
yí róng
  • appearance;looks;bearing
仪容 [yí róng]
  • [appearance;bearing;looks] 人的外貌,尤指动人的或健康的外貌

仪容[yí róng]
  1. 仔细检察你在应聘当天的仪表仪容。

    Carefully consider your physical appearance on the day of the interview .

  2. 她最近不大重视自己的仪容。

    She has been rather neglectful of her appearance lately .

  3. 你应随时注意个人仪容。

    You should always pay attention to personal grooming .

  4. 他仪容整洁,穿戴漂亮,就是人长得不好看。

    He was smart and well groomed but not good looking

  5. 旅客们满面风尘,仪容不整

    The travellers looked weather-beaten , there was little spit and polish .

  6. 风险资本分析公司CBInsights的数据显示,自2010年以来,已经有超过94亿美元的风投资金注入了这类初创公司,大量催生了按需洗衣、按需修饰仪容等诸多服务。

    Venture capitalists have invested more than $ 9.4 billion into such startups since 2010 , according to data from CB Insights , a venture capital analysis firm , spawning on-demand laundry services and on-demand hair primpers , among others .

  7. 美国人非常看重仪容整洁与个人卫生。

    Americans put great value on both grooming and personal hygiene .

  8. 仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲究已经行之有年了。

    Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages .

  9. 行为举止端正大方,仪容仪表符合酒店行业要求;

    Be in line with hotel industry behavior and appearance ;

  10. 一种新型的基因突变小鼠会不断整理仪容,直到将自己严重抓伤。

    A strain of mutant mice groom compulsively til they seriously injure themselves .

  11. 珍妮花:你是说你真的会整理仪容喔?

    Jennifer : You mean you actually groom yourself ?

  12. 是我心衣饰的得体仪容。

    Is but the seemly raiment of my heart .

  13. 她只是被他的俊朗仪容吸引罢了。

    She was just attracted by his good looks .

  14. 在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:

    Meet in her aspect and her eyes :

  15. 她仪容端庄。他因勇敢而赢得一枚勋章。

    She is stately in personage . He got a medal for his gallantry .

  16. 外出前要整理仪容。

    Tidy yourself up before you go out .

  17. 有些仪容整洁方面的文化差异是源自于种族间生理条件的不同。

    Some of the cultural variations in grooming practices result from physical differences between races .

  18. 因此,就产生了矛盾:韩国女性仪容整洁,妆容精致。

    Hence , there are contradictions : South Korean women are highly groomed and made-up .

  19. 提示五:好好整理仪容。

    Tip 5 : Groom yourself well .

  20. 他似乎很为我的整洁仪容所动。

    He seemed impressed by my smartness .

  21. 注意您的仪容仪表,着装要合适。

    Ensure that you are appropriately dressed and have taken care for your personal appearance .

  22. 她仪容整洁,身段优美。

    She was well groomed and shapely .

  23. 我料想,你可能得了解我父亲的仪容和性格。

    I suppose you may like to know what kind of a man my father was .

  24. 她仪容端庄。

    She is stately in personage .

  25. 君主威严的仪容参见他那高贵的仪态;君主的威严驾临;她为王威严。

    His distinguished bearing ; the monarch 's imposing presence ; she reigned in magisterial beauty .

  26. 你可能以为所有现代社会中的仪容整洁与卫生习惯都是一样的。

    You might think that all modern societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices .

  27. 美国人的仪容整洁与个人卫生

    Grooming and Personal Hygiene

  28. 微处理机应用系统容错设计之实例分析&温控仪容错设计

    A Practical Example of Fault tolerant Design in Microprocessor System & The Fault tolerant Design for Temperature Control Instrument

  29. 其他有关学生仪容及校服要求,可参阅学生手册第8页及第9页。

    You may also check student handbook P.8-9 for more details about the guidelines for students'appearance and school uniform .

  30. 她不再是一个挤牛奶的女工了,而是个女性精华&从全体妇女里凝炼出来的一个典型仪容。

    She was no longer the milkmaid , but an essence of woman-a whole sex condensed into one typical form .