
ɡāo jí ɡuǎn lǐ rén yuán
  • administrative officer;executive;higher management;senior executives;suit
  1. 公司秘书是公司经营过程中不可缺少的高级管理人员。

    The secretary of a company is an essential top-level administrative officer .

  2. 修订后的《公司法》正式以法律形式确立了董事会秘书制度,并将其界定为公司高级管理人员。

    The revised Company Law has established the system of the company secretary formally , who has been defined as the administrative officer .

  3. 它还计划要给165名高级管理人员提供“自动离职”一揽子计划。

    It   also   plans   to   offer   " voluntary   separation "   packages   to   165   senior   executives .

  4. 全国工商管理硕士(MBA)教育指导委员会宣布,从明年起,申请就读高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程必须经过全国统考。

    The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that , from next year , a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course .

  5. 基于EVA的中国上市公司高级管理人员薪酬激励研究

    Study on Senior Manager Compensation Mechanism of Chinese Listed Companies Based on EVA

  6. 组织的高级管理人员建立业务用例来完成CMM的合格证明。

    The organization 's senior management makes the business case to achieve CMM certification .

  7. 我们还有在职MBA、高级管理人员MBA(EMBA)和博士项目。

    We also have part-time MBA programs , executive MBAs , and a Ph.D. program .

  8. 您也许听过CEO或组织中的其他最高级管理人员做过有关敏捷性的激动人心的演讲。

    You 've probably heard your CEO or another top executive in your organization give an inspiring speech about agility .

  9. 该排行榜为有工作经验的高级管理人员评出全球最优秀的100个EMBA项目。

    The ranking rates the best 100 programmes worldwide for working senior executives .

  10. 最近,微软公司(Microsoft)为了从人才争夺战中抢得300名高级管理人员,尝试了一种迥异于平常的方式。

    When Microsoft ( MSFT ) recently was looking to snag 300 senior managers from the competition , the company tried a different approach than the usual .

  11. HEC的大部分EMBA学生都是高级管理人员。

    Most of its students are senior executives .

  12. 但根据非营利性研究机构Catalyst公司的调查,自1998年以来,女性在高级管理人员中所占的比重几乎没有发生变化,仅仅从当时的11.2%提升到了现在的15.7%。

    Yet the percentage of senior executives who are female has barely budged since 1998 , creeping up from 11.2 % then to 15.7 % now , according to nonprofit research group catalyst .

  13. 许多院校选择了联合开办高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)项目,但这个过程并非一帆风顺。

    Many opted for joint EMBA programmes , but it has not all been plain sailing .

  14. 在美国最大的一些公司中,股票期权占CEO薪酬的50%,占高级管理人员薪酬的30%。

    In the biggest companies in USA , ESO accounts for 50 % of the remuneration of CEO , and for 30 % of the payment of junior managers .

  15. 同样,Catalyst做了一项研究显示,在低于CEO一到两级的高级管理人员中,大约有19%的女性在这场经济萧条中失去工作,而男性则只有6%。

    Also , Catalyst did a study showing that , at the senior management level -- one or two rungs below CEO -- 19 % of women lost their jobs in this recession , versus 6 % of men .

  16. 上市之后,Facebook将有极大的幸福感和满足感,特别是那些入职时间最长并且控制权较大的高级管理人员。

    And after the party , Facebook is going to be feeling pretty darn fat and happy , especially the people who have been around the longest and control the most action & its senior managers .

  17. 全球招聘咨询公司OptionsGroup的数据显示,今年,一位顶级投资银行家在巴西平均可以赚取170万美元,是中国的两倍,比印度或美国高级管理人员的收入也要高出15%。

    This year , a top investment banker in Brazil will earn an average $ 1.7m , according to Options Group , a global recruitment consultancy , twice as much as in China , and 15 per cent more than managing directors in India or the US .

