
shēnɡ xué lǜ
  • Enrollment rate;proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade
  1. 河南省城市普通中学参训学生的训练积极性比较高,但由于经常受伤病的困扰,受家长和升学率的影响,很多学生放弃了训练。

    The urban general high school of Henan Province students ' training is quite enthusiastic , but often injured the puzzlement of the disease , is affected by parents and proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade , a lot of students have given up training .

  2. 那些学校的升学率惊人地低,许多学生甚至不能没有基本的读写能力和计算能力

    As with urban crime , failing urban schools are preoccupying countries the world over .

  3. 他们有很棒的师资,并且升学率不错!

    They have great teachers and high college acceptance rates !

  4. 但是现在的经济衰退和随之而来的黯淡升学率展现了反噬的信号。

    But now the recession and subsequently lacklustre growth show signs of biting .

  5. 再者扭曲了升学率竞争。

    Furthermore distorted competition in the enrollment rate .

  6. 在过去五年里,那里的升学率有了巨大的提高。

    In the past five years , there has been a vast improvement in graduation rates .

  7. 保证教学质量,提高学员满意度,保持升学率;

    Ensure the quality of the education delivery , improve the students satisfaction and the upgrading ratio ;

  8. 从70年代早期开始,高中的大学升学率稳定在50%。

    Since the early1970s , the proportion of high school graduates going to college has stabilized at50 % .

  9. 该组织的方法是:在升学率低的高中形成一种“上大学文化”。

    The approach : Create a ' college-going culture ' in high schools where college-going rates are low .

  10. 仅仅从学生的学习成绩、升学率等较为单一的方面对教师进行评价,严重影响对教师评估的全面性与客观性。

    Evaluating students ' achievement , admissions rates on the teachers to assess would affect the comprehensiveness and objectivity .

  11. 这样看来,学生的升学率与学生素质无关,与国家的招生人数相关。

    It would appear that the transition rate of students has nothing to do with the quality of students , with the state 's enrollment-related .

  12. 对话中女士问每年有多少人进入大学,男士指出恩德比高中不错,卡尔顿修道院更好,大学的升学率是70%。

    M : Well , Enderby High is very good - andCarlton Abbey even better , 70 % of their pupils go on to university .

  13. 升学率的影响,高中课业负担的加重,导致学生对学习丧失兴趣,课堂上表现出许多问题行为。

    Suffering from the enrollment rate , some students have a heavy schoolwork burden . They lose interest in studying and make some misbehaviors in class .

  14. 但这里的教育职能已经不是真正意义上的教育,应试的成分即片面追求成绩和升学率是显而易见的。

    However , education function is not real education . One-sided pursuit performance and enrollment rate is obvious , behind which is the pursuit of material interests .

  15. 当地政府办公室发出的文件指出,实行这样的政策,目标是减少正在接受九年义务教育的辍学学生,提高升学率。

    According to the government memo announcing the rules , the aim is to cut down on dropout rates during China 's nine years of compulsory education .

  16. 此外,一些学校,特别是在农村和偏远地区的学校为了更好的升学率说服学生放弃考试。

    Besides , some schools , especially those in rural and remote areas , persuade the students to give up on the exam for a better enrolment rate .

  17. 浙江省缙云县具备良好的教育传统、较高的高中升学率以及家庭具备一定的支付能力等条件,该县成为本文的重点调查对象。

    Jinyun County in Zhejiang Province is the main object investigated for it has good educational traditions , high entrance rate . And the families can afford higher education .

  18. 提高升学率与减轻学生学习负担,一直是困扰普通高中开展素质教育的一个两难问题。

    It has been a difficult problem for a long the how to solve the contradiction between raising the proportion of students'entering colleges and universities and lightening the burdens on them .

  19. 在向教育要效益的口号下,分数和升学率成为学校的主旋律,教育已经丧失了其教人为人的应有之义。

    Under the influence of profit-oriented thinking , scores and the school enrollment rate become the main theme of schools . Education has lost its original meaning " educating people " .

  20. 通过对中国1992年和2001年的升学率的地区差的比较,我们发现随着高等教育的扩大,地区差正在逐渐增长。

    Through the comparison of university entrance rates in 1992 and 2001 , we found that accompanying with the expansion of higher education , the regional gaps of university entrance rates expanded .

  21. 一些学校片面地追求升学率进行片面性的应试教育,让学生埋头于题海中,剥夺了学生阅读的时间。

    One-sided pursuit of some school enrollment rate . Some schools have a large area of compulsory education . Students immersed in the sea theme . Deprived students to read the time .

  22. 福建少数民族女生教育普遍存在低升学率、高辍学率和低学业成就等问题,应加强对它的扶持。

    In Fujian , such problems as low admission rate , high dropout rate and inadequate academic achievements prevail in the education of ethnic minority females which should be spared more assistance efforts .

  23. 这主要是受传统的片面的人才观的影响,领导以升学率为上,缺乏对传统项目开展的重视。

    This is to accept the effect that single-faceted tradition talented person observes , enrollment quotas is upper for leading mainly , is short of taking seriously that the project carries out to tradition .

  24. 日本私立大学承担着高等教育中很大的一部分任务,但是在发展中遇到三个严峻的问题,如,收入水平的上升带来了大学升学率的提高;

    The private universities in Japan occupy a big part in the higher education , but they are confronted with the three grave problems , such as ascent of income level promotes the enter school proportion ;

  25. 受升学率的影响,绝大多数学校在实施灾害教育的过程中,只注重理论知识传授,忽视实践能力培养。

    By the impact of the transition rate , the vast majority of schools in the process of implementation of disaster education , and focus only on theoretical knowledge , neglect the cultivation of practical abilities .

  26. 近几年,学校的安全压力越来越大,甚至可以毫不讳言的说,某些时候,安全的压力甚至超过升学率的压力。

    In recent years , the school security pressure is getting bigger and bigger , even may not refuse to talk about said that certain time , the safe pressure even surpasses the proportion the pressure .

  27. 家庭知识资源贫困的代际传承与文化不适&兰州市回族学校回族学生低升学率原因的调查与分析

    The Descending of the Shortage of Knowledge Sources in the Family and the Disagreement in Culture & A Research and Analysis about the Cause of the Low Proportion of Students Entering School of a Higher Grade

  28. 但是我国高中英语教育长期以来片面追求升学率,没有注重学生自主学习能力的培养,造成学生自主学习能力较差。

    Because long one-sided pursuit of percentage of high school in English education in China , the cultivation of autonomous learning ability of students has been neglected , resulting in students ' autonomous learning ability is poor .

  29. 教育主管部门及其管辖学校对资优教育重升学率,追求政绩,有关政策左右摇摆不定。

    The emphasis on the Promotion Rate of the high schools as well as the government department in charge of education and the pursuit of personal political promotion lead the GATE policy to blow hot and cold .

  30. 县域普通高中是我国高中阶段教育的重要组成部分,由于众所周知的原因,在过去的几十年中,县域普通高中在一定程度上成了片面追求高考升学率的排头兵。

    County high school is an important component of senior secondary education in China . As is known to all , the county high school to a certain extent , pursuits one-sided for the higher entrance chances to the university education .