- 名administrative officer;executive;higher management;senior executives;suit

The secretary of a company is an essential top-level administrative officer .
The revised Company Law has established the system of the company secretary formally , who has been defined as the administrative officer .
It also plans to offer " voluntary separation " packages to 165 senior executives .
The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that , from next year , a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course .
Study on Senior Manager Compensation Mechanism of Chinese Listed Companies Based on EVA
The organization 's senior management makes the business case to achieve CMM certification .
We also have part-time MBA programs , executive MBAs , and a Ph.D. program .
You 've probably heard your CEO or another top executive in your organization give an inspiring speech about agility .
The ranking rates the best 100 programmes worldwide for working senior executives .
When Microsoft ( MSFT ) recently was looking to snag 300 senior managers from the competition , the company tried a different approach than the usual .
Most of its students are senior executives .
Yet the percentage of senior executives who are female has barely budged since 1998 , creeping up from 11.2 % then to 15.7 % now , according to nonprofit research group catalyst .
Many opted for joint EMBA programmes , but it has not all been plain sailing .
In the biggest companies in USA , ESO accounts for 50 % of the remuneration of CEO , and for 30 % of the payment of junior managers .
Also , Catalyst did a study showing that , at the senior management level -- one or two rungs below CEO -- 19 % of women lost their jobs in this recession , versus 6 % of men .
And after the party , Facebook is going to be feeling pretty darn fat and happy , especially the people who have been around the longest and control the most action & its senior managers .
This year , a top investment banker in Brazil will earn an average $ 1.7m , according to Options Group , a global recruitment consultancy , twice as much as in China , and 15 per cent more than managing directors in India or the US .
In order to develop national businesses . in 2002 , the country began a Master of Business Administration Senior Management ( EMBA ) degree in educational pilot .
First a disclaimer : Please do not go to senior management with a detailed analysis and recommended tuning strategy based on a five-second vmstat output .
Desiree Adaway was chronically stressed in a previous job as a senior manager for a nonprofit organization .
The executive MBA , which allows participants to maintain their current job and attend school at night and weekends , was developed in response to this perceived need and has been quite successful .
In Geneva , GM 's top European executive , Carl-Peter Forster , said the company may also appeal to Poland , where it makes small cars .
A reader passing even the most cursory of glances over the financial times EMBA 2006 ranking would be struck by one fact : the year-on-year rise in average salaries reported by EMBA graduates has been dramatic .
CHEMBA is one of the three Global Executive MBA Programs offered by the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota .
Officers and executives also tend to wait a bit longer for raises than the rank and file , 13.1 months on average , according to worldatwork .
The paper discusses the basic contents , characteristics , and development trend of training programs abroad for high level hospital administrators as represented by MHA ( Master of Hospital Administration ) programs .
Since Icanhn began agitating for a change at Motorola , several executives have stepped down from the company , including former CEO Ed. Zander , shares of Motorola are down 45 % in the past year .
WWDC is the event at which Apple has typically announced the new iPhone but Mr Jobs began the event by saying he wanted to talk about the soul of Apples products , its software , before handing the presentation over to the companys senior executives .
The paper quoted an unnamed source saying that a big part of the reason the CIC office will be in Toronto is to accommodate Felix Chee , a former senior CIC executive who now advises the fund and wants to return to live in that city .
Hospital reform and development make it imperative to improve the training of high level hospital administrators , which must be properly oriented , and to develop domestic MHA programs with Chinese characteristics by utilizing existing resources of health administration education and integrate relevant courses .