
  • 网络Instrument Check
  1. 避免对触诊的盲目自信或过度信赖仪器检查。

    A clinician should avoid an excessive dependence on palpation and instruments .

  2. 我院自1983~1985年采用这种仪器检查盆腔疾病83例。本文报告了经乎术证实的32例。

    Between 1983 and 1985 , we use this apparatus in examining 83 cases with pelvic diseases , 32 of them were confirmed by the operations .

  3. 在美国,伤病者往往都送医院的,以便医生利用专门的仪器检查诊治。

    In the United States , people are often sent to hospitals so that doctors can use the special machines and services available for tests and treatment .

  4. 目前为止,离子通道病的研究主要涉及K+、Na+、Ca2+和Cl-通道领域,这类疾病往往不能用常规仪器检查,难以及时发现和诊断。

    So far , the study of ion channel diseases mainly involve K + , Na + , Ca2 + and Cl-channel diseases which are always hard to be checked and diagnosed by conventional instruments in time .

  5. 这台仪器扫描检查病人的脑瘤

    This apparatus scans patients ' brains for tumours .

  6. 简述抗电强度试验和仪器运行检查的重要性

    The Brief Introduction about the Importance of Functional Check and Dielectric Strength Test

  7. 提出现代针织物品质管理标准数的概念,对不同织物品质管理标准数的计算、应用及测试仪器的检查步骤进行了讨论;

    The calculation and application of quality control standard coefficient of different fabrics and the checking processes of testing apparatus were discussed .

  8. 基于地图制印的特点,研制一种适合于地图印刷质量控制的电子版测控条,本测控条可通过视觉检测和仪器测量检查和控制地图印刷过程中的关键指标。

    Based on the characteristics of map making and printing , manufacturing one kind of electronic test strip suited for the quality control of map printing .

  9. 仪器的检查结果一般都是枯燥的大量的数据,给操作人员带来很大的困扰,影响对结果的快速判断。

    Generally , the results are the large amounts of data . It can bring a great deal of distress to the operator and effect on the results of the judging .

  10. 它的结构与功能的异常会引起上千种疾病,统称为离子通道病,这类疾病目前不能靠常规的仪器来检查,确诊上有一定的难度。

    The abnormalities of their structures and functions often cause thousands of illnesses , which are generally called ion channel diseases . For the moment , these diseases cannot be checked by conventional instruments , which make it difficult for the diagnosis .

  11. 不同立体视觉检查仪器侧重于检查双眼视功能的不同方面,各有优缺点,应通过不同方面的检查给予综合评估。

    Different stereoscopic tests have particular emphasis on different aspects of binocular vision . Therefore we should assess synthetically binocular vision by different tests . ( 5 ) .

  12. 本文简述电子电气产品对绝缘系统的要求,以及在产品的安全测试中抗电强度试验和对测试仪器作运行检查的重要性。

    This paper briefly introduces the requirements about the insulation system of electronic product , and describes the importance of functional check and Dielectric strength in safety test .

  13. 方法应用高分辨率超声诊断仪对108例(216眼)156只白内障晶状体进行检查,并与眼科仪器裂隙灯检查相对比分析。

    Methods High resolving power ultrasound diagnostic apparatus were used to check and analyze the features of108 cataract cases ( 216eyes ), 156 lens cataracts and were compared with slit ? lamp .

  14. 目前,已经有50所幼儿园使用显示大脑活动的仪器进行了检查,目的是用磁共振成像对500名儿童进行研究。

    So far , fifty of the kindergarteners have been examined in a machine that shows brain activity . The goal is to study five hundred children using fMRI , or functional magnetic resonance imaging .

  15. 第十六条矿山企业必须对机电设备及其防护装置、安全检测仪器,定期检查、维修,保证使用安全。

    Article 16 Mining enterprises must regularly carry out inspection , maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipments and protective installations thereof , as well as safety testing instruments , so as to ensure safe operation .

  16. 请你坐在仪器前面,以便检查你的视力。

    Please sit in front of the machine so I can test your eye sight .

  17. 该仪器对于身体健康检查、临床教学和乡、镇医院具有实用意义。

    The instrument is useful mass screening , clinical practice , and village and township level hospitals .

  18. 大坝安全监测是通过仪器观测和巡视检查对大坝所作的测量及观察,其首要目的是掌握大坝实际性状,为判断大坝安全提供必要的信息。

    Dams safety monitoring is to observe and check the dams through an instrument to make of observation , its initial purpose is to control the actual state of dams , for providing the necessary information to evaluate the dams safety .

  19. 介绍了IVI规范及IVI驱动程序运行机制,IVI驱动程序采用了状态缓存、仪器可交换性、仪器仿真、量程检查等强有力的手段大大提高了测试系统性能。

    This paper introduces IVI specifications and running mechanism of IVI driver . Using IVI driver tremendously improves the application performance through introduces powerful approach of state-cathing , instrument interchangeability , instrument simulating and range checking .

  20. IVI仪器驱动程序采用了状态缓存、仪器可交换性、仪器仿真、量程检查等强有力的手段,为快速构建测试系统、提高测试程序的重用性提供了很好的实现途径。

    Through introducing powerful approach of state-catching instrument interchangeability instrument simulating and range checking IVI instrument driver can improve the reuse of the test software and build a test system quickly .