
ɡāo zhī xuè zhènɡ
  • hyperlipidemia;hyperlipemia
  1. 硒和/或维生素E对高脂血症大鼠心、肝、肾及血清脂质过氧化的作用

    Effects of selenium and / or vitamin E on lipid peroxidation of heart , liver , kidney and serum in hyperlipidemia rats

  2. ,针灯心草J.哈慈五行针治疗飞行人员高脂血症疗效观察五色与五行

    Therapeutic effect of acupuncture together with magnetotherapy on hyperlipidemia in flying personnel

  3. 结果:高脂血症患者治疗前与正常对照组比较,血浆血管性血友病因子及C反应蛋白含量显著增高(P<0.05);

    The results were compared before and after treatment .

  4. 家族性高脂血症家系血浆载脂蛋白B与代谢综合征的相关性研究

    Apolipoprotein B is associated with metabolic syndrome in Chinese pedigrees with familial hyperlipidemia

  5. 目的分析兔饮食性高脂血症形成过程中血清肌酸激酶活性和C反应蛋白含量的动态变化。

    Objective To analyze the variability of creatine kinase and c-reactive protein in the serum of hyperlipoidemia model rabbits .

  6. 成都地区238例健康成人及161例高脂血症患者血清载脂蛋白E含量测定

    Serum Apolipoprotein E Levels in 238 Healthy Adults and 161 Hyperlipidemic Subjects in Chengdu Area

  7. 高脂血症患者超敏C反应蛋白与心血管病危险因素的相关研究

    A Study on the Correlation between High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Hyperlipidemia

  8. Ⅳ型高脂血症患者高密度脂蛋白亚类组成与载脂蛋白E基因多态性关系的研究

    Study on apoE gene polymorphism and subclasses of serum high density lipoprotein in type ⅳ hyperlipidemia

  9. 复合乌龙茶对雌性SD大鼠高脂血症血脂异常调节作用的实验研究

    The Modulatory Role of Multiplex Oolong Tea on Lipid Metabolism in Female SD Rats with Hyperlipidemia

  10. 大剂量前列腺素E2与硒联用对体外培养的高脂血症兔主动脉平滑肌细胞的作用

    The Effect of Large Dose of Prostaglandin E_2 Combined with Selenium on the Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Treated with Hypercholesterolemic Rabbit Aorta

  11. Ⅳ型高脂血症患者血清HDL亚类组成的初步研究

    Study on the Contents of Serum HDL Subclasses in Type ⅳ Hyperlipidemics

  12. 结论高脂血症通过促进NF-κB表达进而诱导iNOS的表达,加剧了内皮剥脱后的血管炎症反应。

    Conclusions Hyperlipidemia could aggravate the vascular inflammation after de-endothelialization through promoting the expression of NF - κ B and iNOS .

  13. 固通结合针刺对高脂血症血清NONOS的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture according to Combination of Reinforcement and Elimination on NO and NOS of Patients with Hyperlipemia

  14. 目的探讨高脂血症对心肌组织内皮素-1(ET-1)表达的影响。

    Objective To explore the expression of ET-1 in in the myocardium tissue in hyperlipemia pigs .

  15. 方法:将高脂血症糖尿病模型大鼠随机分为4组:空白组(A)、对照组(B)、改性燕麦麸实验组(C、D)。

    Method : The hyperlipidemic and diabetic rats were divided randomly into 4 groups : normal group ( A ), control group ( B ), DOB group ( C , D ) .

  16. 结果GH组的肾小球增生、硬化程度,24小时蛋白尿,高脂血症,低蛋白血症均明显重于模型组(p<0.01)。

    Results Glomerular mesangial proliferation glomerular sclerosis urinary protein hyperlipidemia hypoalbuminemia of GH-treated AN rats were significantly severer than AN rats ( p < 0.01 ) .

  17. AP发病原因以胆道疾病为主,高脂血症位居第2,特发性占10.02%。

    The main etiopathogenisis of AP was biliary tract disease . Hyperlipidemia ranked to NO.2 . Idiopathic AP accounted for 10.02 % .

  18. 方法采用基因测序法检测102例高脂血症患者的ApoE基因型。

    Methods ApoE genotype of 102 patients with hyperlipemia was detected by gene PCR sequencing .

  19. 结论蒲参胶囊对原发性高脂血症患者(尤其是TG升高者)有较好的调脂作用,且有一定的降低血黏度的作用。

    Conclusion Pushen capsule has promising blood lipid regulating effect in patients with hyperlipidemia , and some effects in lowering the blood viscosity .

  20. 脂肪代谢异常,如肥胖症(Obesity)和高脂血症(Hyperlipidemia)等疾病已逐渐成为严重危害人民健康的常见疾病。

    The disorders of lipid metabolism , such as obesity and hyperlipidemia , are becoming the serious diseases which damage the public health .

  21. 方法将118例肾病综合征高脂血症患者随机分为3组,3组均行标准剂量激素和一般对症治疗,A组同时使用氟伐他汀,B组同时使用辛伐他汀,C组不用任何降脂药物。

    And to select suitable hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A ( HMG CoA ) reductase inhibitors for clinic treatments . Methods 118 cases of patients with nephrotic syndrome accompanied by hyperlipemia were divided into 3 groups randomly .

  22. 方法:观察普伐他丁、维生素E、卡托普利对家兔高脂血症、动脉粥样硬化和脂肪肝形成的影响。

    Methods : To observe the influence of Pravastatin , Vitamin E and Captopril on the development of hyperlipidemia , atherosclerosis and hepatic steatosis in rabbits induced by high fat diet .

  23. 心室肌频率相关性电重构是VA发生的重要机制之一,但电重构有无参与高脂血症加大VA发生风险的机制,尚不明了。

    Electrical remodeling due to rate is one of the most important mechanisms that contribute to the occurrence of VA.

  24. Probucol治疗高脂血症的近期临床疗效观察

    The Short - term Effectiveness of Probucol in Treating Hyperlipemia

  25. Ⅳ型高脂血症患者HDL-C明显降低,LDL-C无明显变化;

    That serum HDL-C was significantly lower but LDL-C has no change in patients with ⅳ type hyperlipemia ;

  26. 隔药饼灸对高脂血症患者血清HDL-C、LDL-C及其它脂质含量的影响

    Effect of Cake-separated Moxibustion on Content of Serum HDL-C , LDL-C and Other Lipoids in Patients with Hyperlipemia

  27. 结论阿托伐他汀10mgd治疗混合型高脂血症可以明显降低TC、LDLc,TG和(TCHDLC)HDLc;

    Conclusions Atorvastatin 10 mg / d can significantly lower TC , LDL C , TG and ( TC HDL C ) / HDL C in combined dyslipidemia .

  28. 结果:黄精多糖(1.6mL·kg-1·d-1)能显著降低高脂血症实验动物的血清TC,LDLc和Lp(a)浓度和减少主动脉内膜泡沫细胞的形成。

    Results : Polyona-polysaccharose significantly reduced serum TC , LDL-C , LP ( a ) and aortic foam cells in the experimental rabbits .

  29. apoE4近交系转基因鼠的高脂血症表现和自发变换行为损害

    The Hyperlipidemia and Spontaneous Alternation Behavior Impairment in Human Apolipoprotein E _4 ( apoE_4 ) Inbred Transgenic Mice

  30. 非糖尿病的高脂血症组HbA1c的变化是属于假性升高。

    In the group of nondiabetic hyperlipemia the change of HbA_1c value was of pseudo increase .