
  • 网络ritual communication
  1. 仪式传播的论域总体上涵盖仪式自身的传播和仪式化的传播。

    The ritual communication universe of discourse covers ritual own communication and the ritualization communication as a whole .

  2. 粉丝文化传播,是全能形态的文化传播且具有较为典型的仪式传播模式特征。

    Fan culture communication is an all-powerful form of communication and has a typical mode of characteristics of ritual communication .

  3. 樊水科(2007)。乡村仪式传播与乡民生活世界&对樊沟村婚礼仪式考察与省思。兰州大学硕士学位论文。

    Fan Shuike ( 2007 ) . The ceremony Communication and Living in Village-The Investigation and Reflection on Wedding Ceremony of the Fangou Village .

  4. 在互动的自媒体仪式传播过程中,社会的结构秩序深入到主体的内心深处,外在的规则与规范被置换成主体内在的真实需求。

    In a ceremony communication , social order deep into the main body of the heart , external rules are converted to body inner real demand .

  5. 为此,我将试着通过仪式传播观去研究维吾尔族的婚礼过程,解读这个持续时间较长,结构紧凑但不紧张的婚礼仪式所传播的意义。

    To this end , I will try to spread through the ceremony concept to study the Uighur wedding process , interpret the significance of the duration of the small , compact wedding ceremony spread .

  6. 媒介仪式的象征符号传播是一种集政治、文化、经济和社会效益于一身的视觉感受过程。

    Overall , symbol communication is a process of visual experience which has political , cultural , economic and social benefits .