
  • 网络monosynaptic reflex;Monosynaptic;monosynaptic refler
  1. 脊髓不同类型α-运动神经元在单突触反射中的作用

    The role of different types of spinal α - motoneurones in the monosynaptic reflex

  2. Hoffmann反射是脊髓水平最简单的单突触反射之一,它是牵张反射的电模拟,是良好的神经生物学研究探针,对研究各类神经反射通路及其通路间的联系都具有良好效果。

    Hoffmann reflex is one of the basic monosynaptic reflexes in the spinal cord . It belongs to stretch reflex by electrical analog , which is a good way to study Neurobiological and every kind of reflex pathways and the relationship between them .