
yí biǎo pán
  • Dashboard;panel;dial; dash-board;instrumentation console
  1. 基于RS-485的仿真仪表盘构造

    RS-485 Based Simulated Instrument Panel

  2. 文中提出了一种基于RS485的新型仿真仪表盘的构造方法,介绍了系统的设计目标和总体结构。

    A kind of constructing method for a new simulated instrument panel based on RS 485 was proposed and the design objective and the whole structure of the system were presented .

  3. 仔细看仪表盘上的指针如何摆动。

    Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates .

  4. 仪表盘上的指针一下转到了50英尺处,也就是到头了,然后就停在那里不动了。

    The needle on the dial went right round to fifty feet , which was as far as it could go , and there it stuck

  5. 安装用来创建web组件的数字仪表盘项目组件。

    Installs the digital dashboard project components used to create web parts .

  6. 摩托车用多功能LED数字式仪表盘的研制

    Research on LED Digital Multi-Parameters Instrument for Motorcycle

  7. 从仪表盘看是在放皇后乐队(Queen)的《你是我最好的朋友》(You’reMyBestFriend)。

    the dashboard said Queen 's " You 're My Best Friend " was playing .

  8. 该仪表盘由A/D转换器、微处理器、光耦器件和LED显示器等构成。

    It consists of A / D converter , microprocessors , optic-coupling parts and LED display etc.

  9. 一个好实例是PortfolioManager在仪表盘和计分卡上的自动化。

    One good example is Portfolio Manager 's automation of dashboard and score cards .

  10. 如果一位利用Office365的工程师比如说他正在利用其ExchangeOnline功能有一个仪表盘,我就可以发现他的使用情况。

    So if one of the engineers on Office 365 , say Exchange Online , has a dashboard I can go discover that usage .

  11. 该应用程序实现了大量的UI设计,成为GoogleAndroid设备拥护者的参考标准。强烈推荐使用该应用程序的仪表盘UI设计模式。

    I especially recommend using implementation of the Dashboard UI design pattern from this app .

  12. PortfolioManager通过将项目组合数据的所有关键维度都组合到一个单个的可视化模型中的项目组合仪表盘来帮助实现该需求。

    Portfolio Manager helps fulfill this need through a portfolio dashboard that combines all critical dimensions of project-portfolio data in a single visual model .

  13. 开源代码质量管理工具Sonar的最新版本支持Java项目的架构约束规则和自定义​仪表盘​。

    The latest version of open source code quality management tool Sonar supports architecture constraint rules for Java projects and custom dashboards .

  14. 修理断路ABS警告灯驱动器电路从仪表盘至CAB。*仪表板22-路接头

    Repair the open ABS warning lamp driver CKT from the cluster to the cab . instrument panel 22-way connector

  15. 基于CATIA二次开发的仪表盘视野校核

    Secondary Development of Instrument Cluster Vision Checking Based on CATIA

  16. Graphite还提供了一个基于Web的命令行接口,高级用户可以使用它来快速且方便地创建并共享包含相关图表集的仪表盘。

    Graphite also provides a web-based command line interface , which power users can use to very quickly and easily create and share dashboards containing collections of related graphs .

  17. 他解释称,苹果已推出了CarPlay,这是一款信息娱乐系统,通过驾驶员放在仪表盘上的iPhone显示内容。

    He clarified that Apple already offers CarPlay , an infotainment system that shows content from a driver 's iPhone in the dashboard .

  18. 这些新测试套件BIRT报表也可用于仪表盘窗口小部件。

    These new test suite BIRT reports are also available as dashboard widgets .

  19. 流程仪表盘&开箱即用的流程BAM仪表盘

    Process Dashboards-Out of box process BAM dashboards

  20. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)未来几代的凯迪拉克轿车(Cadillac)将拥有更加柔和的拐角线条,仪表盘将增加更多装置,后排座椅也将更为豪华。

    The next generations of General Motors Co. 's GM + 3.19 % Cadillacs will have softer corners , dashboards with more gadgetry and plusher rear seats .

  21. 今后的Sonar工具将会包含新的仪表盘组件​,基于用户角色来访问项目仪表盘。

    Future releases of Sonar tool will include new widgets on the dashboards as well as user role based access to the project dashboards .

  22. 我们的Excel绝对拥有这种优势。作为一项SaaS服务,PowerBI可以使你通过云端进行丰富的可视化和仪表盘操作,并进行协作与分享。

    We absolutely have this strength in Excel , but Power BI is a SaaS service that allows you to do these rich visualizations and dashboards and collaborate and share .

  23. 今年6月,苹果发布了一款名为Health的应用。这款应用提供了一个类似仪表盘的界面,可以跟踪其它应用程序收集到的心率、卡路里摄入量、运动量和其他健身数据。

    In June , Apple unveiled its Health app , a new dashboard to allow iPhone owners to track their heart rate , calorie intake , movement and other fitness metrics from a variety of different apps in a single place .

  24. 激活仪表盘,点击屏幕底部左边的+号;然后点击任何你可以在右上角看到的X符号,你不会错过它们的。

    Activate the Dashboard , then click the plus sign in the bottom-left corner of the screen ; next , click the X in the upper-left corner of any widgets that you won 't miss .

  25. 雷克萨斯公司内训部门“雷克萨斯大学”(LexusUniversity)的比尔??坎普(BillCamp)说:“我们可以改变仪表盘的显示语种,切换英里和公里计量方式”,并能显示路面导航等信息。

    We can change languages , miles per hour to kilometers ' and show information such as route guidance , says Bill Camp of Lexus 's training operation , Lexus University .

  26. CIO可能会对提供关于服务是否符合服务SLA的抽象信息的仪表盘视图感兴趣。

    The CIO may be interested in a dashboard view that provides high-level information about whether the services conform to the service SLAs .

  27. 该套件的主要组件包括AquaLogicBPMStudio和OracleBPEL流程设计器、流程仪表盘与流程门户。

    The main components of the suite will include AquaLogic BPM Studio and Oracle BPEL Process Designer , Process Dashboards and Process Portal .

  28. 业务活动监控(BAM)支持业务为中心的关键绩效指标(KPI)定义,使用仪表盘实现接近于实时的KPI计算与展现。

    Business activity monitoring ( BAM ) supporting definition of business-centric key performance indicators ( KPIs ), near-real time KPIs calculation and presentation using dashboards .

  29. 福特(Ford)的设计师则借助“移情套装”,来模拟关节炎、白内障或斜颈患者的驾驶操作,从而对门把手、仪表盘照明和其他装置作了相应调整。

    Ford designers adapt door handles , dashboard lighting and other fittings with the help of an " empathy suit " to simulate driving with arthritis , cataracts or a stiff neck .

  30. 2014年3月iOS移动软件的一项更新包含了CarPlay——一种用iPhone去操控新车仪表盘上的接触式屏幕的方式。

    An update to its iOS mobile software in March 2014 incorporated CarPlay -- a way for the iPhone to power a touch screen on a new car 's dashboard .