
dān qīn jiā tínɡ
  • single-parent family;one-parent family
  1. 单亲家庭学生作为学校的一个特殊群体,较正常学生更容易产生一些心理问题。

    As a special group in school , students of one-parent family always get more psychological illness than they from typical family .

  2. 单亲家庭隔代教育的心理学思考

    A Psychological Study of the Education for Children of Single-parent Family

  3. 这些变革很可能使单亲家庭更加贫困。

    These changes are likely to impoverish single-parent families even further .

  4. 单亲家庭比例在不同收入群中各不相同。

    The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups .

  5. 不管孩子是生活在双亲还是单亲家庭,这种情况都会发生。

    This happens whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families

  6. 90%的单亲家庭由母亲持家。

    Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers .

  7. 单亲家庭的父母更容易放任自己的孩子。

    Single parents are more likely to be permissive .

  8. 他靠每周70英镑的单亲家庭生活补助过日子。

    He lives on a single parent 's allowance of £ 70 a week

  9. 单亲家庭的孩子们不应该受到歧视。

    Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatised

  10. 单亲家庭很普遍。

    Single-parent homes are commonplace .

  11. 尽管如此,单亲家庭平均收入约为16500美元&不足双亲家庭收入的四分之一。更何况在这样的家庭中,经济负担只能由一人承担。

    Nevertheless , at single-parent households where the financial burden tends to fall on one earner , median earnings are about $ 16 , 500 & which is less than one-fourth that of a two-parent family .

  12. 根据皮尤的研究,超过四分之一的孩子生活在单亲家庭,这是有记录以来的最高水平,而这些孩子生活在贫困当中的可能性是婚内双亲家庭的三倍。

    More than a quarter of children live in single-parent households — a historic high , according to Pew — and these children are three times as likely to live in poverty as those who live with married parents .

  13. “钟点爸爸”的出现主要是由于很多家长忙于工作,没有时间接送和陪伴孩子;部分单亲家庭的孩子缺少父爱、父教,需要提供亲情服务。

    Hourly dads are needed because many parents are too busy to take care of their children or children from single-parent families ( of a single mother in particular ) may need someone to spend time with them like a father .

  14. 2005年,据UNICEF估计,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区共有一亿三千两百万儿童生活在单亲家庭。

    In2005 Unicef estimated that there were132m children who had lost at least one parent in sub-Saharan Africa , Asia , Latin America and the Caribbean .

  15. “我们在网上聊天,聊到其他年轻人的糟糕生活,讨论他们应该如何重新振作。”Chezdan说话的语气就像一个父亲,虽然他自己是单亲家庭的孩子。

    ' We talk online about what a nightmare other teenagers are , and how they really need to get a life and grow up , 'laughs Chezdan , sounding like the father he never had .

  16. Cindi在单亲家庭长大,小时候家里的钱从没有过富余,不过没关系,她的妈妈聪明风趣又坚强,Cindi他们这帮小孩子们成绩一直都很好,所以一切都挺好的。

    Cindi grew up in a single-parent household , so there was never a lot of money around . That 's OK ; her mom was one smart , fun , tough cookie , and Cindi and her siblings always got good grades at school , so it all worked out rather well .

  17. 我在这里并不是责备单亲家庭。

    I 'm not here to beat up on single parents .

  18. 单亲家庭的优秀大学生心理特征分析

    An Analysis of Psychological Features of Outstanding Undergraduates from Single-parent Families

  19. 单亲家庭青少年的道德人格问题与对策

    Single-parent Families of Young People 's Moral Personality Problems and Solutions

  20. 两个主要理论涉及单亲家庭和学校。

    Two of the leading theories involve single-parent families and schools .

  21. 深圳市单亲家庭儿童心理健康状况调查

    Survey on Mental Health of Children in Single-parent Family in Shenzhen

  22. 现代化进程中的城市单亲家庭调适研究

    Adjusting Study about Single-parent Family of the City in the Modernization Process

  23. 新法规即将实施以匡助单亲家庭。

    New legislation is to is introduced to help single parent families .

  24. 在单亲家庭里,父母和孩子相处的变得越来越少。

    In single parent families , parents spend less time with children .

  25. 他和父亲生活在一个单亲家庭中,父子之间经常吵架。

    He lives alone with his father whom he argues with constantly .

  26. 相同的单亲家庭造就了两位不同的艺术家;

    The same single-parent families brought up two different artists ;

  27. 单亲家庭社会支持网的结构探析&基于齐齐哈尔市碾子山区的个案研究

    Structural Explore of the Social Support Networks of Single-parent Family

  28. 这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例。

    This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area .

  29. 讨论单亲家庭的需要?

    wasn 't for the needs of the single parent ?

  30. 他们在单亲家庭里长大或是继父继母带大的。

    They grew up in one-parent families or with stepmothers and stepfathers .