  18. 为适应国家社会经济发展、满足企业及其他组织对高层管理人才的需要,国家于2002年,在全国开始了高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)专业学位办学试点。

    In order to develop national businesses . in 2002 , the country began a Master of Business Administration Senior Management ( EMBA ) degree in educational pilot .

  19. 首先是一条警告:请不要只根据vmstat的简单输出,向高级管理人员提交详细的分析和调优战略建议。

    First a disclaimer : Please do not go to senior management with a detailed analysis and recommended tuning strategy based on a five-second vmstat output .

  20. 家住北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔市(Asheville)的德西蕾•艾德维(DesireeAdaway)是一位单身母亲,以前在一家非盈利组织担任高级管理人员的时候长期承受着压力。

    Desiree Adaway was chronically stressed in a previous job as a senior manager for a nonprofit organization .

  21. 因应这种明显的需求而设立的高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA),取得了相当的成功。攻读者可保留现有工作,在晚上和周末上课。

    The executive MBA , which allows participants to maintain their current job and attend school at night and weekends , was developed in response to this perceived need and has been quite successful .

  22. 在日内瓦,通用汽车欧洲业务高级管理人员福斯特(Carl-PeterForster)说,公司可能还会向生产小型轿车的波兰求援。

    In Geneva , GM 's top European executive , Carl-Peter Forster , said the company may also appeal to Poland , where it makes small cars .

  23. 只要读一下2006年《金融时报》emba排行榜,即便是匆匆一瞥,也会惊讶地发现,emba(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)毕业生所报告的平均薪水以惊人的增速一年高于一年!

    A reader passing even the most cursory of glances over the financial times EMBA 2006 ranking would be struck by one fact : the year-on-year rise in average salaries reported by EMBA graduates has been dramatic .

  24. CHEMBA项目是明大卡尔森管理学院提供的三个高级管理人员工商管理硕士项目之一。

    CHEMBA is one of the three Global Executive MBA Programs offered by the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota .

  25. 根据WorldatWork的数据,高级管理人员往往比普通员工要等更长的时间才能获得加薪,平均等待期为13.1个月。

    Officers and executives also tend to wait a bit longer for raises than the rank and file , 13.1 months on average , according to worldatwork .

  26. 介绍以医院管理硕士(MHA)为代表的国外医院高级管理人员培养计划的基本内容、特点和发展趋势。

    The paper discusses the basic contents , characteristics , and development trend of training programs abroad for high level hospital administrators as represented by MHA ( Master of Hospital Administration ) programs .

  27. 自从Icanhn开始煽动摩托罗拉变动,已经有几名高级管理人员辞职,包括前CEOEd.Zander。摩托罗拉的股价去年下跌了45%。

    Since Icanhn began agitating for a change at Motorola , several executives have stepped down from the company , including former CEO Ed. Zander , shares of Motorola are down 45 % in the past year .

  28. 苹果年度全球发展大会(WWDC)上按惯例苹果会发布新一代的iPhone信息,但是乔布斯在会议开始时表示,在将话筒递给公司高级管理人员之前,他想先谈谈苹果产品的灵魂所在。

    WWDC is the event at which Apple has typically announced the new iPhone but Mr Jobs began the event by saying he wanted to talk about the soul of Apples products , its software , before handing the presentation over to the companys senior executives .

  29. 该报引用匿名人士的话称,中投代表处设在多伦多,很大程度上是考虑到中投顾问FelixChee希望回到多伦多生活的要求。FelixChee曾经是中投的高级管理人员。

    The paper quoted an unnamed source saying that a big part of the reason the CIC office will be in Toronto is to accommodate Felix Chee , a former senior CIC executive who now advises the fund and wants to return to live in that city .

  30. 加强医院高级管理人员培养是医院改革与发展的迫切需要,应恰当定位,利用现有卫生管理教育资源,整合相关课程,发展具有中国特色的MHA培养计划。

    Hospital reform and development make it imperative to improve the training of high level hospital administrators , which must be properly oriented , and to develop domestic MHA programs with Chinese characteristics by utilizing existing resources of health administration education and integrate relevant courses .