
dān diào
  • monotonous;dull;monotony;drab;sameness;humdrum
单调 [dān diào]
  • [monotonous;drab;dull] 单一;重复而缺少变化

单调[dān diào]
  1. 与工厂大部分工作一样,这份工作也很单调乏味。

    It 's monotonous work , like most factory jobs

  2. 单调的对白使这部电影一败涂地。

    The monotonous dialogue made the film a complete flop .

  3. 该镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。

    The town is still trying to cast off its dull image .

  4. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。

    The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers .

  5. 饭菜单调,她都吃腻了。

    She grew tired of the sameness of the food .

  6. 色彩鲜艳的窗帘可以让单调的房间变得亮丽起来。

    Bright curtains can cheer up a dull room .

  7. 村子本身很美,但周围的田野相当单调。

    The village itself is pretty , but the surrounding countryside is rather dull .

  8. 这座城市白天死气沉沉、单调乏味,晚上就完全变了样。

    The city , drab and dour by day , is transformed at night .

  9. 许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。

    Many diets fail because they are boring .

  10. 食物单调得很,一点也不吸引人。

    The food was dull and uninteresting .

  11. 食物单调无味。

    The food was dull and uninteresting .

  12. 他说话单调低沉。

    He spoke in a flat monotone .

  13. 他用慢吞吞又单调的语气说话。

    He spoke in a monotone drawl .

  14. 该乐队的演奏方式往往过于单调乏味。

    The band 's approach tends to be crushingly tedious .

  15. 他写了一组非常单调枯燥的曲子。

    He has written a batch of very samey tunes .

  16. 他们的媒体获得了相当单调、乏味的名声。

    Their media has earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting

  17. 没有安娜的生活毫无情趣,单调乏味,不可忍受。

    Life without Anna had no savour , was tedious , insupportable .

  18. 人们想摆脱日常生活中单调乏味的工作。

    People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives .

  19. 她听到楼梯上传来牧师那熟悉的单调脚步声。

    She heard the priest 's familiar , flat footfall on the staircase .

  20. 我们很清楚我们注定要过一个乏味单调的漫长夜晚了。

    We knew we were in for a pretty long , jejune evening .

  21. 又是一个令人麻木的单调乏味的日子。

    It was another day of mind-numbing tedium .

  22. 进城住一晚或许有助于消除一周生活的单调。

    A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week .

  23. “我们该怎么办?”米尔顿又用平板而单调的声音问道。

    ' What shall we do ? ' Milton said again in a toneless voice .

  24. 房间里的热气和发言人单调的声音让人昏昏欲睡。

    The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker 's voice grew soporific .

  25. 如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好。

    If tedious tasks could be eradicated , the world would be a much better place .

  26. 呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。

    It 's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa .

  27. 波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。

    Boston 's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas .

  28. 这是春天里最单调的声音之一。

    It is one of the most monotonous sounds of the spring .

  29. 想象使人从单调无聊的生活中解脱出来。

    Imagination raises a man above the humdrum of life .

  30. 昨天的节目比较单调。

    Yesterday 's programme was rather dull .