
  • 网络Corporate governance;corporate governance structure;governance structure;corporate structure
  1. 按照国家关于国有多经企业与主业实行分离的要求,TD公司已经由行业保护下的多元企业进入市场,参与市场竞争,最终发展成具有独立法人治理结构的现代化企业。

    According to the country by the state-owned enterprise and more about its implement separation requirements , TD companies become to market competition enterprise and Develop into independent corporate governance structure of modern enterprise .

  2. 公立医院法人治理结构改革三种主要模式分析

    Analysis on three models of public hospital corporate governance structure reform

  3. 公司法人治理结构的历史演变及典型模式

    The Historical Evolution and the Typical Model of Corporate Governance Structure

  4. 完善独立董事制度健全法人治理结构

    Perfect the Independent Director System and Improve the Corporate Administrative Organization

  5. 从控制权到所有权:地方性股份制商业银行法人治理结构改革的逻辑

    On the Reform of the Corporate Governance of City Commercial banks

  6. 建立健全法人治理结构,进行国有产权代表人再造;

    Establish a sound corporate governance structure , state-owned property proxy recycling ;

  7. 我国公司法人治理结构之问题与对策

    Problem of Administration Composition of China 's Company Legal Person and Solution

  8. 浅谈国企改革中的法人治理结构

    Talking about the Structure Managed by Artificial Person in State-owned Enterprise Reform

  9. 烟草企业法人治理结构研究

    On the legal person corporate governance structure in China 's tobacco industry

  10. 论外商风险企业的法人治理结构

    Discussing the Construction of Corporate Governance on Risk Foreign-Invested Enterprise

  11. 关于完善地勘企业法人治理结构的思考

    Thinking about perfecting administrative structure of legal person in geological prospecting enterprise

  12. 论我国法人治理结构的缺陷与完善

    Analysis on the Defects and Improvement of Legal Representative Structure

  13. 试论国有企业法人治理结构的完善

    On Improving the Legal Person 's Forms in State-owned Enterprises

  14. 我国农民专业合作社法人治理结构的完善

    Improvement of the Corporate Governance of Chinese Professional Farmers Cooperatives

  15. 法国农业信贷银行法人治理结构探讨及启示

    The Study of the Corporate Governance Structure of Cr é dit Agricole

  16. 二是有助于优化上市公司的法人治理结构,建立科学合理的约束和制衡机制。

    And it can urge the companies optimizing its governance .

  17. 跨越式发展条件下法人治理结构的特殊性

    The Particularities of the Corporate Governance Structure under Conditions of Trans-stage Development

  18. 建立法人治理结构的问题与对策

    Establishing Problems and Countermeasures for Governing Structure of Legal Person

  19. 独立董事与有效的公司法人治理结构

    Independent Director and Effective Administer Structure of Company Legal Person

  20. 建立健全企业内部法人治理结构;

    Set up and perfect the corporation governance structure .

  21. 国外公立医院法人治理结构模式研究

    Research on international public hospital corporate governance structure model

  22. 法人治理结构在政府举办的非营利医院中的应用探讨

    The Application of Corporate Governance in Non - profit Hospitals Held by Government

  23. 论产权结构与完善法人治理结构

    On the Structure of Property Rights and Corporate Governance

  24. 构建董事会中心主义的公司法人治理结构

    Establishing Corporate Governance Structure Centered with Board of Directors

  25. 规范公司法人治理结构的问题和对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Regularizing Administrative Structure of Corporation

  26. 对工勘企业法人治理结构的思考

    A look at the Legal Improvement Structure in Industrial and Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  27. 中外公司法人治理结构的比较研究

    Comparison of Corporation Government between China and Foreign Countries

  28. 第二章,国有独资公司产权结构下的法人治理结构。

    Chapter 2 , corporate governance under solely state-owned company 's property rights .

  29. 公司法人治理结构是现代公司制度的灵魂。

    Company legal person 's administration composition is the soul of modern company system .

  30. 考虑引入独立董事制度,实现证券公司法人治理结构创新;

    Adopt the system of independent director , accomplish the innovation of corporate governance ;