
  • 网络monotonically increasing function
  1. 相位统计矩方法利用MPSK信号符号初相位偶阶统计矩为M的单调递增函数的特性,并进行M进制识别复合假设检验。

    In the SPM method the composite hypothesis test is performed by means of the monotonic characteristic of the even order statistical phase moments of MPSK signals .

  2. 然后从反馈振荡器的李森模型出发,重点分析了科尔皮兹振荡器的相位噪声,通过MATLAB和VC++的混合编程得出QL是C2的单调递增函数。

    Then the phase noise of Colpitts oscillator circuit is analysed on the basis of phase noise equation of Leeson model in feedback oscillator and we can draw a conclusion that QL is a monotone increasing function of C 2 by MATLAB and VC + + .

  3. 摩擦阻力和重力压降同样受影响,且是过载的单调递增函数,其中重力压降的影响更为显著。

    Friction resistance and gravity pressure drop are monotonic increasing functions of gravity .

  4. 研究结果表明,它与绉效应呈单调递增函数关系,可作为绉效应的数量评定指标。

    The studies performed show it is a monotone increasing function of crepe effect and its value can be used as a quantitative index for crepe effect evaluation .

  5. 在有效前沿上,风险是收益的严格单调递增凸函数,收益是风险的严格单调递增凹函数。

    On the effect boundary , risk is return 's rigid monotony increase by degrees convex function , return is risk 's rigid monotony increase by degrees concave function .

  6. 本文讨论了单调函数和函数的最小项列表,在此基础上提出单调函数、单调递增函数和单调递减函数的列表判别方法,并举例说明了判别过程。

    This paper discusses the monotonic functions and the tabling of minimal items , proposes the tabling decision method of monotonic functions , monotone increasing and decreasing functions , and gives some examples to show the decision process .