
wén yú huó dònɡ
  • recreational activities
  1. 学校应当科学合理安排学生在校作息时间,保证学生有休息、参加文娱活动和体育锻炼的机会和时间。

    Schools should make routine schedules for students in a scientific and reasonable way to ensure tangible opportunity and time for students to participate in recreational activities and physical exercises .

  2. 我积极参加学术活动,体育活动和文娱活动。

    I was an active participant of academic , sports , and recreational activities .

  3. 他一定是在参加某种集体的文娱活动。

    He would be taking part in some kind of communal recreations .

  4. 这是文娱活动区别于生产劳动的重要本质

    that is , what distinguishes games from productive activity ,

  5. 大家可以享用的文娱活动有许许多多,如摄影和绘画等等。

    There are numerous hobbies you might enjoy , like photography or painting .

  6. 我通常参加文娱活动。

    I usually took part in recreational activities .

  7. 秧歌是我国民间一项传统的文娱活动,具有悠久的历史文化。

    Yangko is a traditional Chinese folk cultural activities , it has a long history .

  8. 这些科学城镇饮食无虞,文娱活动也不缺乏。

    The scientific colonies were well supplied not only with food but also with culture .

  9. 当然各个地方都有当地的文娱活动,比如狮子舞、龙灯舞等。

    Certainly , each place has its local activities , like Lion Dance or Dragon Dance .

  10. 但是,文娱活动怎么办呢?这可是要把中方代表硬生生地塞到完全陌生的环境中去啊!

    But what about the cultural and entertainment activities which plunged Chinese delegates into very unfamiliar environments ?

  11. 他专心致力于研究工作,连文娱活动的时间都没有了。

    He was so absorbed in the research that he had mot time left for recreational activities .

  12. 参展方可采用的表现手段是各式各样的,包括展示、文娱活动和学术讨论等等。

    Participants may adopt varied and different means of expression , including exhibitions , events , symposia and forums .

  13. 虽然部分文娱活动的背景资料已经包含在出发之前的简介材料中,但这些资料可能不太完整,而且还有些肤浅。

    Background information on some of these was included in pre-trip briefing materials , but this was probably incomplete and somewhat superficial .

  14. 如果你后来发现你不能去参加某次文娱活动,你得打电话解释你不能来的原因。

    If you later discover that you cannot attend a certain cultural even , you should call and explain why you cannot come .

  15. *向区议会增拨款项,用以改善区内环境,举办地区文娱活动和推动更多社区建设计划;

    Provide additional funding to the DBs for improving the local environment , commissioning district cultural and recreational activities and promoting more community building programmes ;

  16. 临时区域市政局继续透过地区节资助计划,资助地方团体举办适合其所属地区的康乐、体育及文娱活动。

    The District Festivals Subsidy Scheme continues to help district bodies organise public recreation , sports and cultural activities most suited to their own districts .

  17. 店员参与的社会救济活动包括直接捐款、通过文娱活动募集资金进行慈善救济等,并存在着一定的强迫性。

    Social relief activities that the clerks attended included direct donations , raising funds for the charity through recreational activities , it had a certain obligatory .

  18. 社区老年服务机构的重要职能之一在于提供老年人参与文娱活动的机会以及基于老龄保健的各种形式的护理服务及咨询。

    The function of community aging service is mainly in supplying anticipating opportunity of entertainments for the aged , and all kinds of caring and guiding aiming at keeping them fit .

  19. 如果你应邀参加某次文娱活动,比如去看戏剧、看电影或听音乐会,你应该准时到达,或者稍微提前一会儿到达。

    If you are invited to attend a cultural event , such as going to the theatre , or the cinema or a concert , you should arrive on time , or a bit earlier .

  20. 此外,政府会协助区议会推广地区文娱康体活动,以及监察区内的环境卫生情况。

    The Government will also assist the councils in promoting cultural , recreational and sports activities and in monitoring local environmental hygiene .

  21. 时至今日,我们所见到的就已经是一项完全有益于身心健康的文娱体育活动了。

    Up till now , what we can see is a complete recreational event beneficial to the health of the body and the mind .

  22. 罪犯在服刑期间可以阅读报刊书籍,可以看电视、听广播,参加有益于身心健康的文娱体育活动。

    While serving their sentences , prisoners can read newspapers , magazines and books , watch television , listen to the radio , and take part in recreational and sports activities that are beneficial to the body and mind .

  23. 可按日期、地点、类别查阅各式康体文娱节目和活动。

    You can search leisure and cultural programmes and activities by date , venue and type .

  24. 为丰富老年人、残疾人、儿童的文化生活,每天开展一次有益于身心健康的文娱、体育活动。

    It is the culture life of abundant old person , disabled person , childrens , of value to physically and mentally healthy entertainment , sports activities once every day .

  25. 第二十七条工会会同行政方面组织职工开展业余文化、技术学习和职工培训,提高职工的文化、业务素质;组织职工开展文娱、体育活动。

    Article 27 Trade unions shall , in conjunction with administrative authorities , organize employees to undertake after-hours cultural and technical studies and occupational training so as to improve the cultural and occupational quality of the workers , as well as organize them to develop recreational and sports activities .