  9. 中国银监会主席尚福林近期在《中国金融》杂志上发表的文章上表示,我国将推进金融市场退出机制的常态化和,规范化,建立适合我国国情的法律体系。

    China will promote normalization1 and standardization2 of the financial market exit mechanism3 and the upcoming legal system will be in line with China 's conditions , Shang Fulin , chairman of the China Banking4 Regulatory Commission , said in a recent article to the fortnightly China Finance .

  10. 世界正义工程(WorldJusticeProject)使用了一套完全不同的方法衡量了不同国家的法律体系。

    The World Justice Project uses a completely separate methodology to assess countries ' legal systems .

  11. WTO框架下构建中国服务贸易法律体系

    To Establish China 's Legal System of Service Trade under WTO Frame

  12. 论加入WTO后过渡期我国服务贸易法律体系的构建

    On the construction of the sustaining law system of service trade under WTO

  13. 中国TBT法律体系构建与完善研究

    The Construction and Perfecting Research of the TBT Law System in China

  14. 随着科技的进步,服务贸易如雨后春笋般迅速发展,国际上一个在WTO框架下以《服务贸易总协定》为核心的多边国际服务贸易法律体系已经形成。

    With the development of science and technology , service trade is advancing rapidly . Under the frame of WTO , a multilateral legal system of international service trade has been set up .

  15. 然而最近几个月,监管机构把视线转向了Facebook,对这家社交网络提出了质疑:在面对欧洲的决策部门和法律体系时,它是否从英特尔、微软和谷歌等公司过去的错误中吸取了教训?

    In recent months , though , regulators " gazes have turned to Facebook , raising questions about whether the social network has learned from the past mistakes of companies like Intel , Microsoft and Google when dealing with Europe 's policy makers and its legal system .

  16. 我国现行服务贸易法制还存在许多缺陷,必须建立一套相对完备的服务贸易法律体系才能适应WTO与GATS的要求和我国服务贸易发展的需要。

    Since China 's concerning legislation have many defects at present , a comparative perfect legislation system of service trade should be established in China , so as to meet the requirements of WTO and GATS as well as the development of China 's service trade .

  17. 行政立法是行政机关的重要职能,行政机关所制定的行政法规、规章等是当代中国法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The administrative legalization is an important function of administrative organ .

  18. 第四章主要对外资法律体系重构的指导原则进行理论上的探讨。

    Chapter Four mainly discusses the directing principles of the reconstruction .

  19. 因此建立合理的网络购物法律体系势在必行。

    Therefore to establish reasonable network shopping legal system is imperative .

  20. 青少年法律体系必须体现保护青少年的精神。

    Juvenile law system embodies the spirit of protecting juveniles .

  21. 但是这一法律体系仍有一些缺陷。

    But the legal system still has some defects .

  22. 法律体系也是一大障碍。

    The legal system is also a big barrier .

  23. 建议重构完整和科学的保护商业秘密的法律体系,修改、完善商业秘密刑事立法,强化我国打击侵犯商业秘密罪的防范机制。

    We suggest reconstruct commercial secret law as complete and scientific legal system .

  24. 它强调要建立完备的社会主义法律体系;

    It emphasize on constituting complete socialism law system ;

  25. 构建物流法律体系保障物流产业发展

    Seting up logistics law system guaranteeing logistics industry development

  26. 第二部分对我国食品安全法律体系进行了梳理。

    The second part introduces the legal system of food safety in China .

  27. 制定金融基本法完善金融法律体系

    Laying down the basic law of finance and perfecting the law system of finance

  28. 论人才流动法律体系的概念与构成要素

    The Legal System of Equitable Mobility of Talents

  29. 主要包括法律体系的构建,相关原则的遵循和制度的确立。

    The main legal system , the relevant principles and follow the established system .

  30. 中国金融法律体系改革之我见

    Opinions on Financial Law System Reform in China