- 名Enrollment rate;proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade

The urban general high school of Henan Province students ' training is quite enthusiastic , but often injured the puzzlement of the disease , is affected by parents and proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade , a lot of students have given up training .
As with urban crime , failing urban schools are preoccupying countries the world over .
They have great teachers and high college acceptance rates !
But now the recession and subsequently lacklustre growth show signs of biting .
Furthermore distorted competition in the enrollment rate .
In the past five years , there has been a vast improvement in graduation rates .
Ensure the quality of the education delivery , improve the students satisfaction and the upgrading ratio ;
Since the early1970s , the proportion of high school graduates going to college has stabilized at50 % .
The approach : Create a ' college-going culture ' in high schools where college-going rates are low .
Evaluating students ' achievement , admissions rates on the teachers to assess would affect the comprehensiveness and objectivity .
It would appear that the transition rate of students has nothing to do with the quality of students , with the state 's enrollment-related .
M : Well , Enderby High is very good - andCarlton Abbey even better , 70 % of their pupils go on to university .
Suffering from the enrollment rate , some students have a heavy schoolwork burden . They lose interest in studying and make some misbehaviors in class .
However , education function is not real education . One-sided pursuit performance and enrollment rate is obvious , behind which is the pursuit of material interests .
According to the government memo announcing the rules , the aim is to cut down on dropout rates during China 's nine years of compulsory education .
Besides , some schools , especially those in rural and remote areas , persuade the students to give up on the exam for a better enrolment rate .
Jinyun County in Zhejiang Province is the main object investigated for it has good educational traditions , high entrance rate . And the families can afford higher education .
It has been a difficult problem for a long the how to solve the contradiction between raising the proportion of students'entering colleges and universities and lightening the burdens on them .
Under the influence of profit-oriented thinking , scores and the school enrollment rate become the main theme of schools . Education has lost its original meaning " educating people " .
Through the comparison of university entrance rates in 1992 and 2001 , we found that accompanying with the expansion of higher education , the regional gaps of university entrance rates expanded .
One-sided pursuit of some school enrollment rate . Some schools have a large area of compulsory education . Students immersed in the sea theme . Deprived students to read the time .
In Fujian , such problems as low admission rate , high dropout rate and inadequate academic achievements prevail in the education of ethnic minority females which should be spared more assistance efforts .
This is to accept the effect that single-faceted tradition talented person observes , enrollment quotas is upper for leading mainly , is short of taking seriously that the project carries out to tradition .
The private universities in Japan occupy a big part in the higher education , but they are confronted with the three grave problems , such as ascent of income level promotes the enter school proportion ;
By the impact of the transition rate , the vast majority of schools in the process of implementation of disaster education , and focus only on theoretical knowledge , neglect the cultivation of practical abilities .
In recent years , the school security pressure is getting bigger and bigger , even may not refuse to talk about said that certain time , the safe pressure even surpasses the proportion the pressure .
The Descending of the Shortage of Knowledge Sources in the Family and the Disagreement in Culture & A Research and Analysis about the Cause of the Low Proportion of Students Entering School of a Higher Grade
Because long one-sided pursuit of percentage of high school in English education in China , the cultivation of autonomous learning ability of students has been neglected , resulting in students ' autonomous learning ability is poor .
The emphasis on the Promotion Rate of the high schools as well as the government department in charge of education and the pursuit of personal political promotion lead the GATE policy to blow hot and cold .
County high school is an important component of senior secondary education in China . As is known to all , the county high school to a certain extent , pursuits one-sided for the higher entrance chances to the university education .